Limgrave Boss Guides – Elden Ring

Limgrave, the starting region of Elden Ring, is filled with challenging bosses that test a Tarnished’s skill from the very beginning. From open-world threats to dungeon-dwelling foes, each battle demands strategy and perseverance. Below, you can find the full list of bosses in the region, and the strategies to defeat them. If you’re looking for a complete walkthrough of Limgrave, head here.

  • Summons Available: Yes
  • Location: First Steps
  • Rewards:

The Tree Sentinel is the first boss you will encounter during your playthrough, and it’s definitely not the easiest. While you can choose to fight him straight away, you can always decide to do this boss later on. If and when you do decide to take him on, the key is to always respond to his attacks. You never want to attack while he is idle, unless you know you can move fast enough to be able to dodge his telegraphed attacks.

Within the Groveside Cave, the Beastman of Farum Azula is likely to be the first boss that you’ll encounter that you’ll be able to take on at the beginning of the game (unless you decide to slam your head against the Tree Sentinel for a while). This strange enemy is actually a common enemy from a late-game area, and so will give you a good idea about what to expect much further along in your journey.

This boss has several lunge attacks, and all of them are easily avoidable by either running backwards, or rolling backwards. It’s most dangerous attack is its six-strike combo, requiring you to be precise in your movement not only to avoid the Beastman, but also to punish him. Thankfully, the Beastman of Farum Azula is fairly easy to stagger, so if you can hit him once you will probably be able to get several hits in.

The Burial Tree Watchdog is the boss at the end of the Stormfoot Catacombs, and can be a quite formiddable foe if it is the first time you encounter one. With a strange, mechanical moveset, this Watchdog is the first of many you will encounter on your path, and poses a good chance to start to learn how to react to its odd attacks.

As for strategy: the boss itself is slow, but the attacks that it can do have harsh delays and come out fast. Because of this, take your time against this boss and try to learn timings. Not only will this let you dodge or block its attacks at the right time, but it will also let you learn how to punish the boss as it recovers from an attack.

Within the Coastal Cave, you will find two powerful Demi-Human Chiefs. Possibly your first fight with multiple bosses, the Demi-Human Chiefs are fast and deadly, with some tough combos. These two not only protect the Sewing Needle needed to progress Boc‘s test, but also protect the tunnel leading to the Church of Dragon Communion, where you can learn Dragon Incantations.

The Demi-Human Chiefs themselves can be pretty tough, but you will have an easier time if you are able to be aggressive enough to kill the one closest to you before the other one arrives. Their moveset is fairly simple, and they can be stunned by attacks with heavy weapons, so aggression is warranted. If you do find yourself against both of the Chiefs at the same time, try to make enough room to separate them long enough to get hits on one.

  • Summons Available: Yes, Blood Finger Hunter Yura
  • Location: Dragon-Burnt Ruins
  • Rewards:

Flying Dragon Agheel is a field boss residing in the large lake near the Dragon-Burnt Ruins. You will first encounter Agheel when he pummels in from the sky, wiping out some undead before getting ready to fight you. Being your first dragon encounter, it can be very worthwhile to take your time and learn the moveset; Agheel uses the same moveset as almost all of the dragons you will encounter over the course of the game.

The key to fighting any dragons is to remain mobile. You should be on Torrent almost all the time while fighting dragons, where you can get good shots against the Dragon’s legs and avoid move of its attacks. Its deadliest moves are its fire breath attacks, which almost always require you to position yourself away from the flames. If you find yourself struggling, you can find the Summon Sign of Bloody Finger Hunter Yura in the lake if you talk to him (to the north) after dying to Agheel at least once.

The Stonedigger Troll, hidden in the depths of the Limgrave Tunnel, is a tougher version of the giants you can encounter on the surface of Limgrave.

It has the same moveset as them, which is slow but devastating, requiring you to be ready to avoid stomps and swipes all the time.

Returning from many previous FromSoft games, Patches is a devious and tricky NPC boss — possibly the first you will encounter in the game. He will surrender partway through your fight, allowing you to spare him so he can show up again later (or you can kill him for his loot, including his Bell Bearing).

