Consecrated Snowfield Bosses – Elden Ring

The Consecrated Snowfield, a blizzard-choked expanse hidden beyond the Mountaintops of the Giants, is a treacherous and desolate land where unseen dangers lurk in the mist. Its bosses are among the deadliest in Elden Ring, demanding precision, patience, and mastery of combat. Below, you can find the full list of bosses in the region, and the strategies to defeat them. If you’re looking for a complete walkthrough of Consecrated Snowfield, head here.

The Putrid Grave Warden Duelist in the Consecrated Snowfield is a tougher variant of its kind, thanks to its two-handed weapon style, which makes it harder to stagger. Scarlet Rot is a major threat in this fight, so consider equipping the Mottled Necklace or bringing Flame, Cleanse Me or Preserving Boluses to counteract the status effect. Summons are available, but his wide-sweeping attacks can still hit you, so stay cautious even when he’s distracted.

The simplest strategy is to bait out attacks and sprint away—the boss has no real gap closers, making this highly effective. Melee players can trigger his attack by moving close, then retreating before counterattacking with a jumping heavy attack before rolling away. Ranged builds can freely attack after dodging his swings and repeat this pattern. The one exception is his Charge attack, which you must sprint from and roll twice to avoid. The key to victory is patience and stamina management—don’t risk attacks when low on stamina, or you’ll get caught by his follow-ups.

The Misbegotten Crusader is a fast and aggressive boss wielding Radagon’s sword, and should be fairly familiar by now. It is found in a cave with a long runback, though, so you should still use caution, if only to save time. Fortunately, he’s easily staggered, making jumping heavy attacks or spells like Carian Piercer very effective. Group summons (like Greatshield Soldiers) can also help by repeatedly interrupting him. Shields can mitigate damage, but dodging is preferable against his quick combos.

The best strategy is to summon group ashes and engage quickly, staggering the boss before he can attack your summons. If they die, use jumping heavy attacks or fast spells to keep him from counterattacking. His Establish Order AOE is the only attack that can poise through stagger, so be ready to dodge it. Mages should use stagger-inducing spells, while melee players can use jumping attacks between his combos. His Leaping Stomp and Triple Slash 2 leave big openings—punish them and stay aggressive to keep him from overwhelming you.

The Death Rite Bird is a powerful nighttime boss found in multiple locations across the Lands Between. A more dangerous variant of the Deathbird, it wields black flame magic and devastating melee attacks. Holy damage is highly effective, with Sacred Blade or Holy Water Pots significantly weakening it.

The key to survival is staying behind its legs, avoiding its front-facing attacks while keeping pressure on. It frequently moves away, so be ready to roll through its attacks to reposition. Ranged players should adopt a similar approach, casting spells after dodging extended combos. In Phase 2, its black flame and spear attacks become more dangerous, requiring careful dodging and patience.

The final Night’s Cavalry battle in the game is a duo fight, featuring two mounted warriors in the Consecrated Snowfield. Like all Night’s Cavalry fights, they only appear at night and are best fought while riding Torrent. Their attacks are slow but heavy-hitting, and the biggest challenge comes from dealing with both bosses at once. Defeating them is worth the effort, as they drop the final rewards from this recurring enemy type.

The easiest strategy is to split them up by luring one away, defeating it first before engaging the second. If fighting them together, always ride counterclockwise (to their right, away from their weapon) and charge past them while swinging your weapon. For ranged builds, simply ride in a wide circle while casting spells. If a Cavalry wields a flail, be extra careful—when it spins the weapon, you must wait for the attack to end before charging in. Knocking them off their horse is key—once down, they are vulnerable for several seconds, allowing for free damage before they remount.

Astel, Stars of Darkness is a harder version of Astel, Naturalborn of the Void and can be found in the Yelough Anix Tunnel. Like its counterpart, this fight is as much a Vigor check as it is a test of skill, with many attacks capable of one-shotting low-health builds. While Astel’s attacks are generally slow and well-telegraphed, its teleportation and grab attack make it a difficult opponent. Magic resistance and shields like the Carian Knight’s Shield can help mitigate damage, but positioning is the key to survival.

At the start, don’t summon your Spirit Ashes immediately, as Astel always begins the fight with its Beam attack. Melee players should stay in front of the boss rather than underneath it, using jumping attacks to break its stance and land critical hits. Ranged players should use diagonal movement to avoid its poor tracking, with spells like Adula’s Moonblade being especially effective. The Teleportation into Grab attack is the biggest threat—if Astel reappears near you, immediately start running away. If you must roll, wait until the grab animation starts, as rolling too early almost guarantees getting caught.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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