Talents – Hogwarts Legacy

Along with spells and gear, Talents are be one of the main ways your character becomes stronger in Hogwarts Legacy. These upgrades to your character allow you to specialize in certain aspects of gameplay, whether it be stealth, tools, or combat effectiveness. In this guide, we’ll take a look at how Talents work, and go over all of the categories available, as well as how you can purchase them and whether or not you can get every Talent in the game in a single playthrough.

The ability to purchase Talents in Hogwarts Legacy unlocks when complete an early line of missions in the Golden Path (Main Story) to unlock Talents. More specifically, you will need to finish the Jackdaw’s Rest quest to gain the access to the Talent Tree.

We have more information on this in our How to Unlock Talents guide.

Defeating enemies, completing quests, and finding collectibles in Hogwarts Legacy will earn you experience. This in turn allows you to level up — leveling up will grant you Talent Points that you can then spend on Talents. These Talents offer different bonuses and benefits, and are organized into specific categories: Core, Spells, Dark Arts, Stealth, Room of Requirement,. There are a few key things to keep in mind when picking talents:

  • You will only have 36 talent points at max level — there are 48 total Talents to choose from. Thankfully, you are able to reset your talents, to try out new combinations and see what works.
  • Talents are gated by level, with new tiers of Talents becoming available once your character reaches the requisite level.

Resetting will cost you 200 gold per talent, whether you do them all at once, per tree, or per talent.

  • To reset all of your talents, you simply need to enter your Talents screen and press the “reset” button. This will allow you to refund all Talents — the total cost, as mentioned, will be 200 gold per talent.
  • Alternatively, you can go into an individual Talent Tree and reset all of the talents in it.
  • If you just want to refund individual talents, you can go into the purchased talent in the menu, then hold the “reset” button on any individual talent, at the same cost as with the other methods.

There are 5 Talent Trees in Hogwarts Legacy: Stealth, Room of Requirement, Core, Spells, and Dark Arts. You will see all of them listed below.

You can see the best visualization of it in our Hogwarts Legacy Talent Calculator. It’s also very useful for planning out your character builds!

10 Available Talents

The Dark Arts spells available to the player are limited, but you can modify some of your “normal” spells to make them stronger (and darker).

Level 5

  • Stunning Curse: Stupefy has the same effect as a curse to enemies. Cursed enemies take increased damage.
  • Blood Curse: Dealing damage to a cursed target inflicts damage to all cursed targets.
  • Disarming Curse: Expelliarmus has the same effect as a curse to enemies. Cursed enemies take increased damage.
  • Knockback Curse: Flipendo has the same effect as a curse to enemies. Cursed enemies take increased damage.

Level 16

  • Slowing Curse: Arresto Momentum has the same effect as a curse to enemies. Cursed enemies take increased damage.
  • Enduring Curse: A cursed effect remains on an enemy for a longer period of time.
  • Crucio Mastery: Striking an enemy cursed by Crucio releases a projectile that curses a enemy nearby.
  • Imperio Mastery: An enemy under your control with Imperio curses other targets with each successful strike.

Level 22

  • Avada Kedavra Mastery: Killing an enemy with Avada Kedavra kills all cursed enemies.
  • Curse Sapper: Defeating a cursed enemy restores some of your health.

10 Available Talents

Spells are the most important aspect in Hogwarts Legacy, so making them stronger is going to be a priority for many builds.

Level 5

  • Incendio Mastery: Casting incendio unleashes a ring of flame around you.
  • Accio Mastery: Enemies near a target summoned by Accio are also pulled to you.
  • Levioso Mastery: Enemies near a target levitated by Levioso are also levitated.
  • Diffindo Mastery: Diffindo casts slice through impacted enemies to strike additional targets.
  • Depulso Mastery: Casting a Depulso releases an additional blast directly around you.
  • Confringo Mastery: Confringo impacts produce fiery bolts that seek enemy targets.

