Field Guide Pages – Hogwarts Legacy

Field Guide Pages are a collectible in Hogwarts Legacy, which you can start looking for after completing the quest Welcome to Hogwarts. These appear as pages that are hidden around all throughout Hogwarts and beyond. Grabbing a page will give you a little bit of information or history about the wizarding world, as a means to catch your character up with all of the other fifth-year students.

There are a massive 236 pages to find in total, and there are several ways to obtain them — some examples include invisible pages, where you will have to cast Revelio in front of it to reveal and collect, pages flying around an area, where you will cast Accio to grab it, and some that will even require you to solve puzzles to access, such as Moth Mirror Puzzles, or Symbol Door Puzzles.

It’s also worth noting that each page will give you 80 EXP, meaning that hunting these pages down is a very easy way to get some quick levels!

Below we will go over where to find all of the Field Guide Pages and offer some information on them.

Take the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, and you will find a large statue in the center of the area. The Field Guide Page will be right in front of it.

Take the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame, and go through the door south. The page will be on the left side of the room, in front of a partially Transfigured teacup.

Take the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, and go through the door next to it to enter the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower. Once inside, turn right, and the page will be in front of the large painting just ahead.

Take the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom Floo Flame, and head down the nearby stairs. The page will be just to your right, in front of a large glass image.

Take the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower Floo Flame, and north down the path. You will find the page in front of a large skeleton display just ahead.

Take the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom Floo Flame, and head into the classroom. Once inside, you will find the page on top of the stairs, just in front of the door at the top.

Take the Charms Classroom Floo Flame, turn southwest, and go up the stairs to the next floor. Walk down the hallway until you see a large tapestry to your right, and the Field Guide Page will be in front of it.

Take the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame, and head all the up to the top of the tower. You will find the page in front of the large telescope there.

Take the West Tower Floo Flame, and go east to go into a hallway. The page will be along the left wall of the hall.

Take the Charms Classroom Floo Flame, and you will find the page flying above you.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, then head up the stairs south and go through the doorway forward into the North Hall, then immediately go down the stairs to the left. Head all the way down and continue down the path until you reach a large room with barrels and locked doors. Climb up the platform, and the page will be flying near the stone columns.

Take the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, and go to the east corner — you will find a statue holding an orb here. Cast Levioso on it to raise the orb, and you will get the page.

Take the Charms Classroom Floo Flame, and go southwest to go up the stairs towards the Astronomy Tower. Through the doorway at the top of the stairs, you will see a statue holding an orb to the right. Cast Levioso on it to raise the orb, and you will get the page.

Take the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame, and head all the way to the top of the tower to reach the balcony. From here, take the stairs down to the right, and you will find a dragon brazier in the back corner. Light it up to reveal the Field Guide Page.

Take the West Tower Floo Flame, and go east to go into a hallway. There will be a Moth Frame next to the door at the end. The moth can be found back in the room with the Floo Flame, on a tapestry on a southeast wall. Take the moth back to the frame, and the page will be revealed.

Take the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower Floo Flame, and you will find a Moth Frame just south of it. The moth needed can be found one floor up, just outside of Professor Fig’s Classroom, in front of a large tapestry and skeleton display. Take the moth back to the frame, and the page will be revealed.

Take the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame and head up the stairs to reach the lower landing, and you will find a Moth Frame just before the spiral stairs. The moth needed is a floor higher on the balcony, just above a chalkboard. Take the moth back to the frame, and the page will be revealed. Cast Levioso on it to raise the orb and the Field Guide Page will be revealed.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, then head up the stairs south and go through the doorway forward into the North Hall, then immediately go down the stairs to the left. Head all the way down and continue down the path until you reach a large room with barrels and locked doors. In this room, you will find a gate with a level 1 lock. After you open it, interact with the frog statue to be taken to another room, and you will see a statue here.

Use the Professor Fig’s Classroom Floo Flame and look northeast — you will see a dragon brazier hanging against the wall. Cast Confringo on it to reveal the page, then cast Accio to grab it.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and head south to enter the North Hall. Head down the stairs all the way down and you will find a door with a level 2 lock. After you open it, you can reveal the page at the entrance to the room.

Go into the Charms Classroom Floo Flame, then go down the stairs and enter the classroom. Go up the small staircase to see a door with a level 1 lock. After opening it, enter Professor Ronen’s Office and take the spiral staircase to reach a rooftop. Here you will find a cell door with a level 2 lock — open it and you will be able to reveal the page.

Take the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, and go through the nearby door to enter the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower. Once inside, look west, and you will find a door with a level 2 lock. After unlocking it, enter the room and reveal the page in front of the cupboard at the northwest end of the room.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and head south to enter the North Hall. Head down the stairs all the way down and you will find a door with a level 2 lock. Once inside, walk to the other side of the room, turn around, and look up to see a dragon brazier. Cast Confringo on it to reveal the page, then cast Accio to grab it.

