Hogwarts Legacy

hogwarts legacy featured image review

Hogwarts Legacy Review – Wizardry in Stasis

There are many, many people who love Harry Potter. Who read all the books and watched all the movies growing up. People who adore the franchise, people for whom the Wizarding World means an incredible amount. And it is those…

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Hogwarts Legacy Mission Types Revealed in New Leaks

In the latest in a series of art book leaks, we’ve received some new info about what kind of structure the missions will take in Hogwarts Legacy. Specifically, we learned what the various mission types will be in the game,…

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Hogwarts Legacy Cinematic Trailer Breakdown

The cinematic trailer for Hogwarts Legacy was released today on the Hogwarts Legacy YouTube channel, featuring an owl flying through a wide variety of places and events in order to deliver a note to a character, presumably the player characters.…