Minding Your Own Business – Hogwarts Legacy Quest

Minding Your Own Business is an optional quest in Hogwarts Legacy. You hear a house-elf in Hogsmeade announcing that there is a vacant shop for sale. Are you interested in owning your own shop?

This quest is a bit of a time commitment and a bit of a tone change from other side quests: it’s definitely one of the longest in the game and… well, suffice it to say, it will may be a little bit unsettling. Note that one of its rewards is a unique vendor that will purchase your items for 10% more galleons!

To begin Minding Your Own Business, you will need to talk to Penny. Use the South Hogsmeade Floo Flame, and she will be directly east from there. Talking with her (with playstation square button) will begin Minding Your Own Business, where she will have a question for you — would you like to own your own shop? If you are, speak to her mistress, Cassandra Mason, to get the process started!

hogwarts legacy mind your own business penny

Cassandra Mason’s house is near the northeast corner of Hogsmeade. Use the North Hogsmeade Floo Flame and head east, and she will be on your right once you see the houses. She will talk to you about selling the shop, and tells you her terms to let you buy it.

You will need to speak to her again with 1500ui t galleons— if you don’t have that kind of money, you can check out our guide to see how to make galleons quickly!

Once you’re ready, speak to her to officially purchase the shop. She does have one more request — there are some personal items from her late husband inside a chest in the shop, and Penny has the key. She would like for you to speak to Penny to get the key, then retrieve the items for her.

Return to Penny, who will be in the same spot as when you started the quest. Talk to her to share the good news, and she will tell you that you need to clean up the shop a bit. Follow her inside, and you will see three piles of rubble that you need to cast Reparo on. Once everything is fixed, Penny will give you the key to the chest.

hogwarts legacy mind your own business reparo

Walk through the door on the northeast side, and you will see a large chest at the back right corner of this room. When you open the chest you will not find any items, however, but a ladder going down somewhere. You will then automatically go down the ladder.

Once you’re down, you’ll notice that the ladder is gone, so there’s no turning back now. Go down the path until you reach the end, and you will notice a chest at the back wall. Open it to get An Elf-Sized Hat, and try to leave — the door will shut and lock in your face. Turn around, and you will be transported to a new area.

You will now be introduced to Fastidio, who is the one that brought you to this area. Once he finishes talking, a door will appear on the north side of the wall — feel free to cast Lumos here if you want to be able to see the area better. Continue forward until you reach a new room, and you will see a jack-in-the-box in the northwest corner. Approach it to be taken to another new area, then head to the jack-in-the-box on the south side to be transported back to the previous room.

Leave through the door next to you, and go down the path until you run into a door with the left side lit up — notice the pedestals on either side of the door. Look to the right and you will see a lantern floating. Cast Accio to drag it to you, and hold it to automatically cast Wingardium Leviosa, then take it to the pedestal with an open hand. Once the hand is holding the lantern, the locked door will open, and you can continue.

Before you go through the next door, you will be taken to a new area, and the door ahead will open a few seconds later. Go through the door to enter a large foyer, with a barricaded door on the other side. Shortly after entering the room, you will see another cutscene, then some pieces of furniture will fly up and attack you — just use a Basic Cast to destroy them, or dodge when they fly to you. This will now randomly happen throughout the rest of this quest, so keep your eyes open for them.

There will be a path to the left that will take you to a library, and one to the right that will take you to an atrium. You will need to go through both paths to open the barricaded door, but you can do them in either order.

hogwarts legacy mind your own business door

Walk towards the bookshelf on the wall, and the library will fully extend. In the middle of this area there is a path to the right and left you can go through — at the end there will be a door, with two pedestals with the hands on the sides. Both pedestals will need to hold a lantern to open the door. You will need to go through both paths, as there will be a lantern in each one, but you can do them in either order.

Follow the path until you reach a door. When you approach it, you will be transported to a room with three doors in front of you. Go through the middle door (the other two will just be traps that lead you back to this room), then go through another door, and keep going forward — you will notice that you’re running around in circles. Once this happens, turn around and go back, and you will notice a new doorway to go through shortly after.

Once you’re through, continue down the path (and cast Lumos when it gets dark) until you reach another doorway. You will get stopped and transported just before you make it through. Cast Lumos again, and keep going through the path until you see a dead end. Turn around and you will see that the hallway has been reduced to a small room. A few moments later, you will be taken to a new room surrounded by mannequins.

Cast Lumos once more, and go south to find a door to go through. Continue forward until you see a dummy and jack-in-the-box on a table in the middle of the room. Interact with it to be taken to another room.

Explore the room for a bit, and the mannequins in the room will come to life and start to attack you. They aren’t particularly hard enemies and only have a slow attack, but they will teleport in front of you just before they attack, so be ready to dodge or block quickly.