Take the Library Floo Flame, then take the spiral staircases up to the second floor. The page will be in front of the painting just ahead.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and look northeast to see three bells. The page will be right in front of them.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame and look west. The Field Guide Page will be just in front of the display of a crushed set of armor.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame and look northwest. You will find the page in front of a display of a broom.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and head up the stairs northeast. Next to the door ahead, you will see a display of a cat — the page will be here.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and head up the stairs to the south. The page will be in front of a display with two halberds.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and head up the stairs to the south. Take the next set of stairs up, and the page will be in front of a wall with markings shaped like a body.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and take the stairs south all the way to the top to reach the music room. The page will be just ahead, where you will see frogs sitting on a pedestal.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and head south to enter the North Hall, then continue forward up the stairs to go into the History of Magic Classroom. In here you will see three large stained-glass windows – the page will be in front of the middle one.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head south to enter the North Hall, then go down the stairs to enter the dungeon. After going down the first set of stairs, turn left just before the next set, and the page will be in front of a cabinet with a red urn on top.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head south to enter the North Hall, then go down the stairs to enter the dungeon. Head to the bottom of the stairs, and you will soon see a large dragon statue to your left — the page will be in front of it.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head south to enter the North Hall, then go down the stairs to enter the dungeon. Head down one more set of stairs, and you will see a tapestry depicting the letter “K” right in front of you. Walk into the tapestry to find a hidden door, and walk through the hallway to go into another room. The page will be in front of another tapestry with the letter “K” just ahead.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame and go through the main exit to the northwest to head outside. Once outside, head north until you see a set of stairs along a wall. Go up them, then turn southeast to enter a building. The page will be in the center of this room.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame and go through the main exit to head outside. Head east through a small arch, then go on the pathway all the way to the end to reach another small arch. go through this and turn left, and the page will be in front of a bunch of hives.

Take the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame and go through the gate to head the castle. Take the first left you can and continue down the road until you see the Quidditch arena. From here, turn left and run along the wall surrounding the arena, and eventually you will find a small collapsed part of the wall — the page will be here.

Take the Beasts Classroom Floo Flame, and head west past the building, and to the rampart wall. Continue west along the wall until you reach a ramp to get on top of the wall. Go up the ramp and enter the nearby door, and the page will be in front of a locked up bathtub.

Take the Beast Classroom Floo Flame, and take the path south that takes you to a mountain. Keep going through the path and climbing up until you reach a tower. Once inside, climb the stairs to find the main platform of the Owlery, and the page will be in the center of the platform.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame and look upwards at the northern end of the room. You will see the page flying about the door to the Library Anex.

Take the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and go through the large doors to the northeast to head outside. Go northeast through a small archway, then continue down the road until you see a small fountain — the Field Guide Page will be flying around it.

Take the Beast Classroom Floo Flame, turn around and look up to see the page flying around the building — it may take a few minutes to show up due to having a long flight path.

Take the Beast Classroom Floo Flame, and take the path south that takes you to a mountain. Keep going through the path and climbing up until you reach a tower. Once inside, climb the stairs to find the main platform of the Owlery, then climb the ladder to reach the roof. Look around the pillars to find the page flying in between them.

Take the Beast Classroom Floo Flame, and take the path south that takes you to a mountain. Keep going through the path and climbing up until you reach a tower. Once inside, climb the stairs to find the main platform of the Owlery, then climb the ladder to reach the roof. The statue hiding the page will be here.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and go to the northeast corner of the room. You will find a brazier to light up and reveal a page here.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and head south to enter the North Hall. Continue forward to head into the History of Magic Classroom, and you will see a door with a level 1 lock on the southwest side. Once you enter, the page will be in front of the Sphynx statue you see.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and head south to enter the North Hall. From here, go down the stairs into the dungeon and go to the bottom, then look for a door on your left with a level 1 lock. The Field Guide Page will be in front of the display of a giant cannon.

Take the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, and head south briefly to find a stable. Enter it, and there will be a door with a level 1 lock immediately to your right. Once inside, the page will be right in front of you.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and head south to enter the North Hall. go forward and head into the History of Magic classroom, and you will see a door with a level 1 lock on the east side. From here you will enter a large hallway. The page will be flying between the pillars.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and head south to enter the North Hall. go forward and head into the History of Magic classroom, and you will see a door with a level 1 lock on the east side. From here you will enter a large hallway. At the end of hallway, you will find a statue that you can cast Levioso on — this will reveal the page.

Take the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, and head northwest to find a small door with a level 1 lock. Once you open it, climb up the staircase to reach a room that has a statue. The page will be revealed when you lift the orb it’s holding.

