Flying Off The Shelves – Hogwarts Legacy Quest

Sometimes, students try to make their lives easier by inventing their own spells. Rarely does this work, as demonstrated by Cressida Blume, whose attempts to carry fewer books have resulted in several books flying around the library that must be caught. But she mustn’t be caught in the library causing trouble, so it is up to you to catch them. In this guide, we will see just how to do that.

  • Quest Type: Side Quest
  • Location: Central Hall, Library Annex, Hogwarts Castle (map)
  • Requirements:
  • Quest Reward:
    • 180 XP

To begin the quest, you have to find Cressida. She is upstairs in the northwestern part of the central hall. Talking to her (with playstation square button/button xbox x v2) will initiate Flying Off the Shelves, and she will explain her predicament — someone has to go catch the five flying books in the library, and so she will ask you to do it.

After agreeing to help, go to the library. This is through the first door on your right after descending the stairs, along the west wall of the central hall, so it is easy to find. Use Accio to grab the books. Two are downstairs, flying around. Two are flying between the shelves upstairs, with a fifth flying around an upstairs alcove in the southwest corner.

hogwarts legacy collect cressidas flying books from the library to library 1

Once inside the library, there will be 5 flying books around the library. These books move quite quickly, and traverse much of the library, so you will need to have a keen eye to find them. Look out for golden trails behind the books, and use Revelio to see their blue outlines behind walls.

In general, two of the books will be on each level, with the fifth book — a diary — going back and forth between the two floors.

Return to Cressida, who will be in the same place as before. Talk to her to return her books to her, though you will have the option of asking for a reward in exchange for not telling others about the secret you uncovered in her diary.

After speaking to her again, you will complete the quest Flying Off the Shelves. But flying books aren’t the only magical mishap in Hogwarts that you’ll have to deal with yet…

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he'll try. When he isn't working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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