How to Equip Gear – Hogwarts Legacy

This guide will help you get accustomed to navigating your Gear interface in Hogwarts Legacy. The game goes over a short tutorial regarding your equipment, however, we will introduce you to a full guide on how to equip your Gear, sell it, or — if you find yourself in a pickle — even destroy it!

First and foremost, to equip your Gear you will have to open up the Gear Interface in your Field Guide. You can do so by either going manually to your Field Guide and selecting the Character Tab, or you can just press “I” if you are playing on a PC. Sadly, the Console version of the game does not have a dedicated button for the Character Tab.

Once there, you will be able to see your Character’s level, currently equipped equipment, as well as your stats — Health, Defence, and Offence. Likewise, this is where you will be able to see your current Galleons and any accessories, such as Flying Mounts and Brooms. All you have to do now is select the Gear Slot for your desired equipment piece and press playstation x button/button xbox a v2/icon leftmouseclick, depending on whether you play on Console or PC.

how to equip item example
Here is where you can equip a Gear piece

While in most RPGs selling gear is only really profitable if you pick the right vendors, that is not the case in Hogwarts Legacy: items can be sold at any shop, be it Spells and Tomes or the Gladrags Wizardwear — all for the same profit.

selling items hogwarts legacy
Sell Items interface at a Shop

To sell an item you will have to open the shop by pressing either the playstation square button/button xbox a v2/F button and then press E/playstation r1 button , depending on whether you play on PC or Console. By doing this you will navigate to the Sell Items tab. There you will be able to view all of your Gear pieces and sell whichever ones you would like.

There will be rare moments when you might want to destroy some Gear pieces you have collected. For example, if you know that you are about to find a valuable piece of equipment and can’t fast-travel to a shop from your current location (because of a specific event) — destroying some Gear pieces might be required to make some space in your inventory!

To destroy a piece of Gear in your collection, all you have to do is press and hold down the playstation button left stick downLeft Stick for Console or hold the C button while hovering over the item if you play on a PC. A pretty… simple way of getting rid of excess gear in opportune moments, don’t you think so?

As you adventure and collect Gear in Hogwarts Legacy, especially early on, you may notice that you have a very limited capacity for Gear in your inventory. Initially, you will only be able to hold up to 20 Gear pieces per character, no matter what Slot type those items may be.

The only way you can increase your Gear Capacity is by completing Merlin’s Trials. If you want to find out more details about the trials, check out our dedicated Merlin’s Trial Walkthrough.

Now that you know how to navigate your character’s tab and equip your Gear, we hope you will come up with some interesting builds in Hogwarts Legacy! Let us know if you found the information useful in the comment section below!

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