Gotham Knights PC Patch 11/07/2022 Now Live

Today’s Gotham Knight’s patch is a very welcome one — in addition to a nice QoL change and some other minor fixes and adjustments, this update includes major stability improvements. Many PC players have had trouble joining their friend’s games, and there are lots of other things that seem to be causing crashes; today’s patch should make co-op (and the game in general) much more stable. Additionally, this patch will apparently allow the game to run smoother, with GPU optimization for the lower graphical presets. Nvidia Freestyle should also work properly now.

There’s only one gameplay change, but it’s good: anyone who’s tried to drop down behind an enemy and instead had their character leap out in front of their target will be happy to hear that you’ll no longer jump forward when dropping from a ledge or beam. A few other changes round out the patch notes, which you can read in full below.

Gotham Knights PC Patch Notes – 11/07/2022


  • When dropping down from a ledge/beam, you will no longer jump forward
  • The exe name has been changed to “GothamKnights.exe”
  • FSR 2 has been updated to the newest version (2.1.2)
  • The Nvidia Freestyle can now be properly used
  • The backup save system has been redesigned
  • Save distinction functionality has been added, claimed DLCs are now stored in the save data
  • Fix for “flying cars” in co-op
  • GPU optimization for Low and Medium quality presets
  • Several UI and Input fixes
  • Photo mode navigation issues fixed


  • The game no longer crashes when joining a friend on Steam
  • The game no longer crashes when the player dismantles the currently equipped gear
  • Additional crash fixes
  • Server side update to help address co-op connection stability
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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