Crossed Wands: Round III – Hogwarts Legacy Quest

Now that you spent some time with your Classes at Hogwarts, Lucan is ready to have you back for Round III of the tournament — prepare for this one to be challenging; the title of the Champion of the Crossed Wands is on the line!

  • Quest Type: Side Quest
  • Location: Clock Tower, South Wing, Hogwarts Castle (map)
  • Requirements: Complete Tomes and Tribulations
  • Quest Reward:
    • 180 XP
    • Appearances
    • Crossed Wands Champion’s Garb

Once Lucan makes his preparations for the final round, a notification will be available on your map, allowing you to visit the Clock Tower once again. There, Lucan will await to see whether you can claim the Champion’s Spot.

Just like in the previous round, Lucan will ask you whether you want to join the battle with one of your companions — Natsai or Sebastian — or if you want to claim the crown alone. This final round is the most ferocious of the bunch, so having a companion this time will be helpful, unless you are ready to take on the challenge!

This time we will be facing 4 opponents at once, matching your current level. Your opponents will attempt to flank you frequently, throwing control spells your way. Prepare to fail a few times if you chose to go in without a companion.

  • This time we will be introduced to the Red Shields in the tutorial, broken with Damage Spells (luckily, Professor Hecat taught us the temp hogwarts legacy incendioIncendio spell). Take your time to prepare temp hogwarts legacy incendioIncendio, temp hogwarts legacy accioAccio, and temp hogwarts legacy leviosoLevioso on your key binds, since your opponents will now use Yellow, Violet, and Red Shields!
  • You can actually use temp hogwarts legacy stupefyStupefy to break a Shield as well.
  • The tutorial prompt also reminds us about the “Target Swapping” mechanic, in case you forgot (you can use the playstation button analog r.svg (1) button to track your enemies without aiming and your playstation button analog r.svg (1) stick to cycle through your targets.)
  • Constant dodging and using temp hogwarts legacy protegoProtego spell will be essential to beat the challenge!

Upon defeating all four opponents, Lucan Brattleby will approach to congratulate you on your fierce battle. He will also grant you the title of Champion, settling the question of the Greatest Duelist in Hogwarts. Though, now it’s time for Lucan to worry about the studies he has been neglecting… organizing a tournament does take up some time.

You will be rewarded with 180 XP like with the previous quests, but you will also unlock a Champion’s Garb that will remind your fellow students who the greatest duelist really is.

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2 years ago

it’s actually impossible on pc, the targeting system is so bad

Reply to  asdfasdfasdf
2 years ago

Have you tried using target lock (Caps)?

2 years ago

4 against 2?! how is that fair? 3 guys in front and 1 trying to get behind you… what a crock of sh1t.

2 years ago

LMAO@”Targeting” – good luck with that… doesn’t matter who you’re facing, who you’re closest to, or how many times you press R3 or tap R left or right. It targets who IT wants to target (usually the same person over and over) and you cannot change it.

2 years ago

so you get hit 3 times and you’re dead. there are 4 opponents, each of whom you have to hit AT LEAST a dozen times to eliminate, and even then they somehow come back into play AFTER they’ve been “eliminated.”
Fair. Totally fair.

2 years ago

So let me describe Crossed Wands: Round III in a nutshell.

First, it’s 4 on 2. When the fight begins, 1 of the 4 opponents will run to the opposite corner of the room, so it’s literally IMPOSSIBLE to see all 4 opponents at once.

Next, your “partner” is utterly useless. He basically stands there the whole time with his dick in his hand.

Next, “targeting” is an absolute joke. It doesn’t matter who you’re facing, who you’re closest to, or how many times you press R3, or tap R left or right. It targets who IT wants to target (usually the same person over and over) and you cannot change it. It actually doesn’t matter anyway since you attack whoever is outlined in white – the red “targeting” dot is meaningless.

Next, you can absorb 3, possibly 4 hits before you die. You opponents can take between 12 and 15 hits before they die. EACH. The best part – after they “die” they just come back into play like nothing happened.

So the fight goes like this – 1 opponent runs behind you, your partner does nothing, all 4 opponents wait for you to attack. When you do the 3 you aren’t attacking all attack you. Even if you manage to eliminate 1 of the opponents they just get back up and rejoin the fight. Repeat until you die. I don’t see how it’s possible to beat this. I’ve never managed to eliminate more than 2 of the 4 opponents, and even then they just get back up and keep fighting, so it’s always 4 on 2(1).

Reply to  Shaun
2 years ago

If your opponents are getting back up, either your game is bugged, or you didn’t actually defeat them. After taking an opponent’s health bar to zero, they remain out of the fight until the round ends.

I plan on uploading a video showing a Crossed Wands III victory in the hopes that it will help people succeed. Once I’ve done so, I’ll reply again to your comment with a link!

Last edited 2 years ago by DanielD