Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay Showcase II: Details on Room of Requirement, Dark Arts Arena, & Open World

The eagerly anticipated second Hogwarts Legacy gameplay showcase was today. During the 30 minutes and change that it ran, we got to learn more about the Room of Requirement, the game’s open world, and the Dark Arts DLC content. It’s got us pretty hyped here at EIP — all of the systems appear well-developed, combat seems tight and fluid, and the magic all looks, well, magical!

The showcase started with a look at the open world, and we watched the player character ride on a broom and the pre-order bonus Onyx Hippogriff. Both forms of travel looked very smooth, with the Hippogriff cleanly transitioning from trotting on land to flapping its mighty wings. The open world is full of activities; throughout this section of the showcase, the minimap was crammed with icons — it seems clear there will be no shortage of gameplay available for folks looking to 100% the game.

See more on broom flight and the open world.

The Dark Arts Arena looked equally impressive — although it was disappointing to learn that it was part of the Deluxe Edition, and players who purchase the regular version will have to pay extra to unlock it. They’ll probably want to, too, because it gives you some cool bonuses (a Dark Arts cosmetic set and Thestral mount), and offers an excellent way to experiment with the combat spells. There will be other arenas available in the base game, but only the Dark Arts Arena lets you experiment with the Unforgivable Curses before unlocking them in the game.

We’ve got a deep dive on the combat and the Battle Arena if you want to learn more.

Finally, we got a look at the Room of Requirement. We learned you can customize its look, unlocking various themes as you progress through the game — there are an incredible amount of options when it comes to decorating the place to your liking. The showcase also took us into the vivarium, where the magical beasts you rescue in the open world will stay. By caring for these creatures, they’ll give you magical materials you can use on the Loom, which is also found in the Room of Requirement, and lets you upgrade your equipment in a variety of ways.

Take a closer look at the Room of Requirement and Beast Care.

The more we learn about Hogwarts Legacy, the harder it gets to wait for February 10th, when the game finally releases. Was there anything in particular that caught your eye in today’s gameplay showcase? Let us know in the comments!

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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