Hogwarts Legacy

hogwarts legacy featured image review

Hogwarts Legacy Review – Wizardry in Stasis

There are many, many people who love Harry Potter. Who read all the books and watched all the movies growing up. People who adore the franchise, people for whom the Wizarding World means an incredible amount. And it is those…

Possible Locations in Hogwarts Legacy

One of the key aspects of any open-world RPG is the world itself; having a huge, open world is only meaningful if that world is interesting and fun to explore. The Harry Potter universe has many fantastic and magical locations,…

hogwarts legacy official reveal trailer book flying

Historical Events We Could See In Hogwarts Legacy

The Harry Potter lore is rich and varied, and there are many historical events referenced throughout the books, movies, and other writings. With the announcement of Hogwarts Legacy, it was revealed that the game would take place in and around…

Can You Play Quidditch in Hogwarts Legacy?

March 2022 Update: The latest State of Play revealed a lot about the game, and Quiditch was nowhere to be seen. It’s almost certain that broomsticks will be for traveling only. After seeing the recent reveal trailer, many Hogwarts hopefuls…

Hogwarts Legacy Screenshots & Wallpapers

With the announcement for Hogwarts Legacy we wanted to compile screenshots, wallpapers, and media that we’ve seen so far in once spot! We’ll try to keep this page updated as things come out, and we may add a full gallery…