Hogwarts Legacy Reveals New Character, and she’s a Weasley

It looks like yesterday’s announcement of the full cast list hasn’t gotten in the way of Hogwarts Legacy’s Twitter account giving us yet more character cards, but today’s is interesting nonetheless: Professor Matilda Weasley, the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts. While we know the character would be in the game because of the cast reveal, this is the first time we’ve gotten a look at her, or a description, which this animated character card (like all those that came before) provides! The card (actually a 20-second video) came along with the caption “Hogwarts is in excellent hands with Professor Weasley as Deputy Headmistress. #HogwartsLegacy”

The card reveals that the Deputy Headmistress is also the Professor of Transfiguration, which is not the only similarity that she shares with a certain Professor McGonagall from the original books and movies, since she also seems to be wearing Gryffindor colors. Like McGonagall, she also seems to be a stern but helpful character for the player, being the one who introduces them both to the Room of Requirement and to their “Wizard’s Field Guide.” She also seems to be capable and mature, in direct contrast with the actual headmaster of Hogwarts when the game takes place, Professor Phineas Nigellus Black.

However, her real connection to what we know about the Wizarding World isn’t to McGonagall, but rather to the Weasley family. Bearing the last name of many of the most important characters from the books, Matilda Weasley even bears a passing resemblance to her descendent Molly Weasley, the mother of Ron and his cadre of siblings in the original story. And, like Molly, she also seems to be a source of comfort to the player, someone who would be on their side no matter what. In fact, this similarity already seems to have fans seeing Matilda as a cross between McGonagal and Molly (including us. Here. In this article.)

hogwarts legacy matilda weasley molly plus mcgonagall
If Matilda is anything like these two, then we will be in for a treat

Deputy Headmistress Weasley will be played by the always-incredible Lesley Nicol, who you might know as the kind, homely Miss Patmore in Downtown Abbey (who, coincidentally, also is another character that Matilda reminds me of). Her character is sure to bring respite against the challenges the player character will certainly face when Hogwarts Legacy releases on February 10th.

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he'll try. When he isn't working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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