Hogwarts Legacy Delayed to 2022

2021 will need another savior, as Warner Bros announced today that Hogwarts Legacy’s 2021 release has been pushed back to 2022. The official word from the Hogwarts Legacy twitter states that they are “giving the game the time it needs”. That’s heartening news for fans who are willing to wait longer for a finished product, rather than getting something buggy or half-baked. Perhaps Portkey (Warner Bros’ Wizarding World games label) took a long hard look at what happened with Cyberpunk 2077 when making the decision to delay Hogwarts Legacy. You can see the full text of the official announcement here:

Despite being a sign that Portkey is intent on making sure their first big AAA Harry Potter game lives up to the hype, it is disappointing that a delay announcement is the first Hogwarts Legacy news of 2021. There has still been no new information about the game since the official announcement trailer back in September of 2020. Considering that the 2018 leak included what looked like a playable build of the game, it’s surprising we have yet seen any official gameplay footage.

Still, the delay doesn’t truly come as a shock — the global pandemic has delayed many other gaming projects, and Hogwarts Legacy is unlikely to be the last 2021 game to fall victim to Covid-19. We can only hope that the extra development time gives Avalanche Software ample opportunity to create an open-world RPG worthy of a place in the Harry Potter universe.

One other positive bit of info we can glean from the tweet is the exterior shot of Ollivander’s wand shop, suggesting that Diagon Alley will be one of the locations we’re able to visit once the game finally releases. Personally, I can’t wait to see whether or not “the wand chooses the wizard” in Hogwarts Legacy.

Would you prefer the game was released ASAP, or are you happy to hear they are taking their time in finishing Hogwarts Legacy? Let us know in the comments!

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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4 years ago

Hopefully this means they spend the time to polish it and avoid a situation like Warcraft Reforged or Cyberpunk 2077.