30 Minutes of Gotham Knights Gameplay Has Been Leaked

It truly is the season of Triple-A leaks! Advance copies of Gotham Knights seem to have gone out, and with them have come numerous leaks of gameplay and other info. While this is usually the result of reviewers with press copies, it appears that some retailers have mistakenly given pre-orders out far ahead of schedule, with one Reddit user posting that they’d snagged a copy of GK from their local gaming store.

Whatever the source of the leak, Warner Brothers has been quick to issue DMCA takedowns, with YouTube videos of GK gameplay disappearing only minutes after being uploaded. Still, intrepid internet users should have no trouble finding a copy of the footage, as it’s being disseminated and mirrored faster than WB can get the videos taken down. This also means that anyone who wants to avoid spoilers is going to have to stay off of most social media until the game releases.

Reactions have been mixed to the leaked footage, with many fans criticizing the game’s plot — the game’s intro, which is part of the leak, reveals some plot points that have been hitherto unknown. The introduction is also lengthy, with almost 15 minutes of cutscene before the player can actually do anything other than watch. This does point to a real focus on story; given the fairly middling reviews the game’s combat received from previewers, this may be for the best. The game world and the plot will have to do some heavy lifting if Gotham Knights wants to even get near to the level of success that the Arkham games reached.

All that being said, it’s impossible to tell how a game plays until you actually get your hands on it, so we’re reserving judgement until we don one of the Knight’s suits ourselves and finally hit the streets of Gotham.

Gotham Knights releases Friday October 21st, on PC via Steam, Playstation 5, and Xbox X/S.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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