Caelid Bosses – Elden Ring

Caelid, a scarlet-blighted wasteland of decay and ruin, is one of the most treacherous regions in Elden Ring, teeming with grotesque and relentless foes. Its bosses, twisted by rot and madness, demand precision and resilience from any Tarnished who dares to face them. Below, you can find the full list of bosses in the region, and the strategies to defeat them. If you’re looking for a walkthrough of Caelid, head here.

Note that this page is a work in progress, and more bosses will be added regularly.

The Magma Wyrm is a slow but durable boss with high HP and sweeping melee attacks. It uses a combination of sword slams, lava-spewing moves, and charging attacks, but its predictable patterns make it easy to manage. Attacking its head deals extra damage, but staying at its flank provides the safest positioning.

Melee players should stick between its front and hind legs, dodging its spin and sword slam while landing attacks. Ranged players can use summons for distractions and cast from a distance, avoiding its charge and leap attacks. Keeping mobile and baiting predictable moves makes this fight relatively easy.

  • Summons Available: Yes
  • Location: Caelem Ruin
  • Rewards:

This fight pits you against two Mad Pumpkin Heads in a small room, making positioning crucial. The Flail-wielding Pumpkin Head is easier to defeat due to its shorter attack chains, while the Hammer variant has slower but more punishing swings. Their armored heads reduce damage from frontal attacks, making side or rear positioning ideal.

Melee players should use summons to distract one boss while focusing on the Flail-wielding enemy first. If left alone with both, kiting them together around the room minimizes the risk of being flanked. Mounted combat makes hit-and-run tactics easier. Ranged players should aim for their exposed sides and backs while keeping distance, using mobile melee options like Carian Slicer or Catch Flame if needed.

This fight pits you against two Cleanrot Knights, one wielding a spear and the other a sickle. While fighting two at once seems daunting, their susceptibility to stagger makes the encounter easier than expected. Summoning Lone Wolf Ashes is highly effective, as their constant attacks will repeatedly stagger the spear-wielding knight, making it the ideal first target.

Melee players should use jumping heavy attacks to break the spear knight’s stance while avoiding its Impale attack when it blocks. Ranged players can stay mobile, attacking from a distance while the wolves keep the boss occupied. The sickle knight’s disc projectiles can be dodged by rolling forward, and once the spear knight is down, the remaining enemy becomes much easier to handle.

  • Summons Available: Yes
  • Location: Sellia, Town of Sorcery
  • Rewards:

This optional boss duo in Caelid can seem difficult at first, but using Torrent makes the fight much easier. Both enemies can be backstabbed, but their mobility and coordinated attacks require patience and careful positioning. Summoning Spirit Ashes can help isolate one boss, making the fight more manageable.

Melee players should ride in on Torrent, strike once, and quickly retreat to avoid counterattacks. Ranged players should use wide-area spells like Dragonfire or bait the bosses into attacking before casting. If out of FP, switching to a hit-and-run melee approach is a reliable alternative. Keeping mobile and focusing on one boss at a time is key to victory.

Starscourge Radahn is a demigod holder of a Great Rune, making him one of Elden Ring’s most significant bosses. This battle is unique in that it allows Torrent for mobility and features numerous NPC summon signs scattered throughout the battlefield. While Radahn’s immense size and powerful gravity magic make him a fearsome foe, patience and clever use of summons make the fight much more manageable.

Summoning NPC allies repeatedly keeps Radahn distracted, allowing melee players to engage safely between his attack chains and ranged players to attack from a distance. Riding Torrent is key for avoiding his massive gravity-based abilities, especially in Phase 2 when he crashes down from space in a devastating explosion. After defeating Radahn, be sure to exhaust dialogue with nearby NPCs and activate the site of grace to progress related questlines.

The Cemetery Shade is a fast-moving, teleporting enemy that can overwhelm players with quick attack chains. Despite its aggressive nature, it has very low health and is weak to holy damage, making the fight easier with the right tools. Summoning spirits to distract it can help create openings for attack.

Melee players should wait for the boss’s Flurry attack, which leaves it vulnerable for a short window. Ranged players may struggle to land spells due to the Shade’s mobility, but spirit summons can keep it occupied long enough to land a few powerful attacks. Staying patient and punishing its mistakes makes this a relatively simple fight.

These mounted warriors appear only at night and can be found in multiple locations across the Lands Between. Within Caelid, The fight against the Night’s Cavalry in Caelid South is much easier than the one in Greyoll’s Dragonbarrow, where the boss is far more aggressive and durable. Having Torrent is essential for these fights, as mounted combat makes the encounter much easier.

The best strategy is to ride directly at the boss, passing on their weapon side while attacking. This allows you to hit while avoiding their swings. If their horse falls, punish the rider before they can recover. For ranged builds, simply ride in circles while casting spells. Be mindful of Flail-wielding variants, as they have a spinning attack that cannot be countered with a charge.