Take the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, and head east to find a set of stairs along the wall. Climb up the and turn west, then continue down the path until you reach a door with a level 1 lock. Once inside, you will find the statue hiding the page.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and head south to enter the North Hall. Head all the way to the top of the stairs, and you will see a door with a level 1 lock. After going through it, you will see a Dragon Brazier to your left. Light it up to reveal the page.

Take the Bell Tower Floo Flame, and head south to enter the North Hall. go up two flights of stairs, and you will find a Moth Frame to your right. Head down the stairs and go into the History of Magic classroom just ahead, and you will see a door with a level 1 lock on the southwest side. Once you enter, you will see the moth to the right on a vase. Take it back to the Moth Frame to reveal the page.

Take the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, and head northeast to find a small stable — inside you will find a door with a level 1 lock. Open it to find the Moth Frame. Head outside and go east along the wall (ignore the stairs and door on the way), until you find the moth on it. Take the moth back to the Moth Frame, and the page will be revealed.

Take the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, turn east and look up to your left, and you will see a rampart tower with a dragon brazier on its wall. Light it up with Confringo, then grab the page with Accio.

If you chose Ravenclaw as your house, you will get this page automatically while doing the ‘Welcome to Hogwarts‘ quest. Otherwise, take the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame and head west to go up a spiral staircase. Halfway up the stairs, you will find the page in front of the bust on the wall.

Take the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame and head west to go up a spiral staircase. At the top of the stairs, you will see a door with a large golden raven on it — the page will be in front of it.

If you chose Slytherin as your house, you will get this page automatically while doing the ‘Welcome to Hogwarts‘ quest. Otherwise, take the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame and head north down the stairs. Head west up another set of stairs when you can and you will find a statue — the Field Guide Page will be in front of it.

Take the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, and head east down the stairs to reach a cellar. Go through the path, and in the end there will be a group of barrels along the wall, where the page will be.

Take the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, and head east down the stairs. The page will be halfway down where you will see an assortment of food.

Take the Grand Staircase Floo Flame and head up the stairs northeast. The page will be in front of a statue right next to the top of these stairs.

Take the Faculty Tower Floo Flame and look north. The page will be right in front of the statue ahead.

Take the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, head north to reach the center of the Grand Staircase, and go up the stairs. Go up three floors, and the page will be just before the next set of stairs.

Take the Trophy Room Floo Flame, and you will see a large suit of armor just in front of it. The page will be hidden here.

Take the Trophy Room Floo Flame and go in the room right next to it. The page will be just in front of a trophy display in the center of the room.

Take the Trophy Room Floo Flame and go in the room right next to it. The page will be just in front of a large display in the center of the room.

Take the Trophy Room Floo Flame, and head north down the hallway until you see a large display of a suit of armor shaped like a centaur. The page will be in front of it.

Take the Trophy Room Floo Flame, and head north down the hallway until you see a suit of armor shaped like a house-elf towards the end. The Field Guide Page will be right in front of it.

You cannot access this page until you have completed the Relationship Quest In the Shadow of the Study. Head to the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame, head down the stairs, and take the hidden door immediately to your right to enter the Scriptorium. Head downstairs, and the page will be in the center of this room.

Go to the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, and look up towards the west. You will find the page flying around the central pillar.

Take the Quad Courtyard Floo Flame, look southwest, and you will find the page flying around the large tree.

Take the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, and go down the hall southeast until see a statue on your left. Lift it with Levioso, and the page will be revealed.

Take the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, and head down the stairs to the west — you will find a Moth Frame at the bottom. Head back up the stairs one floor, and the moth will be on the wall just southwest. Take it back to the Moth Frame to reveal the page.

Take the Great Hall Floo Flame and go through the door right next to it. The Moth Frame will be on the west wall in this small hallway . To find the moth, go back into the Great Hall and it will be on the southern end of the room. Take the moth back to the Moth Frame to reveal the page.

Take the Trophy Room Floo Flame, and head north down the hallway to find a door with a level 1 lock at the end. Go inside and go through the path until you reach a hallway with gargoyle statues (ignore any other locked doors on the way). The page will be in front of the spiral staircase at the end of this hall.

Take the Trophy Room Floo Flame, and head north down the hallway to find a door with a level 1 lock at the end. Go inside and go through the path until you reach a hallway with gargoyle statues (ignore any other locked doors on the way) and climb up the spiral staircase at the end. The page will be in front of a bench just ahead.

Take the Trophy Room Floo Flame, and head north down the hallway to find a door with a level 1 lock at the end. Go inside and go through the path until you reach a hallway with gargoyle statues (ignore any other locked doors on the way) and climb up the spiral staircase at the end. Head into the next room, and the page will be in front of the table to your right.

