Beast Locations – Hogwarts Legacy

With a huge map and dozens of Beast dens, finding all of them can be a real challenge for even the most determined player. Fortunately, we’ve put together a comprehensive list of every den so you can focus on the hard work of rescuing Beasts instead of finding them.

Making extensive use of the Floo Flame network will be key to accessing most of these dens.

  • Puffskein Den south of Jackdaw’s Tomb Floo Flames
  • Giant Purple Toad Den west of West Forbidden Forest Floo Flames
  • Hippogriff Den northeast of West Forbidden Forest Floo Flames
  • Mooncalf Den south of Pitt-upon-Ford
  • Unicorn Den on the eastern edge of the Forbidden Forest
  • Niffler Den southeast of Jackdaw’s Tomb Floo Flames

  • Kneazle Den southeast of Northern South Sea Bog Floo Flames
  • Giant Purple Toad Den southwest of Northern South Sea Bog Floo Flames

  • Diricawl Den west of South Poidsear Coast Floo Flame
  • Mooncalf Den north of Poidsear Castle Floo Flame
  • Niffler Den north of Phoenix Mountain Cave Floo Flame
  • Puffskein Den north of Marunweem Bridge Floo Flame
  • Fwooper Den southeast of phoenix Mountain Cave Floo Flame

  • Puffskein Den north of West Manor Cape Floo Flames
  • Hippogriff Den south of West Manor Cape Floo Flames
  • Jobberknoll Den further south of West Manor Cape Floo Flames
  • Niffler Den southeast of West Manor Cape Floo Flames (directly east of the Hippogriffs)

There you have it, every single Beast den in Hogwarts Legacy! Are you planning to save a Beast from every den? Let us know in the comments below!

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Lucky Boop
Lucky Boop

Strategy game enthusiast, especially Paradox titles and the Civilization series. Whenever he's not writing he spends his time watching sports, enjoying coffee, or studying history.

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