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Great guide so far!!!
Thanks for the kind words Mark! We hope it continues to be useful to you on your journey to the Erdtree 🙂
Will you guys be adding a guide for mountain top of the giants and then the capital city?
Yes! Our plan right now is to finish the Caelid walkthrough and the last few bits of the Altus walkthrough. After that, we’ll start on Mt. Gelimr and Leyndell, Royal Capital, so the Mountaintops of the Giants walkthrough is a few weeks off still.
Please keep on this guide! Is amazing and detailed! Thank you so much for the effort!
Thank you for the compliment! We’re hard at work (almost) every day trying to get the rest of it finished, so fear not.
I’m almost ready to put the controller dowwwwn until you post the Haligtree walkthrough. No other walkthrough I’ve compared thus far is as detailed and helpful as yours. Seriously. These tree guys are jerks… Send halp.
I have heard that area is tough, so don’t feel too bad about getting stuck. To be honest, our plan was to do the main walkthrough areas first and then do the optional parts — but since you’re in need, we may have to change our plan a bit 🙂 No promises yet, but watch this space!
You guys realize the unreachable purple glowey thing on the right when you enter the well that leads to the Siofra river? The glowey unreachable thing is on top of a huge statue, I’ve spotted it but don’t know how to reach it.
Hey Reilly, I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what you’re referencing. You could take a picture/screenshot and share it here, or perhaps what you’re looking for is in our Siofra River walkthrough?
After i went looking for it, I realized it must have been a different place because even though I have seen it before, I could not find it in Siofra River. My bad! different area. I wonder where I found it at…
This is the best Elden Ring guide there is in the interwebs. There is no doubt about it. I keep finding myself checking to see if it had been updated. Nonetheless round of applause for all you guys’ hard work.
Thank you Doug, we really appreciate your kind words. I know these walkthroughs have been a bit slow in coming, but that’s the price of doing them well!
Loving the guides so far! Are you going to include the subterranean shunning grounds and mohgwyn palace? Thanks
Yes! Shunning Grounds should be first, and Moghwyn Palace soon after — both will hopefully be finished in the next 5-7 days.
Thanks for the update! Keep up the good work
awesome guide just one small ish of a suggestion/question shouldnt the weeping peninsula be before stormveil castle in the walkthrough menu navigation section as well as in the limgrave walkthrough section shouldnt that be the next place linked to go to next at the bottom of the walkthrough page? not trying to be annoying or nitpick about things just somethings i noticed as im getting ready for a new game plus run 🙂