Henrietta’s Hideaway Puzzles & Hidden Rooms – Hogwarts Legacy

Henrietta’s Hideaway is a somewhat hidden area in Hogwarts Legacy holding a few treasures, which you can get to if you are willing to solve several puzzles you will find there. In this guide, we will cover how to reach Henrietta’s Hideaway, as well as how to solve its puzzles, discover its secret rooms, and get as much of the loot as possible.

It’s worth noting that The Hippogriff Marks the Spot, Rescuing Rococo, and Solved By the Bell side quests all take place in Henrietta’s Hideaway, so it’s a good idea to pick them up before heading in — two of the puzzles even require you to have one of these quests to fully benefit from them.

Henrietta’s Hideaway can be found in Poidsear Coast. If you have never been to Poidsear Coast before (the southeast corner of the World Map), it can be tricky even reaching the area. Luckily, we have a How to Get to Poidsear Coast guide to help you get there! Though, unfortunately, even once you do get to the Poidsear Coast, there isn’t a Floo Flame that would take you directly to Henrietta’s Hideaway.

The closest Floo Flame to the hideaway is the one at South Clagmar Coast, which is located nearly at the southern edge of the world map — from there you can fly west. The hideaway will be in a small beach area, with a ruined building sitting atop a hill. The entrance to the hideaway will be on the southeastern side of the hill. Land in front of the entrance to avoid any enemies, then enter Henrietta’s Hideaway.

You will find the first puzzle as soon as you enter the hideaway. There will be two platforms in front of you, with the one on the right having a block on top.

  • Turn left to see a statue with a torch, and cast Incendio to light it (image 1) — this will reveal a block.
  • Grab the block with Wingardium Leviosa and take it over to the platform that didn’t have a block (image 2).
  • One block/platform will have a fire symbol on it, while the other pair will have an ice symbol. Cast Incendio on the pair with the fire symbol, and Glacius on the other (image 3), and a doorway will open to the next area.

The prize for solving this puzzle is the objective of The Hippogriff Marks the Spot!

  • You will see a large Hippogriff statue in the middle of the room, which is surrounded by 8 torches. You will need to have only specific torches lit up in order to solve the puzzle.
  • With the torch behind the Hippogriff being #1 (see images below), you will need to have torches 1, 3, 4, and 7 lit.
  • If any others are lit, cast Glacius on them (target them with playstation l2 button/button xbox lefttrigger to avoid cooling off the wrong torch).

Once the puzzle is solved, a doorway will open behind the Hippogriff, revealing a treasure containing the Treasure-Seeker’s Gloves appearance and 400ui t galleons.

To reach the third room and puzzle, head to the northeast corner of the room and up a flight of stairs. Then, follow the path. Eventually there will be a trap floor that will throw you back if you try to cross it — Revelio will highlight the trap. In order to cross it, cast Arresto Momentum on the trapped floor (you will need to aim at it with playstation l2 button/button xbox lefttrigger), and then you can safely cross over to the next room.

hogwarts legacy rescuing rococo second room 2

You can find the map needed to complete Solved By the Bell while doing this puzzle, and solving it leads you to the objective of Rescuing Rococo!

Look at the north side of the room and you will see two platforms, much like the ones in the first puzzle. You will need to find two blocks to place on these platforms. Both will be hidden in this room.

Go up the stairs on the south side, then look north — you will see a block on the other side of the room, on top of a platform.

Cast Accio on the block to bring it down on the floor, then cast Wingardium Leviosa to bring it over to the left platform (both the block and platform have a leaf icon on them).

Look on the south wall behind the stairs, and you will see a section of the wall that looks unstable. Simply walk up to it, and it will open up to reveal a new room. Inside this room, you can find the Musical Map on a table immediately to your left, and the block will be here as well. Grab the block with Wingardium Leviosa, and walk up the stairs to the south to lead you back to the puzzle room (you cannot leave this room the same way you came in).

Once you’re back in, take the block to the right platform (both the block and platform will have a fire symbol).

Now that both blocks are on their platforms, cast Levioso on the one with the leaf symbol, and Incendio on the one with the fire symbol. This will make the wall in between them open up to reveal a passageway.

Once you solve the puzzle, a passage will open that will lead you to a room with galleons and chests, as well as the Niffler Rococo.

To find the Collection Chest in Henrietta’s Hideaway, you need to go to the second room. Once there, look south from the Hippogriff and you will notice three statues with bowls lit in front of them. Cast Glacius on the one in the center, and the statue will turn around, revealing a platform with a button on top. Step on this platform to go to a new room.

hogwarts legacy henrietta's hideaway collection chest 1

Once in the room, destroy a couple of boxes on the west side to reveal a platform. On the northeast corner, you will find a block — cast Wingardium Leviosa on it, and place it on the platform. Cast Incendio on it and go back to the room with the Hippogriff statue, and you will notice a new path that has opened on the north side.

Go through the new path, then go straight at the three-way split, and you will notice another platform in front of a locked gate — on the other side of the gate will be a cube.

Step right in front of the gate, and cast Accio on the block (hold the spell to automatically cast Wingardium Leviosa). Guide the cube through a gap at the top of the gate, and place it on the platform. Now cast Incendio on the block, and the gate will open. Head through the gate and you will find the Collection Chest.

There are plenty of statues with torches you will see throughout Henrietta’s Hideaway that have nothing to do with any of the puzzles. If you cast Incendio on them (or Glacius if they’re lit), they will spin to reveal either a button that will take you to a small room with treasure, or a treasure chest.

hogwarts legacy henrietta's hideaway statue chests
  • On the path you opened to get the Collection Chest, turn left at the three-way split and you will find a block near a locked gate — on the other side of the gate will be a platform.
  • Grab the block with Wingardium Leviosa, and take it over the gap at the top of the gate to place it on the platform.
  • Once the block is on the platform, cast Glacius on it to open the gate.
  • This will lead you to a room with a large chest.
  • From the entrance to the second room in the hideaway, head north and you will go down a hallway.
  • The second turn on the path will have a trap floor, like the one on the way to the third room in the hideaway.
    • Just like before, cast Arresto Momentum on the trapped floor (you will need to aim at it with playstation l2 button/button xbox lefttrigger), and then you can safely cross over.
    • At the end of the path will be a room with a few chests to open.
    • Walk up the stairs and open the door after, and you will be back at the start of this hallway.

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2 months ago

Thanks so much for this, very helpful. Henrietta’s Hideaway sure is tricky 🙂