Liurnia of the Lakes Boss Guides – Elden Ring

Liurnia of the Lakes, a vast, misty expanse of sunken ruins and towering cliffs, is home to some of Elden Ring’s most formidable foes. From spectral adversaries in the flooded lowlands to arcane horrors within the Academy of Raya Lucaria, each boss presents a unique challenge. Below, you can find the full list of bosses in the region, and the strategies to defeat them. If you’re looking for a complete walkthrough of Liurnia of the Lakes, head here.

The Death Rite Bird is a powerful nighttime boss found in multiple locations across the Lands Between. A more dangerous variant of the Deathbird, it wields black flame magic and devastating melee attacks. Holy damage is highly effective, with Sacred Blade or Holy Water Pots significantly weakening it.

The key to survival is staying behind its legs, avoiding its front-facing attacks while keeping pressure on. It frequently moves away, so be ready to roll through its attacks to reposition. Ranged players should adopt a similar approach, casting spells after dodging extended combos. In Phase 2, its black flame and spear attacks become more dangerous, requiring careful dodging and patience.

Initially frustrating due to their extreme damage resistance, The Crystalians are duo at the end of the Academy Crystal Cave under Raya Lucaria becomes much easier once their crystalline armor is broken. Strike weapons and Bestial Sling are highly effective, quickly staggering them and making them vulnerable to critical hits.

At the start, use a statue to block the Staff Crystalian’s spells while focusing on the Spear enemy. Summon tanky spirit ashes, like Skeletal Militiamen, to distract them while you deal damage. Once the Spear Crystalian is staggered and its armor broken, it becomes easy to finish off, leaving the Staff Crystalian exposed. Use cover from the columns in the room to avoid its spells if you are getting hit by them and punish openings after it casts.

This single Crystalian is the boss of the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel. While it initially appears resistant to damage, it becomes highly vulnerable once its crystalline armor is broken. Strike weapons are ideal for staggering it quickly, but any weapon or spell will work once its stance is broken.

Melee players should use summons to distract the boss, allowing for backstabs and heavy attacks to accelerate stance breaking. Ranged players may deal low damage at first but should focus on breaking the armor, after which spells will stagger the boss easily. Once vulnerable, it can be locked in a stun cycle until defeated.

Deathbird is a recurring nighttime boss found in various locations across the Lands Between. This towering, skeletal creature relies on medium-range attacks but struggles to punish players who stay close beneath it. Its vulnerability to holy damage makes Holy Water Pots especially effective for reducing the fight’s difficulty.

Melee players should stick between Deathbird’s legs, where most of its attacks can’t reach, and roll through its backward steps to maintain pressure. Ranged players can cast safely from horseback at maximum range or stay close like melee fighters, carefully timing spells to avoid sudden retaliations. Holy damage remains the key to an easier victory.

The Cleanrot Knight is a formidable boss found at the end of Stillwater Cave. Foreshadowing the Scarlet Rot threats of Caelid and later foes of the Haligtree, this knight wields a deadly spear and spectral sword magic. While its attacks are fast and precise, it has low poise and is susceptible to staggering, backstabs, and guard counters.

Melee players should use a 100% physical shield to block most attacks, except for its Imaple move, which must be dodged. Heavy weapon users can break its stance with jumping attacks, while ranged players should use quick spells or rely on summons to create safe casting windows. Staying on dry land prevents poison buildup, making movement and positioning crucial to victory.

The Omenkiller is a deadly boss found in the Village of the Albinaurics, wielding dual cleavers and devastating flame attacks. Its aggressive melee combos and fire magic make close-quarters combat risky, but it can be easily exploited with the right strategy.

The simplest way to defeat Omenkiller is to lure him to a small house and double-jump onto the roof with Torrent. From there, melee players can land safe jumping heavy attacks after his combos, while ranged players can cast freely. Watch out for his flame attack, which can set the roof ablaze—when this happens, jump to the other side and wait for the fire to fade before resuming attacks.

The Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella is a massive boss found in Ainsel River beneath Liurnia. Despite its intimidating size, it has limited mobility and predictable attacks, making it easier to manage with patience. Phase 2 introduces lightning-based abilities, increasing its range and overall threat level.

Melee players should focus on its left leg, rolling through attacks and using jumping strikes to hit both its arm and leg for extra damage. Ranged players should summon melee spirits to keep the boss distracted while casting from mid-range. In Phase 2, avoid its electrified attacks by running perpendicular and punishing openings after big slams.

The Bloodhound Knight is a fast and aggressive boss found at the end of the Lakeside Crystal Cave, guarding Latenna the Albinauric. Its rapid attacks, teleportation, and Hemorrhage buildup make it a challenging fight, especially for melee players. Summoning Skeletal Militiaman can make the battle easier, as they can repeatedly revive and keep the boss distracted.