  • Summons Available: No
  • Location: Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank (Night)
  • Rewards:

The Death Rite Bird is a powerful nighttime boss found in multiple locations across the Lands Between. A more dangerous variant of the Deathbird, it wields black flame magic and devastating melee attacks. Holy damage is highly effective, with Sacred Blade or Holy Water Pots significantly weakening it.

The key to survival is staying behind its legs, avoiding its front-facing attacks while keeping pressure on. It frequently moves away, so be ready to roll through its attacks to reposition. Ranged players should adopt a similar approach, casting spells after dodging extended combos. In Phase 2, its black flame and spear attacks become more dangerous, requiring careful dodging and patience.

Commander O’Neil is an optional boss tied to Millicent’s questline. His slow movement and reliance on summons make him easy to kite, especially on horseback. The open arena gives plenty of space to reposition or retreat if needed. Watch out for Scarlet Rot attacks, particularly his powerful area-of-effect ability.

At the start, he summons spectral soldiers—rush in and deal damage before he moves. Clear out his minions first to avoid getting overwhelmed. Melee players should use Torrent to land quick hits after his slow spear swings. Ranged players can kite him while casting spells.

When he kneels to channel Rotten Tempest, run far away to avoid massive damage. Poison Mist can weaken him before the fight even starts. Alternatively, lure him into nearby Scarlet Rot geysers to let the environment do the work.

The Bell Bearing Hunter is a recurring nighttime boss that appears near merchants and can hit extremely hard. While its attacks are intimidating, a shield with 100% physical resistance makes the fight significantly easier. Spirit Summons, especially those that stagger frequently, can be very useful in distracting the boss and interrupting its moves.

Melee fighters should use jumping heavy attacks to stagger the boss and create critical strike opportunities, while ranged characters can keep their distance and attack while summons take the boss’s aggro. If no summons are available, blocking with a sturdy shield and rolling at the last moment will help mitigate its powerful combos. Stay patient, avoid the glowing red attacks, and punish after its long recovery periods to claim victory.

The Fallingstar Beast is a fast, aggressive boss that utilizes both physical and gravity-based attacks. While its speed and variety of moves can be overwhelming, learning its patterns will make the fight much more manageable. This boss can be encountered both indoors and outdoors, with mounted combat being an option in open areas. Summoning durable spirits, such as the Skeletal Militiaman or the Demi-Human Ashes, can help provide distractions and stagger opportunities.

For melee fighters, staying at the beast’s flank minimizes the risk of being hit, while ranged characters should take advantage of the boss’s idle moments to deal damage from a safe distance. If fought outdoors, fighting on horseback allows for greater mobility, making it easier to avoid the boss’s devastating charge attacks. Whether on foot or mounted, patience and precise dodging will be key to surviving this encounter.

This fight pits you against two Beastmen of Farum Azula in Dragonbarrow Cave, one wielding a greatsword and the other throwing knives. While facing two enemies at once may seem overwhelming, careful use of summons and positioning makes this fight manageable. The throwing knife beastman is much easier to stagger and should be your priority target.

At the start of the fight, summon your Spirit Ashes and hide in the bushes to the right, letting your summon draw the melee beastman’s attention. Focus on quickly eliminating the ranged beastman before turning to the greatsword-wielding one. Greatswords can easily stagger him, while jump attacks or well-timed dodges allow for backstabs. Keeping control of the fight with stagger attacks and spacing will ensure victory.

The Black Blade Kindred is an optional but extremely challenging boss found outside the Bestial Sanctum in Caelid. This towering guardian wields a massive axe and deadly Black Blade incantations, dealing high damage while reducing your max HP. While summons won’t last long, they can provide brief windows to heal or reposition. If the fight proves too difficult, you can always return later at a higher level.

Melee players should stick close, rolling into attacks and using jumping heavy strikes to stagger the boss. Ranged players should fight on Torrent, kiting the boss and casting between its slow swings. If you struggle, cheese strategies exist—attacking from the Sanctum’s doorway lets you deal damage and reset the fight safely. Alternatively, Gurranq, the Beast Clergyman, can be tricked into attacking the boss with Beast Claw if made hostile, making for an unconventional but effective strategy.

The Putrid Crystalian Trio in at the end of the Sellia Hideaway is a tougher version of previous Crystalian fights, featuring three enemies in a small, open room. Each enemy inflicts Scarlet Rot, and their hard exteriors reduce damage until broken. Strike weapons are highly effective, and the best kill order is Staff → Ring Blade → Spear, as the spear-wielder is the most aggressive.

Melee players should use jumping heavy attacks or charged strikes to stagger enemies quickly. Kite the Spear Crystalian away, then sprint back to attack the others. Backstabs are also effective. Ranged players should rely on sturdy summons and can use Aspect of the Crucible: Tail or Night Maiden’s Mist to break armor and deal damage safely while kiting.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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