Take the Trophy Room Floo Flame, and go to the end of the hall to find a door with a level 1 lock. Go inside and go through the path until you reach a hallway with gargoyle statues (ignore any other locked doors on the way). — the Moth Frame will be here. Head back down two sets of stairs, then turn around and you will find the moth above them. Take it back to the Moth Frame, and the page will be revealed.

Take the Quad Courtyard Floo Flame and look south, and you will see a dragon brazier hanging on the wall. Cast Confringo on it, then use Accio to grab the page that comes out.

Go to the Grand Staircase Tower Floo Flame, and head south to take take the stairs up to the top. Look west to see a dragon brazier hanging on the wall. Light the brazier up, then grab the page that flies out.

Take the Trophy Room Floo Flame, and head north down the hallway to find a door with a level 1 lock at the end. Go inside and go through the path until you reach a hallway with gargoyle statues (ignore any other locked doors on the way) and climb up the spiral staircase at the end. In the next room, turn left and open a door with a level 2 lock. Head upstairs from here, and you will find a door with a level 3 lock. After opening it, head upstairs again, and pick up the Key of Admittance on a table to your right. Now that you have the key, head back to the hallway with gargoyle statues, and run to the other end to find a door — the Key of Admittance will open it. Once inside, head up the stairs, and the page will be just ahead when you reach the top.

Take the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame and head down the stairs, then go through the path east until you see a room with a profile of a witch on it. The page will be inside this room in front of the sink.

If you chose Hufflepuff as your house, you will get this page automatically while doing the ‘Welcome to Hogwarts‘ quest. Otherwise, take the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, then head down the spiral staircase to the east to reach the cellar. The Field Guide Page will be in front of a portrait to your left depicting many fruits.

Take the Great Hall Floo Flame, then go through the door right next to it. Go through the hall to enter another room, and the page will be to your right, in front of four large hourglasses.

Take the Great Hall Floo Flame, then go through the door right next to it. continue forward until you reach the Entrance Hall, and go down the stairs. The page will be in front of the large emblem you see as soon as you reach the bottom.

Take the Great Hall Floo Flame, and the page will be in the center of the room.

Take the Great Hall Floo Flame and go to the south side of the room. The page will be in front of the pedestal there.

Take the Great Hall Floo Flame, and go west to head outside. The page will be in front of the structure in the middle.

Take the Boathouse Floo Flame, and go to the north side of the building. The page will be next to a docked boat outside.

Take the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame, then head north along the middle path to find a door to your right that will take you to the Underground Harbour. The page will be next to one of the boats to the right.

Take the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, then head down the spiral staircase to the east to reach the cellar. Find the portrait to your left depicting many fruits, then tickle the pear on it to open the door to the kitchen. The page will be in the middle of this room.

Take the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, then head down the spiral staircase to the east to reach the cellar. Find the portrait to your left depicting many fruits, then tickle the pear on it to open the door to the kitchen. The page will be towards the southeast corner of the room, in front of a bunch of barrels.

Take the Great Hall Floo Flame, and head west to go outside. Look up just ahead to find the page flying around.

Take the Great Hall Floo Flame, take the doors right next to it, and head north until you reach the Entrance Hall. Look up and you will find the page flying around the room.

Take the Great Hall Floo Flame, take the doors right next to it, and head north until you reach the Entrance Hall. Look east and you will find a statue — lift it to reveal the Field Guide Page.

Take the Great Hall Floo Flame, take the doors right next to it, and head north until you reach the Entrance Hall and head outside, then go to he first opening to the east and turn right. Turn right again and you will find the statue — lift it with Levioso to reveal the page.

Take the Great Hall Floo Flame, and head northwest to climb a set of stairs. Follow the walkway here and you will find a dragon brazier — light it up to reveal the page.

Take the Boathouse Floo Flame then go through the door right next to it, and a dragon brazier will be just southeast. Cast Incendio on it to reveal the page.

Take the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame and head down the stairs, then go through the path east until you see a suit of armor in front of you — the Moth Frame will be on your right. continue down the path (ignore the spiral staircase to the left) until you see the moth on the wall next to a tapestry. Take the moth back to the Moth Frame, and the page will be revealed.

Take the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame, and take the center path north until see a statue. Go up the nearby stairs to find the Moth Frame. Continue up the stairs and head south until you reach the large doors to the Entrance Hall, but don’t go in. Instead, go to the statue just west of it to find the moth. Take it back to the Moth Frame to reveal the page.

Take the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame and head down the stairs, then go through the path east until you reach the end, and there will be three locked doors — go through the first one on the left with a level 1 lock. Go down this path until you reach a large room, and the page will be in front of the eastern wall.

Take the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame and head down the stairs, then go through the path east until you reach the end, and there will be three locked doors — go through the first one on the left with a level 1 lock. Go down this path until you reach a large room, and the page will be in front of the tapestry on the western wall.

