Elden Ring Walkthrough

Welcome to our walkthrough for Elden Ring! In this guide, we’ll show you exactly where to go and what to do in each of the game’s areas, as well as offer specific tips, tricks, and strategies to defeat all the bosses. Use the menu below to select an area. If you’re looking for a specific boss, use the menu at the top of the page to find the region you’re in. (You’ll also be able to find the boss guides linked when relevant in the area walkthroughs.)

Elden Ring is an open world game in the truest sense of the phrase. You can go almost anywhere at the start of the game — although you’ll hit some walls eventually. However, after getting done with the tutorial section and walking out into Limgrave, you can head immediately into Liurnia of the Lakes, Caelid, or Weeping Peninsula. Additionally, you can go from Liurnia to Altus Plateau, or explore one of the many underground regions, and so on.

In order to progress through the game and unlock the rest of the map, you do have to kill two “Shardbearers” — the game’s main bosses. This will allow you to enter Leyndell, Royal Capital, which is blocked by a seal until you do so. You can kill any two of the following bosses to remove the seal that protects Leyndell:

Malenia, Blade of Miquella, is also technically a Shardbearer, but you cannot reach her until you get to Elphael, which in turn cannot be reached until after passing through multiple areas post-Leyndell. The same is true of Morgott, the Omen King — the Subterranean Shunning Grounds are also accessed only after entering Leyndell.

The easiest (and most linear) choices are Godrick and Rennala, but any two will do!

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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2 years ago

Great guide so far!!!

2 years ago

Will you guys be adding a guide for mountain top of the giants and then the capital city?

Reply to  DanielD
2 years ago

Please keep on this guide! Is amazing and detailed! Thank you so much for the effort!

2 years ago

I’m almost ready to put the controller dowwwwn until you post the Haligtree walkthrough. No other walkthrough I’ve compared thus far is as detailed and helpful as yours. Seriously. These tree guys are jerks… Send halp.

2 years ago

You guys realize the unreachable purple glowey thing on the right when you enter the well that leads to the Siofra river? The glowey unreachable thing is on top of a huge statue, I’ve spotted it but don’t know how to reach it.

Reply to  DanielD
2 years ago

After i went looking for it, I realized it must have been a different place because even though I have seen it before, I could not find it in Siofra River. My bad! different area. I wonder where I found it at…

Doug C
Doug C
2 years ago

This is the best Elden Ring guide there is in the interwebs. There is no doubt about it. I keep finding myself checking to see if it had been updated. Nonetheless round of applause for all you guys’ hard work.

2 years ago

Loving the guides so far! Are you going to include the subterranean shunning grounds and mohgwyn palace? Thanks

Reply to  DanielD
2 years ago

Thanks for the update! Keep up the good work

2 years ago

awesome guide just one small ish of a suggestion/question shouldnt the weeping peninsula be before stormveil castle in the walkthrough menu navigation section as well as in the limgrave walkthrough section shouldnt that be the next place linked to go to next at the bottom of the walkthrough page? not trying to be annoying or nitpick about things just somethings i noticed as im getting ready for a new game plus run 🙂