The Elf, The Nab-Sack, & The Loom – Hogwarts Legacy Quest

This walkthrough of the Main Story quest “The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and The Loom”, will help guide you as Deek teaches you how to capture magical Beasts, and you unlock the Vivarium and learn to care for your magical creatures.

This quest begins in the Room of Requirement, so open the Hogwarts Map, and then select the Secret Rooms “wing”. Then use the Room of Requirement Floo Flame to travel to where Deek is waiting. Walk up to him and press playstation square button/button xbox x v2, then tell him you’re ready to learn to use the nab-sack to begin the mission.

map location secret rooms elf nab sack loom hogwarts legacy quest walkthrough

A cutscene will transition you and Deek to outside the castle, and then you’ll need to follow him for just a bit before a conversation begins. He’ll explain how to use the nab-sack, and then it’ll be up to you to use it!

First things first, open your Spells menu with button xbox dpad rightand assign the Nab-Sack to one of your spell diamonds. That done, you can exit the menu, target a Puffskein, and then “cast” the Nab-Sack the same way you would any spell. You’ll see an orange timer start (1), and begin to draw a circle. When the circle completes, you’ll need to press the indicated button ( playstation square button/button xbox x v2) right as the prompt appears in order to catch the beast (2). If you mistime the button press, it can escape, but you can just try again until you succeed!

Once you’ve successfully rescued a Puffskein, walk over to Deek and press playstation square button/button xbox x v2 to talk to him. He’ll suggest that next you try a more difficult-to-capture beast, and tell you to meet him near the Jobberknoll habitat. Before leaving, you can capture a few more Puffskeins if you want!

The Jobberknoll habitat is a fair ways away, so you’ll want to either use your Broom, or see if you have a nearby Floo Flame. Either way, head over to the spot indicated by the objective marker, then once again walk up to Deek and hit playstation square button/button xbox x v2 to talk to him.

Make sure you have Levioso equipped in one of your spell diamonds along with the Nab-Sack, then head over the bridge to the south, into the purple circle on your minimap. Just ahead, you’ll see some Jobberknolls — they’ll fly away if you get too close, so just get close enough to target them, and then cast Levioso. While they’re floating, use the Nab-Sack on one. It will work like when you captured the previous beasts, except that you’ll have to wait for the timer to fill and then press playstation square button/button xbox x v2 twice.

capturing jabberknolls elf nab sack loom hogwarts legacy quest walkthrough
If you can see the beast is highlighted, and a name appears at the top of your screen, you should be close enough to cast Levioso

Capture a few Jobberknolls, then go back to Deek and speak with him again. He’ll tell you that Mooncalves are nearby, and tell you to meet him at yet another location. It’s just up the hill, not too far away, but you may want to use your broom anyway. Use your minimap and the objective marker to make your way to where Deek is, and speak with him again.

Grab the Mooncalf Den Floo Flame behind Deek, then open your map and press in on the right stick — you’ll need to wait until night to find the Mooncalves. Once it’s night, head south into the purple area indicated by your minimap, where you’ll find the herd of Mooncalves. They’ll run away if you get too close, but just like with the Jobberknolls, you can cast Levioso to hold one in place, and then use the Nab-Sack on it. You’ll have to wait for the timer to fill and hit playstation square button/button xbox x v2 three times to capture it.

Capture a few more calves, then go back the way you came and talk to Deek once more. When your conversation ends, open your map of Hogwarts, select Secret Rooms, and fast travel to the Room of Requirement. When you arrive, a cutscene will start, and you’ll create a Vivarium in the room. When the cutscene ends, press playstation r1 button to open the Beast Management Menu, then hover the cursor over one of each beast and press playstation x button/button xbox a v2 to release them into the Vivarium.

Open your spells menu (button xbox dpad right) and equip both the Beast Petting Brush and the Beast Feed. Then, walk up to the nearest beast and “cast” the brush, and then the feed, on it. You’ll have to wait for it to finish eating or being brushed before you can begin another nurture activity, so just enjoy the scenery (and how cute your beasts are) while you wait! After both feeding and brushing a creature, it will have a materials icon above it, and the prompt will change to “Collect” . When it does, press playstation square button/button xbox x v2 to collect the material, and then move on to the next beast, repeating the process.

beast materials ready to collect elf nab sack loom hogwarts legacy quest walkthrough

No Hogwarts Legacy quest is complete without talking to an NPC at least half a dozen times, so once you’ve collected the listed ingredients, head over to Deek and speak with him. He’ll give you the spellcraft for the Enchanted Loom — follow the objective marker west out of the Vivarium.

Once back in the Room of Requirement, make sure you have the Conjuring Spell equipped, and then cast the spell to bring up the Conjuration menu. Select the wrench icon with playstation x button/button xbox a v2, and then the second item, “Enchanted Loom”. After getting it where and how you want it, place the loom by pressing playstation x button/button xbox a v2.

Interact with the loom by pressing playstation square button/button xbox x v2, then put your cursor over a piece of gear and press playstation triangle button/button xbox y v2 to View Traits — ideally, you’ll do this to an item you’re using, which are highlighted on this page (1). On the Traits page, you can select a discovered trait by hovering it with your cursor. Make sure you have the required ingredients (2), and then press playstation x button/button xbox a v2 to weave the Trait into the selected item.

Press playstation circle button/button xbox b v2to return to the main Loom menu, then highlight a piece of gear you want to upgrade and press playstation square button/button xbox x v2. Assuming you have the required ingredients, you can then press playstation x button/button xbox a v2 to upgrade the gear.

Walk back over to Deek and talk to him, then select the “I used the Enchanted Loom” dialog option. Once you end this conversation, you’ll have completed the quest!

To move on to the next step in the story, “The High Keep”, you’ll need to complete two quests:

If you’re following along with our guides, next up is In the Shadow of the Estate. If you’ve already completed that quest, you can continue to The High Keep.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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