Take the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame and head down the stairs, then go through the path east until you reach the end, and there will be three locked doors — go through the first one on the left with a level 1 lock. Go down this path until you reach a large room, and you will see the page flying above.

Take the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame and head down the stairs, then go through the path east untilyou reach the end, and there will be three locked doors — look for the second one with a level 1 lock on your left. Open this door and you will find a dragon brazier. Light it up to reveal the page.

Take the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame and head down the stairs, then go through the path east until you reach the end, and there will be three locked doors — go to the door at the very end with a level 2 lock. Head into this room, and the page will be in the center.

Take the Central Hall Floo Flame and climb up the nearby stairs up three floors, and take the next set of stairs to the south up. The page will be in front of a section of the wall with three portraits. Head north from here, and the page will be in front of a set of three portraits.

Take the Divination Classroom Floo Flame and climb the top of the stairs, then climb the ladder to reach the classroom. The page will be in the middle of a room, in front of a table with a hand on it.

Take the Central Hall Floo Flame, and the page will be in front of the back side of the fountain just ahead.

Take the Potions Classroom Floo Flame, and the Field Guide Page will be in front of a large statue just north of it.

Take the Potions Classroom Floo Flame and head east to enter the classroom. The page will be in front of a table in the east end.

Take the Greenhouses Floo Flame, and the page will be in front of the the other side of the large tree nearby.

Take the Greenhouses Floo Flame, go into the east greenhouse, and take the door to the left. The page will be in front of a tree at the bottom of the stairs.

Take the Divination Classroom Floo Flame and go through the doorway right next to it. Take a right on the path when you can and there will be an Arithmancy Door here that you will have to solve. Once it’s opened, head down the hall and into the classroom, and the page will be right in front of you.

Take the Library Floo Flame and head northeast to enter the Restricted Section. Head downstairs, then continue on the path until you reach another set of stairs. The page will be directly to your left when you reach the bottom.

Take the Central Hall Floo Flame, and you will see the page flying all around the room.

Take the Central Hall Floo Flame, and head to the southwestern area. The page will be flying around a large statue and a nearby door.

Take the Potions Classroom Floo Flame and go through the doorway right next to it. The page will be flying around this room.

Take the Library Floo Flame and head to the second floor. The page will be flying around the center of the room.

Take the Library Floo Flame and head northeast to enter the Restricted Section. Head down the stairs, and go down the path until you see a statue right at the bottom of a set of stairs — lift it to reveal the page.

Take the Central Hall Floo Flame, go down the stairs ahead, then take the stairs to the north up to find a dragon brazier. Light it up to reveal the Field Guide Page.

This Field Guide Page is part of the side quest Like a Moth to a Frame. Once you find the Moth Frame, head southwest to find the moth near a large statue. Take the moth to the Moth Frame to reveal the page.

Take the Library Floo Flame, and go to the southern corner on the second floor to find the Moth Frame. Head northwest to find the moth at a lectern in front of a large portrait. Take the moth back to the Moth Frame to reveal the page.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame and open the large door next to it — it will have a level 1 lock. Once inside, go down the stairs and look to the right to find an Arithmancy Door that you will have to solve. After solving it and entering, the page will be in front of a painting in the center of the room.

Take the Central Hall Floo Flame and head down the stairs ahead, then go down the stairs northeast find a door with a level 1 lock on your right. Open it to find a statue, and lift it with Levioso to reveal the page.

Take the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame and open the giant doors near by — they will have a level 1 lock on them. Around half way through the hall way you will find the Moth Frame to your left. Turn around and go to where you first climbed down the stairs, and the moth will be on top of a display of a Troll on the north wall. Take it back to the Moth Frame to reveal the page.

If you chose Gryffindor as your house, you will get this page automatically while doing the ‘Welcome to Hogwarts‘ quest. Otherwise, take the Faculty Tower Floo Flame and head south. The page will be in front of the last painting to your right before you reach the stairs.

Take the Faculty Tower Floo Flame and head up the spiral staircase to the south. Afterwards, go down the hall west, and the page will be in front of a portrait at the end of the hall.

Take the Clocktower Courtyard Floo Flame and head north to enter Gryffindor Tower. The page will be immediately to your left when you enter, in front of a large map.

Take the Clocktower Courtyard Floo Flame and head north to enter Gryffindor Tower, then head down the set of stairs just ahead — the page will be in front of a statue right next to the stairs.

Take the Clocktower Courtyard Floo Flame and head north to enter Gryffindor Tower, then head down the set of stairs just ahead. Turn left from here, and the page will be in front of the last door to your left.

Take the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame and head south to go outside. The page will be on the other side of the large structure at the center of this courtyard.

