Horklump Juice

Category: Ingredients
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Small creatures that resemble mushrooms. Their juice is used in Wiggenweld Potion. They tend to hide underground.

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Where to Find Horklump Juice

Horklump Juice is a vital ingredient used in creating Wiggenweld Potions. The most common way of acquiring it is by gathering it on the open world map — it’s abundant in forests, caves, and is very prominent near treasure vault entrances. You can also buy it directly from a variety of potion vendors, such as the J.Pippins Potions Shop in Hogsmeade.

The highest concentration of Horklump Juice is in a Horklump Hollow cave that is tied to A Friend in Deed, a quest given by Sirona at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade.

horklump hollow hogwarts legacy
Location of Horklump Hollow east of Upper Hogsmeade
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