A hit-and-run approach works best—wait for the boss to use its claw-dragging leap attack, then counter with a jumping strike or a spell. Always sprint to maintain distance, only rolling when necessary to conserve stamina. Heavy weapon users can take a more aggressive approach, using leaping attacks to stagger the boss while staying mindful of its quick counterattacks.

The Spirit-Caller Snail is a simple gimmick boss hidden behind illusory walls in Road’s End Catacomb in Liurnia. Instead of fighting directly, it summons a spirit to attack while it hides, making the fight more about locating the boss than dealing with its summon. Once you understand the mechanic, the encounter is straightforward.

Ignore the summon and look for a faint glow in the room, which reveals the snail’s hiding spot. Attack it to force it out, dealing as much damage as possible before it teleports. Repeat this process while avoiding the spirit’s attacks, and the boss will go down quickly. Using a tanky summon helps keep the summoned spirit distracted for an easier fight.

  • Summons Available: Yes
  • Location: Kingsrealm Ruins
  • Rewards:

The Royal Revenant is a grotesque and highly aggressive boss that attacks relentlessly, disappears mid-fight, and inflicts poison. Its erratic movements and overwhelming flurry of strikes make it difficult to counter, but it has a glaring weakness—healing magic. Despite its chaotic nature, the right approach makes this fight much easier.

Casting Heal or any AOE healing spell near the boss deals massive damage, often requiring only a few casts to finish it off. Alternatively, using a 100% physical defense shield allows you to block most attacks, only rolling to avoid Poison Spray and Flailing Advance before counterattacking. Circling the boss and managing stamina ensures a safe and steady victory.

Royal Knight Loretta, the protector of Ranni at the end of Caria Manor, is a mounted boss that blends sweeping halberd attacks with powerful sorceries. While some of her moves resemble the Tree Sentinel, her use of Glintblade magic adds a unique challenge. Fortunately, her attack patterns are predictable, making the fight more manageable with patience and well-timed dodges.

Melee players should dodge her attacks and counter with quick strikes, avoiding long combos to stay reactive. Watch for her delayed moves like Hoof Stomp and Double Slash, and create distance when she casts sorceries. Ranged players can capitalize on Glintblade delays to cast their own spells, while tanky Spirit Ashes help keep Loretta distracted for easier attacks.

  • Summons Available: Yes
  • Location: Royal Evergaol
  • Rewards:

The Onyx Lord appears for the first time here, in an Evergaol. This ancient being wields gravity magic but is surprisingly easy to stagger, making it far less threatening than its imposing presence suggests. With slow, deliberate attacks and minimal aggression, the fight is straightforward as long as you stay mobile and capitalize on openings.

Melee players can dominate the fight by two-handing their weapon and spamming jumping heavy attacks to interrupt nearly all of his moves. Ranged players should use summons to keep him occupied and time spells for after his Meteorite attack. Rolling through his melee strikes and casting during recovery windows ensures an easy victory.

The Red Wolf of Radagon guards the entrance to the second section of the Academy of Raya Lucaria, combining swift melee strikes with powerful sorceries. Its relentless speed and gap-closing attacks make it a tricky opponent, but its moves are predictable once learned. A shield with high physical and magic resistance can help mitigate its fast bite attacks.

Melee players should dodge its attacks and counter during safe openings, especially after leaping strikes or sword swings. Ranged players can roll away from its sword attacks to create space for casting. The biggest threat is its Glintstone Daggers, which can hit while the boss chains other moves, so staying mobile and timing dodges carefully is key to victory.

Rennala, bearer of a Great Rune, is a unique two-phase boss found in the Academy of Raya Lucaria, combining a puzzle-like first phase with a magic-heavy second phase. Phase 1 requires breaking her protective shield by attacking specific glowing students, while Phase 2 is a full-fledged battle against her powerful sorceries and summoned spirits. She is highly resistant to magic but weak to physical attacks, making melee an effective approach.

In Phase 1, identify and attack three glowing students to bring Rennala down, then deal as much damage as possible before she regenerates her shield. In Phase 2, dodge her initial Energy Beam and stay close to interrupt her spellcasting, using summons to keep her distracted. Beware of her spirit summons, especially the dragon, and attack her whenever she finishes casting. Timing dodges against her tracking spells and staying aggressive ensures victory.

Magma Wyrm Makar is a stronger version of the Magma Wyrm (an enemy you probably haven’t faced yet), found at the end of the Ruin-Strewn Precipice, serving as an alternate route to the Altus Plateau. This fire-spewing wyrm wields a colossal sword and gains a unique second phase where it stands on its hind legs. Despite its intimidating size, Makar’s slow, telegraphed attacks make the fight manageable with patience and positioning.

Melee players should stay between its front and back legs, using jumping attacks to stagger it and target its head for bonus damage. Ranged players should summon a tanky spirit, like the Jellyfish, to keep distance and avoid its wide AOE lava attacks. In Phase 2, use the fire-breathing transition to deal free damage, then stay on Makar’s left side to avoid its sweeping sword attacks while carefully managing magma pools.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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