Elden Ring

elden ring 1.06 patch notes featured image

Elden Ring Patch 1.06: Extended Summoning Pools

One of this patch’s main changes is the ability to send summoning signs to summoning pools in multiple areas, which should make it much easier to be summoned in other players’ worlds. There is one exception however, in that when…

best elden ring mods featured image eip

Best Elden Ring Mods (Patch 1.05 Compatible)

There’s always been a dedicated modding community for the Soulsborne games, and with Elden Ring’s massive success comes even more people willing to go digging into the game’s files. There are tons of mods to choose from, so we’ve picked…

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Elden Ring Patch 1.03.2 – Minor Hotfixes

Following the release of the major 1.03 patch, From Software is following up their patch cycle with a smaller, hotfix type of patch. There are only 4 changes listed in the official patch notes, but 2 of those are pretty…

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Elden Ring Patch 1.03 Brings Major Changes

Elden Ring just received a fairly big (3.3GB on Steam) patch that brings quite a few changes and bug fixes to the game on all platforms. The most notable ones being new quest phases for several NPCs, NPC icons that…