Level 16

  • Glacius Mastery: Striking a enemy frozen by Glacius blasts damaging shards outward from the target.
  • Descendo Mastery: A Descendo slam creates a damaging shockwave around your target.
  • Bombarda Mastery: Bombarda causes an explosive blast with a massive area of effect.

Level 22

  • Transformation Mastery: Enemies struck with the transformation spell transform into explosive objects.

16 Available Talents

These talents improve your overall effectiveness. Improvements to Essential spells, Wiggenweld potions, and general combat strength are what you’ll find in this tree.

Level 5

  • Ancient Magic Throw Expertise: Ancient Magic Throw catches and throws disarmed enemy weapons.
  • Spell Knowledge I: A new Spell Set is added. Hold R2/RT and tap one of your directional keys/arrows to swap to an unlocked Spell Set.
  • Basic Cast Mastery: Basic Cast impacts reduce spell cooldowns.
  • Protego Absorption: Successful Protego blocks will contribute to the Ancient Magic Meter. Perfect Protego blocks contribute even more.
  • Swift: Holding down dodge allows you to vanish quickly and reappear nearby. (Note: It’s that dodge where you turn into light and do a whole dash, which was shown in the trailers)
  • Spell Knowledge II: A new Spell Set is added. Hold R2/RT and tap one of your directional keys/arrows to swap to an unlocked Spell Set.
  • Wiggenweld Potency I: Wiggenweld heals you to a greater effect.

Level 16

  • Revelio Mastery: Increases the range of Revelio.
  • Spell Knowledge III: A new Spell Set is added. Hold R2/RT and tap one of your directional keys/arrows to swap to an unlocked Spell Set.
  • Basic Cast Airborne Absorption: Basic Cast impacts on airborne enemies contributes more to the Ancient Magic Meter.
  • Protego Expertise: Blocking a spell with Perfect Protego will send two projectiles back at enemies.
  • Evasion Absorption: Successfully evading an unblockable attack with Dodge contributes to the Ancient Magic Meter.
  • Stupefy Mastery: Enemies struck with Stupefy remain stunned for a longer period of time.
  • Wiggenweld Potency II: Wiggenweld heals you to a greater effect.

Level 22

  • Protego Mastery: Perfect Protego releases a damaging blast that breaks enemy shields.
  • Stupefy Expertise: Stupefy deals direct damage on impact.

4 Available Talents

Learning the Disillusionment charm will allow your character to move stealthily, avoiding detection and sneaking up on enemies. Talents in this tree improve your ability to sneak up on enemies, and eventually improve your Petrificus Totalus spell as well.

Level 5

  • Sense of Secrecy I: Enemies’ ability to detect you is reduced.
  • Human Demiguise: Allows you to Sprint while using Disillusionment.

Level 16

  • Sense of Secrecy II: Enemies’ ability to detect you is reduced.

Level 22

  • Petrificus Totalus Mastery: Petrificus Totalus emanates an area of effect that can impact nearby enemies.

8 Available Talents

The Room of Requirement is where you’ll grow Plants and brew Potions, where you upgrade Gear, and where you raise the Magical Creatures you rescue. The 8 talents in this tree all strengthen your Tools, making your Potions and Plants more effective.

Level 5

  • Edurus Potion Potency: Edurus Potion makes you invulnerable and deflects projectile attacks back to enemies.
  • Fertilizer: For each Chinese Chomping Cabbage thrown, a second Chomping Cabbage is generated and released at no cost.
  • Invisibility Potion Potency: The Invisibility Potion’s undetectable effect lasts for a longer period of time.

Level 16

  • Headache: The damage and duration of the incapacitating effect of Mandrakes are increased.
  • Maxima Potion Potency: Maxima Potion causes attacks to have additional increased damage and break enemy shields.

Level 22

  • Thunderbrew Potency: The range and damage of the potion effect are greatly increased.
  • Noxious: Venomous Tentacula attacks deal additional damage and break shields.
  • Focus Potion Potency: The duration of the Focus Potion’s effect will be extended when any spell from the Spell Set is cast during it’s use.
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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