Once the enemies are cleared out, a door will appear on the east side of the room. Go through it, and not long after you will find the lantern floating on top of a table. Cast Wingardium Leviosa on it, go up the stairs and turn right, and you will be back in the main library area. Place the lantern on one of the pedestals to light up one half of the door.

Go through the path (notice the room spinning in the first hallway — you will be doing quite a bit of room spinning on this path), until you reach a balcony in a room where just about everything is upside down. Turn around to see that the hallway you came from changed. Go to the end of the hallway and down the stairs to your right, then continue through the path until you reach a door, but it won’t open.

Look to your right and you’ll notice a lantern. Cast Accio on it, and hold the spell to automatically cast Wingardium Leviosa. This will open the door in front of you. Go through and you will see a pedestal to put the lantern on. Doing so will flip the room in front of you.

Once the room is flipped, head west and climb through a window to enter the room. Then, go up the stairs on the northeast corner of the room, and continue down the path until you reach a dead end. Cast Wingardium Leviosa on the lantern to the left, and place it on the pedestal on the right. This will flip the room in front of you and open a path ahead.

Once you’re inside the room, turn around and pull the lantern you just placed to flip the room again — make sure you’re holding on to the lantern. Turn around again, go down the stairs, and place the lantern on the pedestal to your right to open the door ahead.

Go through the door and up the stairs, and you will find one more lantern. Cast Wingardium Leviosa on it, go up the stairs and turn left, and you will be back in the main library area. Place the lantern on one of the pedestals to light up half of the door.

Once both lanterns are placed, the door will open. Feel free to grab the two Wiggenweld Potions to the left of the stairs, then go up to enter the next room. After watching a cutscene, you will confront Fastidio.

You cannot attack Fastidio, so your goal here will just be to survive his attacks for a while. He will make pillars of furniture to fall on you (look for a red marker on the floor to see where it will fall) a few times. After a little while, he’ll be satisfied and leave you alone. Go back to the foyer once he’s gone, and one of the bars in front of the main door will unlock once you reach it.

Walk down the path, and at the end you will find a door two pedestals with hands on the sides. Both pedestals will need to hold a lantern to open the door. There will also be a path on each side of the door. You will need to go through both paths, as there will be a lantern within each one, but you can do them in either order.

hogwarts legacy mind you own business atrium 1

Walk down the path until you reach a dead end with a single mannequin, then turn around to see the path behind you change. Turn back around to where the single mannequin was, and there will now be a wooden doorway that you can break with a Basic Cast, and go through.

When you enter the next area, you will notice a pedestal on your right. Look left to see a lantern floating, pull it towards you and hold it, then bring it to the pedestal to open a path ahead. Go through the doorway and hop over the gap, then turn left to see a doorway blocked by some wood. Use a Basic Cast on it and go to the platform ahead.

On this platform, you will notice another pedestal to the right, and another blocked door protecting a lantern. Use a Basic Cast on the wall, then pull and hold the lantern to place it on the pedestal here. Look east afterwards, and grab the first lantern with Accio.

While holding the lantern, leave this platform and turn left, then to your left there will be another doorway. Place the lantern on the pedestal to your right. The path forward will now be open; go through the door.

In the next room, go to the door on the other side, and it will close in your face. Shortly after, some mannequins will appear that you will have to fight. They aren’t particularly hard enemies and only have a slow attack, but they will teleport in front of you just before they attack, so be ready to dodge or block quickly.

Once the enemies are cleared out, a door will open on the east side. Walk through it and try going to the next door, and it will start backing away from you until the entire room goes dark. Cast Lumos to see that the door is gone, and turn around to see that the hallway has changed completely. Go through the open door on the left side, and you will see a chest in the room. Open it to get a piece of gear.

After opening the chest, turn around and there will now be a path. Follow it, and you will see a lantern floating on top of a table. Cast Wingardium Leviosa on it, then walk forward and turn left to be back in the main atrium. Take the lantern to one of the pedestals, and it will light up half of the door.

Go through the path until you reach a room. On the left, you will see a pedestal and a lantern. Pull the lantern to you and hold it, then place it on the pedestal. This will open up a new path to the east of the room. Go through the door here to continue.

In the next room, you will find a huge chess board that covers the entire room, along with pieces spread out on it. In this room, if you step on a tile that one of the pieces can move to in a typical game of chess, the tile will break and you’ll fall through, forcing you to start over (the tile will not be restored so you can make note of where not to step).

