Sweeping the Competition – Hogwarts Legacy Quest

Sweeping the Competition is an optional quest in Hogwarts Legacy. Albie Weekes has begun working on a second broom upgrade, and would like your help in developing it. There is a new course he’d like you to tackle with your broom, and once again beat Imelda Reyes’s record.

To start the quest, you will need to speak to Albie Weekes and upgrade your broom from him. To reach him, go to the South Hogmeade Floo Flame, and head into the Spintwitches Sporting Needs shop just northwest of it. Once inside, speak to Albie to open up the shop, and the Broom Upgrade will be the first option to buy. It costs 1000 galleons, and will increase your broom’s acceleration and speed.

Once you purchased it and exit the shop menu, you will automatically start talking the Albie, and he will have a request for you — he wants you to test your upgraded broom on a new course, in order to help him create a new upgrade.

In order to reach Imelda Reyes and the new course, first go to the Keenbridge Floo Flame (or the Northern South Sea Bog one if you unlocked it), then get on your broom and fly southwest. Once you’ve reached your destination, land and speak to Imelda. She will challenge you to take another trial on the new course. Once you accept, you will begin the Hogwarts South Broom Trial.

Just like in the quest Flight Test, you will now need to complete the trial with a better time with Imelda. Take advantage of the speed boosts on the course (the yellow orbs you see in between rings) and your own burst of speed (playstation l2 button/button xbox lefttrigger), and you should be able to beat the record fairly easily — you can even miss some rings and still win if you’re fast enough!

hogwarts legacy sweeping the competition south broom trial

Afterwards, walk up to Imelda and she will acknowledge your victory.

Head back into Spintwitches and speak to Albie to report your success.

hogwarts legacy sweeping the competition albie 2

After speaking to him, you will have completed Sweeping the Competition, and you can look forward to another broom upgrade in the future!

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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