Hogwarts Legacy Patch Today for Xbox Series X & PC

Update: Today’s patch has now gone live. Notably, the patch specifically mentions fixes for NVIDIA GPUs. See complete patch notes below.

While the game itself has been a huge success (with 500,000 players in-game on Steam at time of writing), Hogwarts Legacy has had some troubles in the performance department. Stuttering and other performance issues have plagued many PC users, and the game just doesn’t always run smoothly, especially in some of the more populated and complex areas.

Fortunately, there has just been an announcement in the official Hogwarts Legacy Discord channel that a patch is coming today. It is set to “fix a few bugs and performance issues” — not exactly a sweeping fix, from the sound of it, but with any luck it’ll help those players most affected. There are handful of specific graphics cards that are particularly struggling with the game, and so it seems possible that today’s update targets those most-affected GPUs.

Today’s announcement also notes that the PS5 patch will be pushed back a few days, thanks to some extra issues they found. The PS5 patch should arrive later this week, and will include a fix for the “Collector’s Edition” Trophy when it does.

ps5 players are sad hogwarts legacy patch announcement finch official discord
You can quite easily see the ratio of PlayStation users on the server by looking at the reactions

The announcement concludes by reminding players to report bugs if they find them, so if you’ve got something specific you want them to fix, head to hogwartslegacy.bugs.wbgames.com and let them know!

Hogwarts Legacy Patch Notes – February 14th, 2023

Build Version – 1120320

Developer Note – This patch addresses overall gameplay performance and stability as well as online connection improvements.

Bug Fixes:

  • General
    • Online
      • Fixed issues with achievement data being properly pushed to Wizarding World portal after linking.
    • Gameplay
      • Owl Mail
        • Fixed an issue with mail not properly triggering sequential mission.
      • World Events
        • Fixed rare crash around certain locations where in-game World Events spawning.
      • NPC
        • Fixed a rare crash when respawning NPCs in the world.
        • Fixed crash with some NPC schedules.
      • Characters
        • Fixed issues with flickering occurring with a transparent head while hair is still present.
    • UI
      • Updated localization text for additional content items.
      • Added Build version to first time EULA.
      • Fixed rare occurrence of mission descriptions not being displayed correctly.
    • Cinematics
      • Corrected VFX presentation of robe transformation.
      • Fixed a stability issue when skipping cutscenes.
      • Fixed a crash when playing cutscenes and cinematics.
    • Save Game
    • Performance and Stability
      • Improved performance on Fidelity mode.
      • Fixed rare crash around hovering over the map.
      • Fixed issue with wind causing distortion and stretching of world assets.
      • Fixed a rare occurrence with material swapping.
      • Fixed a rare crash with map assets state.
      • Fixed Rare crash occurring with in-game world events.
      • Fixed a memory leak with global lighting system HL-313.
  • XSX
    • Performance and Stability
      • Improved crash collection to help chase rare crashes.
  • PC Steam/PC Epic Games
    • Cinematics
      • Fixed audio issues missing or not properly playing.
    • Controllers
      • Switch Pro controller support updates HL-346.
    • Upscalers
      • Enable frame generation while DLSS is disabled.
      • Anti-Aliasing and Screen resolution settings disabled when using DLSS and not Super Resolution.
    • Raytracing
      • Fixed issue with RTAO looking worse than SSAO.
      • Adjusted default setting to Medium Quality.
    • Performance and Stability
      • Shader type compilation optimization.
      • Shader compilation performance updates and functionality enhancements.
      • Fixed a crash affecting Text2Speech usability.
      • Resolved issues with world assets abruptly being stretched which resolves the following reported issues: HL-305, HL-265.
      • Resolved an issue with Nvidia GPUs having lower frame rate compared to AMD.
    • DirectX Version 12
      • Please note DirectX Version 12 is required to run Hogwarts Legacy on PC. We do not suggest attempting workarounds to run the game with DirectX Version 11 as this can cause stability issues with launching the game and the player experience.
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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2 years ago

Still runs like crap with 3080ti on Ultra. I should be able to run it at 60fps with RT on, instead I barely get 40fps with RT off and DLSS on Performance. Doesn’t feel like this patch fixed any performance issues.

Reply to  Daniel
2 years ago

That sounds like an issue with your machine dude… I have a 2070 and it runs the game on ultra, I drop frames every so often but it definitely runs it above 60 consistently

Reply to  Daniel
2 years ago

if I can get 40 FPS at 1440p ultra with a 1080 Ti (which is far FAR less powerful than your card) I would suspect something is wrong with your computer: Perhaps the MOBO x16 slot is not powerful enough? Perhaps your CPU is bottlenecking the system? Perhaps you have windows set up wrong and something is throttling or limiting? Perhaps your driver is incorrect or seriously out of date?

If you’re playing 4k then there’s your problem — 4k on Ultra even with DLSS is still gonna run like poo on a 3080 Ti. You only get DLSS 2.5 on that as well, not DLSS 3 like with the 4xxx series.

Reply to  Daniel
2 years ago

I have a 3080 Ti and run the game on Ultra with RT Shadows on, and get 60+ frames most of the time. It dips down into the 50s in busy areas but I barely notice. Turn your FPS counter off and just enjoy the game dude.