Take the Hospital Wing Floo Flame and go down the stairs right next to it, and the page will be in front of a statue to the east.

Take the Hospital Wing Floo Flame and go down the stairs right next to it, the go through the door right next to the bottom of these stairs. The page will be in front of a large mermaid painting.

Take the Hospital Wing Floo Flame, and the page will be in front of the statue right in front of you.

Take the Hospital Wing Floo Flame and head south until you enter the Clock Tower, then take two sets of stairs down and go through the path. Continue down the path until you walk up a set of stairs and are in front of a large window — the page will be here.

Take the Hospital Wing Floo Flame, and look northeast to see the page flying above.

Take the Quad Courtyard Floo Flame and head south on the higher walkway to find a statue. Lift it to reveal the Field Guide Page.

Take the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and there will a statue immediately southwest of it. Cast Levioso on it, and the page will be revealed.

Take the Hospital Wing Floo Flame and go down the stairs right next to it, and there will a statue right at the bottom. Cast Levioso on it to reveal the Field Guide Page.

Take the Clocktower Courtyard Floo Flame and head north to enter Gryffindor Tower, then head down the set of stairs just ahead. There will be a dragon brazier in the east corner. Light it up to reveal the page.

Take the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, and go through the door west (it will be unlocked while doing the Main Quest ‘The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament‘). Once inside, take the stairs ahead to the third floor, and the page will be in front of a display of a shell.

Take the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, and go through the door west (it will be unlocked while doing the Main Quest ‘The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament‘). Once inside, take the stairs ahead to the second floor, and the page will be flying above the stairs.

Take the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and open the door to the south — it will have a level 1 lock. Take the stairs up to the next floor, and you will see the page flying around this area.

Take the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame and head north to enter Gryffindor Tower. As soon as you enter, look for the large map to your left and push the button on top with Depulso, revealing a room — the Moth Frame will be in here. Leave the room and go down the stairs north, then go down the path until you see the first door to the left — the moth will be immediately to your left on a towel rack. Take it back to the Moth Frame to reveal the Field Guide Page.

Take the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and look for a door with a level 1 lock to the right of the gate leading outside – open it to find the Moth Frame. Head outside, immediately take a right, then another right to find the moth on a stone pillar. Take it to the Moth Frame to reveal the page.

Take the Hospital Wing Floo Flame and head south until you enter the Clock Tower, then take two sets of stairs down and go through the path. Continue down the path until just before you reach some stairs, and there will be a dragon brazier hanging just ahead. Light it up with Confringo, then pull the page that comes out with Accio.

Take the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, and go through the door west (it will be unlocked while doing the Main Quest ‘The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament‘). Once inside, take the stairs ahead to the second floor, and immediately turn right to find a door with a level 2 lock. Once inside, head through the doorway to your right, and the page will be immediately to your right.

Take the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, and go through the door west (it will be unlocked while doing the Main Quest ‘The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament‘). Once inside, take the stairs ahead to the third floor, and go through the door with a level 3 lock on it. Once inside, cast Glacius on the fireplace, and walk through it to climb a set of stairs. Just ahead you will see a dragon brazier — light it up to reveal the page.

In front of the southern bridge where you initially enter Hogsmeade is a Field Guide Page.

After crossing the bridge, you’ll see a flying page directly to the left.

From the bridge, go east behind the first building on the right. In the courtyard you end up in there is a flying page.

Walk inside Tomes and Scrolls, and interact with the book on the right. Go up the staircase that appears to find this flying page.

Go down the stairs and cast Revelio to find this page.

Across the street from Tomes and Scrolls will be a store with a tower of cauldrons out front. In front of the leaning tower of cauldrons is a Field Guide Page.

Head through the alleyway from the garden and go right in order to get to Ollivanders. Alternatively, the wand store has an icon on the map. The page will be found in front of the store entrance.

In Splintwitches Sporting Needs, you can cast Revelio in front of the Quidditch uniform to find a page.

You can find a moth portrait in an alley right next to the South Hogsmeade Floo Flame, which you can cast Lumos on to illuminate a portrait. It will show a location just east, next to the park, where you can find a moth sitting on some crates. Cast Lumos near it, then bring it over to the portrait and decast Lumos to get a page.

In the park to the south of Hogsmeade, flying above the eastern path of that park, there is a page which you can cast Accio on to acquire.

Between the two barrels of butterbeer along the outside of the northwest wall of the Three Broomsticks, you can cast Revelio to find a page.

At the back of the ground floor of the Three Broomsticks, you can cast Revelio near the fireplace for a page.

In the tier-3 locked room at the top floor of the Three Broomsticks, you can cast Revelio to reveal a page in the center of the room.

Behind the Three Broomsticks, flying near the east corner, you can cast Accio on a flying page near the wooden stairs.