As far as the fight goes, Patches is not too tricky. Because of his shield, you will need to attack at the right moments — likely after blocking or dodging — in order to do any damage. In addition, his spear’s range can be deceiving, requiring you to back off a bit more than you expect. However, Patches has a low health pool and isn’t particularly damaging, so you should be able to best this familiar foe with just some decent timing.

This hefty brute, found at the end of the Murkwater Catacombs, is a good introduction to the kinds of opponents that are relentless and straightforward.

While reacting to bosses like these well will make short work of them, panicking or struggling to find a time to heal can lead to you dying in short order. You will need to practice getting through and then punish combos in order to take on this boss, but one you are able to dodge chained attacks, he shouldn’t prove too difficult.

  • Summons Available: Yes
  • Location: Waypoint Ruins
  • Rewards:
    • runes icon elden ring 1,300
    • Access to Sorceress Sellen

In a small crypt in the Waypoint Ruins, you will find the Mad Pumpkin Head, a suped-up variant of the Pumpkin Heads you might’ve seen in other parts of the world. He blocks the way to Sorceress Sellen in the next room, and therefor must be dispatched in order to access her shop and questline.

While the Mad Pumpkin Head can be tough — especially if you attack its armored head — it is also very slow, and has long recovery periods after attacks. Once you know how to dodge and block its moves, you just need to make sure you get into a good position to deal damage to parts other than the head in order to take this one down.

Waiting for you at the entrance to Stormveil Castle, Margit, the Fell Omen is one of the hardest fights in the early part of Elden Ring. With a sizeable moveset, massive damage, and lots of mobility, Margit can put a roadblock to your progress early on. When you reach him, make sure to head to the Round-Table Hold after resting at the Castleward Tunnel Site of Grace and using the NPCs there to help buff you. And don’t be afraid to come back later!

As for the actual fight: Margit has a mix of quick attacks, slow devastating strikes, and attacks that are delayed to bait you into dodging prematurely, which makes him a formidable foe. Additionally, the boss will become more dangerous during Phase 2, which begins around 60% health.

The first of many Ulcerated Tree Spirits in Elden Ring, this is one of the most difficult enemies you can find in all of Limgrave. Waiting at the bottom of the Fringefolk Hero’s Grave — the dungeon that you will pass at the very start of the game — this formidable and deadly foe requires learning to read its twisting limbs and strange moves, or else fall pray to it.

The most difficult part of this fight — aside from how much health the Ulcerated Tree Spirit has — is learning how to avoid the many strange attacks the Tree Spirit can do. It’s most deadly, a dangerous grab attack, is also notoriously hard to dodge. But, once you do learn how to dodge the amorphous creature, you will be able to punish it hard.

In the endless depths of the Siofra River, far beneath the surface — and even most of the caves — of Limgrave, you will find a series of torches that you can light. Upon lighting them all, you can use an ancient corpse to access the Ancestor Spirit, a dangerous — if graceful — spectral foe that represents nature.

Despite appearances and build-up, the Ancestor Spirit is not too difficult of a fight. It’s moves are very readable, it doesn’t have too much health, and its move variety is fairly small. You should keep in mind that it is easiest to fight the boss from near the Spirit’s

Godrick, the master of Stormveil Castle, is proably the first Great Rune holder you’ll meet, and defeating him is a big step on your path to becoming Elden Lord. He can be intimidating, but even all his arms won’t save him from you (and your summons). You will need to be at your most prepared when going to face Godrick, and should make sure your weapons and stats are upgraded before going in.

Once inside, you should prioritize learning Godrick’s extensive moveset and being prepared to dodge his variety of attacks. He has a wide, but very exploitable, moveset — if you react correctly, you can deal massive damage in return. If you can get Godrick to his second phase (after a really cool cutscene), it can actually be easier, as Godrick’s new dragon attacks are mostly easier than the attacks from the first phase.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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Guri Sagar
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