There is a very easy way to get across if you’re not familiar with chess, however — if you cast Revelio, the trapped tiles will be highlighted red. Just cast it and avoid these tiles, and you’ll safely make it to the other side.

hogwarts legacy mind you own business atrium 19

Once you’ve made it across, go through the path, and you will end up back in the first room of this section, only now you’re on the northern side. Go to the west side of the room, and you will see the first lantern you placed in this section south from you. Pull it to you and take it to the pedestal you passed by — this will open up a new path going south. Go down this path to continue.

In the next room you will find a lantern floating on top of a table. Grab it with Wingardium Leviosa, continue forward and turn right, and you will be back in the main atrium. Take the lantern to one of the pedestals, and it will light up half of the door.

Once both lanterns are placed, the door will open. Feel free to grab the two Wiggenweld Potions to the right of the stairs, then go down to enter the next area. After watching a cutscene, you will confront Fastidio.

You cannot attack Fastidio, so your goal here will just be to survive his attacks for a while. He will throw boxes and crates at you, which you can destroy with a Basic Cast or a dodge, and he will summon mannequins to attack you. Take care of the mannequins while avoiding what he throws at you, and he’ll be satisfied and leave you alone. Go back to the foyer once he’s gone, and one of the bars in front of the main door will unlock once you reach it.

Once you’ve fully explored both the library and the atrium, the door on the west side of the foyer will open. Walk through it and continue forward until you walk up to a gate in a graveyard, and you will get into a cutscene. Fastidio will offer to sign a contract with you to allow you to run your shop (mostly) in peace, if you can complete one final challenge.

hogwarts legacy mind you own business foyer door

After throwing a few things at you, he will summon a monster to attack you. Fastidio’s Monster fights just like a troll, only he will have far more health. The vertical bars on the boss’s health indicate its phases. On each of the phase transitions, it will momentarily crumble, then be summoned again.

  • Phase 1 of the fight will just be like a standard fight with a troll.
  • Once phase 2 starts, Fastidio will summon mannequins to assist the monster, so you will need to make sure they don’t overwhelm you while you fight Fastidio’s Monster.
  • Once phase 3 starts, there will be no more mannequins, but the entire room will be flipped upside down instead, to mess with your coordination while fighting. Throughout the fight, use Ancient Magic on the monster when it’s available, and watch out for its unblockable charges, and it will eventually go down.

After the monster is destroyed, Fastidio will finally be satisfied, and sign a contract with you. After the conversation, pick up the loot dropped from the monster, then go to the west side of the area. You will find a letter that will take you back to your shop.

hogwarts legacy mind you own business ladder

Once you’re safe in your shop, go talk to Penny, who will still be in the main room of the shop. She reveals that many potential shopkeepers have been sent down that chest, and never came back. However, she is forbidden from revealing more, because for some reason you still do not officially own the shop. You decide to speak to Officer Singer about everything that has just happened.

Note that you will not be able to use Floo Flames for the rest of this quest.

hogwarts legacy mind you own business penny 2

Leave the shop and turn right, then make another right when you reach a split. Continue down the road until you see a flight of stairs to your left, and run up them — Officer Singer will be just ahead from here. Talk to her to tell her about everything that just happened, and she will come with you to confront Cassandra Mason.

Head back to where you spoke to Cassandra at the start of this quest, and a cutscene will start when you approach her house. Afterwards, you will have to fight her. She is a powerful witch with a few spells at her disposal. The vertical lines on her health bar indicate the phases of the fight.

  • Phase 1 shouldn’t give you much trouble, and you may be able to skip it entirely with a cast of Ancient Magic (though you may want to save your charges for the next two phases).
  • When phase 2 starts, she will cast a colorless shield around herself. Unlike the other shields you encounter, none of your normal spells will break it — you will have to either block one of her spells and cast Stupefy, use your Ancient Magic Throw, or use a cast of Ancient Magic to get through. Besides going through the shield, she will mostly just throw objects at you. Many will be unblockable, though, so be careful.

Phase 3 is when she will show her full power. In addition to throwing objects, she will now cast Glacius and Confringo, as well as teleport around the area. On top of this, she will continue to cast her shield. Keep an eye on her the best you can and be ready to counter her attacks, and eventually she’ll be defeated.

After the battle and another cutscene, Officer Singer tells you that the ownership of the shop will immediately be transferred to you. It’s time to go back and tell Penny what happened.

Return to Penny in the shop and update her on what happened. She will decide to stay in the shop with you and help you sell whatever you want, and you will be able to choose the name for your new shop.

hogwarts legacy mind you own business penny 3

After speaking with her, you will have completed Mind Your Own Business, officially be a shopkeeper, and have a full outfit to prove it! Owning your own shop isn’t as glamorous as it might sound, however, but it does have a nice perk — Penny will now be another vendor where you can sell your equipment from, except she will buy everything for 10% more galleons than any other vendor in the game.

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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