Walk behind Tomes and Scrolls and walk a little bit northwest to see a flying page.

Near the previous Flying Page there is a black mirror on the ground. It’ll be near the living chest with an eye on it. Cast Lumos in front of the mirror to see where the moth is, in this case by the Hogshead docks. Go to the moth and cast Lumos to lead it back to the mirror, once you’re back turn off Lumos to complete the puzzle.

Walk into Hogshead, by the moth from the last page, and cast Revelio in front of the shopkeeper.

Head around back to the docks behind Hogshead for this page.

Near the western bridge to Hogsmeade, north of Hogshead, will be a flying page.

There is a Field Guide Page to the side of the shopkeeper at the Magic Neep.

From the shopping cart, look at the Magic Neep’s roof for a Flying Page.

Go back across the bridge and enter J. Pippins Potion to find a Field Guide Page in the back of the store.

From J. Pippins Potions, turn right and head into the fenced community garden for a field guide page.

Within the garden, you can also spot a Flying Page. It can get pretty far and might be in the alleyway by Ollivanders if it isn’t in the garden.

On a hill past the Magic Neep, on the far west side of Hogsmeade (nearly outside the town), you can find a page you can Accio flying around.

Just outside Zonko’s Joke Shop, to the right of the lower door, you can cast Revelio to find a page.

On the first floor of Zonko’s Joke Shop, to the left of the small stage and the left of the entrance, you can cast Revelio to find a page.

There is one more Revelio page in Zonko’s, on the second floor to the left of the button near the railing.

In a grassy patch to the northeast of J. Pippin’s Potions, there is a flying page that you can grab with Accio.

Up the street from Zonko’s Joke Shop and the Three Broomsticks, and just south of Madam Snelling’s Tress Emporium, there is a well that you can cast Revelio near to get a page.

Behind Madam Snelling’s Tress Emporium to the south, there is a flying page near the well. Cast Accio to grab it.

32) Inside Magical Mail Post Office – Requires Revelio

You can cast Revelio inside the Magical Mail Post Office, on the south side of the town square.

Out front of the main entrance to Gradrag’s Wizardwear, on the west side of the town square, you can cast Revelio to find a guide page.

Inside Gradrag’s Wizardwear and immediately to your right, there is a purple mannequin which you can cast Revelio near for a field guide page.

Down the stairs within the same building as Gladrag’s Wizardwear (in the Dervish and Bangs side), you can cast Revelio near the large bird skeleton for a field guide page.

Flying around Steeply and Sons, to the south of the town square, there is a page that you can grab with Accio.

TexInside Steeply and Sons and next to the table with all the foodstuff, you can cast Revelio to get a page.

In the center of the town square, there is a tree with a statue. You can cast Revelio in front of the statue to get another field guide page.

Out front of Honeyduke’s, on the east side of the town square, you can cast Revelio near the containers of candy to get a page.

Inside Honeyduke’s and near the candy you can eat to temporarily float, you can cast Revelio to get a page.

At the back of Honeyduke’s, to the right of a Niffler statue filled with coins, you can cast Revelio to find a page.

Inside Scrivenshaft’s Quills, on the north side of the town square, you can cast Revelio near the room full of cats to find a page.

There is a flying page just south of Peck and Brood and just north of the town square, flying along a small trail leading toward Madam Snelling’s Tress Emporium. You can cast Accio to nab this page.

Just inside Peck and Brood, to the right of the shop near a Niffler, you can cast Revelio to find a page.

Flying over and under the north bridge out of Hogsmeade, just north of Peck and Brood, you can cast Accio to grab a flying page.

Across from Peck and Brood and flying over the pond at the north side of the town, there is a flying page that you can use Accio to catch.

Northeast of Honeyduke’s, near the streetlamp that outside of the two smaller houses, there is a flying page you can catch with Accio.

Within the waterwheel house, you can find a moth portrait which you can cast Lumos on to reveal the moth’s location. The moth itself will be just outside the building, sitting on a streetlamp. Cast Lumos near it and bring it back to the portrait for another page.

Accross the river from the waterwheel, you can find this flying page to the far north of Hogsmeade, nearly out of town, flying on a hill overlooking the waterwheel. Cast Accio to grab it.

Flying above Dogweed and Deathcap, there is a flying page you can snatch with Accio.

Inside Dogweed and Deathcap, you can cast Revelio near the tree to the right of the counter to find another page.

To the right of the counter and tree, you can find a moth puzzle in Dogweed and Deathcap which you can illuminate with Lumos. It will show a chimney, which you can reach by exiting Dogweed and Deathcap and clambering up the slope to its right. The moth will be on the chimney itself, and you can attract it with Lumos to bring it back to the portrait to collect another page.

Just to the north of the Old Fool, you can find a flying page which you can grab with Accio.

