Hogwarts Legacy

hogwarts legacy featured image review

Hogwarts Legacy Review – Wizardry in Stasis

There are many, many people who love Harry Potter. Who read all the books and watched all the movies growing up. People who adore the franchise, people for whom the Wizarding World means an incredible amount. And it is those…

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Hogwarts Legacy Database Issues Resolved

Over the past couple of days, users of our Hogwarts Legacy Database may have noticed that there were a number of errors with Gear entries. Incorrect data was being displayed, and some links were not working correctly. You may have…

patch for xbox and pc today 2.14.23 hogwarts legacy news featured image

Hogwarts Legacy Patch Today for Xbox Series X & PC

Update: Today’s patch has now gone live. Notably, the patch specifically mentions fixes for NVIDIA GPUs. See complete patch notes below. While the game itself has been a huge success (with 500,000 players in-game on Steam at time of writing),…

mouse vs keyboard featured image hogwarts legacy

Mouse & Keyboard vs Controller – Hogwarts Legacy

Whether to play 3rd person action games using a controller or mouse and keyboard is generally a matter of personal preference — but every game is different. Some titles are clearly meant for controllers, while other games are more flexible…

talent respec potion found in files in hogwarts legacy

Talent Respec Potion Found in Files in Hogwarts Legacy

Update (02/09): the Talent Respec Potion we discuss here was found to be marked as “ToBeDeleted” in the game files. There was also a “ChallengeReward_TalentPoint” icon found, without any traces to it in the data. Perhaps some of these items…

hogwarts legacy twitch drops

Hogwarts Legacy Twitch Drops Revealed

The Hogwarts Legacy official Twitter page has revealed a few items you can get via Twitch Drops. Throughout most of February, you will be able to get some exclusive cosmetic items from watching a streamer play the game. Are you…

hogwarts legacy early access period featured image news

Hogwarts Legacy Early Access Times Announced

Hogwarts Legacy comes out in less than a week, and Wizarding World fans around the world are no doubt planning their schedule around their playtime. That planning just got a little easier, now that the start of the Early Access…