Demiguise Moons (Demiguise Statues) – Hogwarts Legacy

Demiguise Moon Statues are a collectible in Hogwarts Legacy, which can start looking for after the Main Quest, The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament. These will look like small statues, holding moon-like objects, and they are spread throughout Hogwarts and the world surrounding it. Collecting the Demiguise Statue will get you a Demiguise Moon.

There are 30 to find in total (not counting the ones you find during The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament), but keep in mind that you can only interact with them at night — the statue will glow blue when you can collect it.

Below we will list where to find all of the Demiguise Moon Statues and then offer some more information about them. Note that some Statues will require you to have upgraded your Alohomora to level 2 to access them (one of the requirements for which will be for you to locate 9 Demiguise Statues first — we will discuss more about this below).

Take the Floo Flame to Professor Fig’s Classroom and enter the room right next to it. Then go up the stairs to reach his office, and the statue will be towards the back.

Take the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame, and go through the door north of it to enter the North Hall. Go forward until you see stairs to your right, then take them all the way down until you reach a dragon statue.

Turn right, and to your left you will find a door with a level 1 lock on it — cast Alohomora to unlock it. Once you’re through the door, the statue will be on your right, in the corner.

Requires Alohomora II to access.

Take the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, and go through the nearby door to enter the Defense of the Dark Arts Tower. Once inside, turn right to find a door with a level 2 lock on it. After you unlock it and go through it, the statue will be on a cabinet to your left.

Take the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, then turn around and turn left. To the right of the stairs you’ll find a door with a level 1 lock on it. Once you’re through the door, the statue will be on your right.

Requires Alohomora II to access.

Take the Beasts Classroom Floo Flame, then look southwest to find two doors with a level 2 lock on them — you can unlock either one. Once you’re inside, the Demiguise Statue will be on the west end of the room, on top of a table.

Take the Divination Classroom Floo Flame, and climb up the stairs until you reach the top. Climb up the ladder that appears, and the statue will be on Professor Onai’s desk towards the north end of the room.

Take the Library Floo Flame, then head northeast and through a gated doorway to enter The Restricted Section. From here, take the same path you did during the Secrets of the Restricted Section quest, and you will find the statue on a dresser.

Requires Alohomora II to access.

Take the Potions Classroom Floo Flame and go through the doors in front of you. Go down the spiral staircase to your left, then go through the corridor until you find a door with a level 2 lock on it, on your left. Once unlocked, the statue will be right in front of you.

Take the Great Hall Floo Flame, and, on the southwestern side of the room, you will see a door with a level 1 lock on it, to your right. Once you’re through the door, the Demiguise Statue will be on a table just ahead.

Take the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, go south, and head down the stairs, all the way down to the ground floor. Continue down the hall until you see stairs to your right, go down those, then continue forward until you see a bathroom door with a level 1 lock on it. Once you’re through the door, the statue will be in the middle stall.

Found in Tomes and Scrolls. Head inside and walk past Thomas Brown, then go into the room to your left to find the Demiguise Statue.

Requires Alohomora II to access.

Found in between Tomes and Scrolls and Ollivander’s Wand Shop. Look for a house on the corner of Hog’s Head Street with a level 2 lock. Once it’s opened, head inside and you will find the statue on the second floor.

Found in Hog’s Head. Walk inside, then go through the doorway behind the bar, and you will find the statue on top of some crates.

Requires Alohomora II to access.

Near J. Pippin’s Potions. Go to the building and head north from it, and you will find a house with a level 2 lock. Unlock it, then go up the stairs inside to find the statue on a dresser.

Found in the Three Broomsticks. Head inside and climb the stairs to the left all the way to the top, where you will find a door with a level 1 lock — cast Alohomora to unlock it. The statue will be just ahead on top of a table.

Found near The Three Broomsticks. Head east of the building, and you will see a small house with a level 1 lock. Once you’re inside, you can find the statue on the upper floor.

Found inside Dervish and Banges, which is found a bit west of the North Hogsmeade Floo Flame. You will find the statue on a counter as soon as you enter the building.

Near Brood and Peck. Head to the building, then go to the house just east of it — there will be a level 1 lock on the door. Once inside, you will find the Demiguise Statue above the fireplace.

Found near Honeyduke Sweet Shop. Run behind the building to find a small house with a level 1 lock on it. Once inside, the statue will be on a table.

Take the Pitt-Upon-Ford Floo Flame, and go south until you see a three-story house to your right. Enter it, and the Demiguise statue will be on the top floor.

Travel to the Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame, and take the northern path until you reach a well. Turn left to enter a house with a wheel next to the door. Once inside, you will find the statue immediately.

Take the Aranshire Floo Flame, and head to the house just north of it — it will have a level 1 lock. Once inside, head upstairs and you will find the statue.

Take the Lower Hogsfield Floo Flame, and go south until you see the first house to your right. Once inside, turn left to find the statue on the floor.

Take the Brocburrow Floo Flame, and head west until you reach the well in the center of the hamlet. Then, head northwest to find a small house with a level 1 lock. Once it’s unlocked, head inside and turn immediately left to find the statue.

Take the Keenbridge Floo Flame, then take the path west and out of the hamlet until you reach a house — it will have a level 1 lock. Once unlocked, you will find the Demiguise Statue in front of you.

Requires Alohomora II to access.

Take the Feldcroft Floo Flame, and head east until you see a house with a clothes line coming out from the right — there will be a level 2 lock on the door. Once you’re inside, the statue will be on a windowsill to your left.

Take the Irondale Floo Flame, and head to the house just north of it. Once inside, look behind the bar on the south side to find the statue on the floor.

Take the Marunweem Floo Flame, then head north and take the first right. Continue down the path until you see the first house to the left, and unlock the level 1 lock on the door. Once inside, you’ll find the statue behind the counter.

Requires Alohomora II to access.

Take the Bainburgh Floo Flame, head northeast, then turn left when you reach the community board. Ahead you will find a house with a level 2 lock. Once you’re inside, you will find the Demiguise Statue on a table next to an armchair.

Take the Cragcroft Floo Flame, and head northwest. Once you see the merchant Bella Navarro, head into the house that’s close to her. The statue will be on the second floor of this house.

To start collecting Demiguise Statues, you will first need to go through the main story until you complete the quest The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament. Once you’ve finished it, you will be able to start collecting the statues freely. You will also automatically start the side quest The Man Behind the Moons, which is directly tied to the collectible (it will also help you complete the collection — more on that below).

To collect the Demiguise Moons, you simply have to walk up to the Statues holding them and interact with them. Keep in mind, however, that you can only collect them when it’s night time. You can always advance time if you happen to find one during the day.

It’s also worth noting that a few of the statues will be blocked by doors guarded with a level 2 lock. To unlock these, you will need to go through the Side Quest The Man Behind the Moons to upgrade your Alohomora to level 2 — the quest, coincidentally, requires you to find 9 Demiguise Statues to upgrade the spell.

We hope you found this guide on Demiguise Moon Statues useful! Remember that we have many other Collectibles we cover, should all of this moon hunting inspire you to look for the star constellations from the Astronomy Tables.

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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