How to Activate the Mechanism in the Powers Club – Gotham Knights

Soon after entering the Powers Club in Mission 2.2, you’ll have to find a way to “activate the mechanism”. In this guide, we’ll show you exactly how to do just that.

Find a Way to Activate the Mechanism

In the previous section, you scanned a hidden mechanism in the floor, which led to a lamp that had two wires leading away from it. These wires continue into the area where you’re given the “Find a way to Activate the Mechanism” objective, and the wires lead to an object in each section of the library.

After going through the double doors (1), you can first turn left (2) and clear out the enemies in the area indicated.

Once you’ve done so, use your AR scanner by holding button xbox dpad down/ computer key x t , and scan the bust against the wall opposite the fireplace. After fully scanning the bust, it will pop open, revealing a button. Hold button xbox a/ playstation x button / computer key e t to interact with the switch.

the bust how to activate the mechanism in powers club gotham knights puzzle

Then, you’ll need to clear out the enemies on the other side of the library — you can go up the stairs or grapple back to where you entered (1) to reach the other side. After dispatching all the guards here, hold button xbox dpad down/ computer key x t to scan the bookshelves by the stairs, and you’ll find a book you can scan (2).

After you finish scanning the book, it will open just like the bust did, and once again you can holdbutton xbox a/ playstation x button / computer key e t to interact with the switch.

With that done, you can return to the courtyard, either by going back through the doors you came through, or by going through the doors on the first floor of the library. In the courtyard, you’ll now be able to interact with the hidden switch by holding button xbox a/ playstation x button / computer key e t , revealing a hidden staircase.

final switch how to activate the mechanism in powers club gotham knights puzzle v2

Puzzle solved! Head down the newly-revealed stairs to continue the mission.

We hope this guide on solving the Powers Club hidden mechanism puzzle was helpful! Questions and suggestions are welcome in the comments below.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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