Out front of the Old Fool and to the right, you can cast Revelio to find a page. Make sure to take in the view while you’re here.

Inside the Old Fool, there is a moth portrait which you can illuminate with Lumos. Once you have, you can find the moth just to the north of the Old Fool, sitting on some boxes near the bottom of the cliff. Cast Lumos near it and bring it back to the portait for one last field guide page.

In the hamlet Pitt-Upon-Ford, you’ll find a Field Guide Page in front of a sign warning residents about spiders.

Head to the eastern half of the bog, north of the Giant Purple Toad Den. You’ll find a small dock surrounded by a few poachers with a page at the end of it.

Proceed directly south of Hogsmeade proper, where there is a balcony overlooking the valley. You can find the page in front of a bench with a red box on it.

For this page, head to Upper Hogsfield and go inside the largest building towards the north side of the hamlet. At the front of the building there’s a room with two open doorways, the page is inside this room by the desk.

Head south of the East Hogsmeade Valley Floo Flame until you find a large house. On the southern side of the house is the Field Guide Page.

To find this page you’ll first have to progress through the Main Story until completing The High Keep quest. Afterwards you can fly over the castle towards the northeastern corner where a field guide page is waiting for you.

Southwest of Hogsmeade and Northeast of the Forbidden Forest Floo Flame is a bench with an excellent view of Hogwarts and a Field Guide Page.

For this page, exit Hogwarts from the southern entrance and proceed south until you reach a large, familiar-looking hut with pumpkins growing near it. Casting Revelio in front of the workbench will reveal the Field Guide Page.

Head to the Aranshire Floo Flame and walk a bit south to Edgar Adley’s stall. This page can be found adjacent to his stall, in front of the cage.

On the road between Hogsmeade and Aranshire is a station serving the train. Casting Revelio in front of the ticket office will reveal a page.

Just south of Lower Hogsfield, you will find a tend in the woods with a sign declaring “Beasts Allowed”. Cast Revelio in front of the tent to find a field guide page. You will need to do this for Poppy Sweeting’s questline.

South of Lower Hogsfield and to the west of the Central Hogwarts Valley Floo Flame, you can Revelio this field guide page near a collection of cairns, near where a painter frequently paints.

In Brocburrow, you can find this jiggling scarecrow in a garden on the west side of the village. Cast Revelio near it to find a field guide page.

At a bar right next to the Floo Flame for Keensbridge, you can find this field guide page using Revelio.

On the south side of Keensbridge, you can find this field guide page by casting Revelio near a collection of beehives.

On the west side of Keensbridge, there is a tilted house. Casting Revelio in front of the door will yield a field guide page.

To the west of Keensbridge, near an Ancient Magic hotspot, you can find a picnic spot beneath the shade of a tree, where you can cast Revelio to find this field guide page.

In the bandit camp in the woods to the southwest of Keensbridge, you can find this field guide page by cast Revelio in the largest tent.

Just south of the South Sea Bog Floo Flame, you can find a ramshackle, boarded-up hut in the fog with some wooden supports leading to it. Cast Revelio near its door to find a field guide page.

Right after going through the tunnel and coming out on the south side of the game map, while still on the ledge looking down (and right next to the Floo Flame), cast Revelio to find a field guide page.

Travel to the West Hogwarts Floo Flame and proceed directly up the cliff to the bandit camp. If you fly with a broom from the Floo Flame to the back of the camp you can avoid all combat grabbing this page. The page is under a tent connected to an ancient wall in the eastern part of the camp.

In a castle to the north of Feldcroft, you can find this field guide page by casting Revelio on the ramparts looking south.

In the center of the Feldcroft village, you can find a field guide page by casting Revelio near the town well.

On the east side of the village, you can cast Revelio in front of the training dummied for a field guide page.

From the town of Feldcroft, head south towards the rocky coastline. Here you’ll find this page inside an alcove near the Mooncalf Den.

Along the coast of Feldcroft, southeast of the Feldcroft Catacomb Floo Flame, is a goblin camp built into the rocks. This page can be found on the bottom level, towards the northern end of the camp. It can easily be reached with minimal goblin slaying by flying over the camp and landing at the base of the tall furnace billowing smoke.

Within the hamlet of Irondale is a huge windmill on the eastern edge of the town. Casting Revelio by the steps into the windmill will reveal this page.

In the center of Cragcroftshire, you can find this field guide page by casting Revelio near the giant shade tree.

From the hamlet of Cragcroft, head southwest towards the coast. Below the cliffs you’ll find a large skeleton and subsequently the page.

Head to the bandit camp on the northeastern mountain of Clagmar Coast. You’ll find the page on the southern edge of the camp, in front of a pile of wood with bottles on it.

From the prior page, head south down the cliffs to a small, ruined poacher camp for the final Field Guide Page.

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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