Bonk Build (Strength/Vigor) – Elden Ring

Do you want to make Elden Ring an easy game and just bonk everything? If that is the case, this strength build is ideal. This build is a Hybrid build, being a mix between PvE and PvP.

We suggest basing the Bonk build off of the Hero class. However, you are free to choose whatever class you prefer. Keep in mind , depending on the class you choose, stats all begin at a set number and cannot be reduced below that even if you respec with Rennala.

While this build isn’t considered “Casual,” it makes Elden Ring easier with how unkillable you are and how much damage this build does. Strength is the name of this build, but it also employs some incantations to maximize damage. The weapon recommended in this build will be the Giant-Crusher; however, any colossal weapon that scales with strength will suffice. This build will be tailored to level 150.

Stat Priority

  • Strength
  • Vigor
  • Endurance
  • Faith
  • Mind
  • Dexterity
  • Intelligence
  • Arcane

Level 150 Stat Spread

  • Strength – 70
  • Vigor – 60
  • Endurance – 28
  • Faith – 25
  • Mind – 14
  • Dexterity – 13
  • Intelligence – 7
  • Arcane – 11
  • Finger Seal
    • This one is the easiest to acquire, but any seal you can wield will do. While we don’t care too much about our Seal scaling, picking a seal with strength scaling (alongside the faith scaling all seals have) will make a difference if you end up slotting in any damage incantations.
  • Radagon’s Scarseal / Radagon’s Soreseal
    • Until you’ve got the stats you need, this can be helpful in reaching breakpoints for things like equip load or Faith. (Replace with another talisman once it’s no longer necessary)
  • Great-Jar’s Arsenal
    • This weapon is heavy, so you’ll need to be able to carry more, especially with the endurance stat for this build.
  • Two-Handed Sword Talisman
    • You’ll be two-handing your weapon, and this gives 15% increased damage while doing so.
  • Claw Talisman
    • This talisman is essential to our jumping damage. Jumping before hitting will increase our damage and help avoid attacks.
  • Flame Grant Me Strength
    • This incantation will raise our physical damage, further increasing the damage done by our weapon.
  • Golden Vow
    • Further increases our physical damage for a short time. Stacking this with the other incantation will make for impressive damage output for anyone unfortunate enough to be in your vicinity.

Equip the Giant-Crusher as your primary weapon. The name of this build is damage, but you’ll be slow. Take your time, manage your distance and wait for the proper opening. With high Endurance and Vigor, you’ll be hard to stagger. This means you’ll be more or less a damage sponge that hits back. That being said, be careful, you’re not invincible.

This gameplay loop will apply to both players and bosses — in either case, the gameplay pattern remains the same.

  1. Start the encounter by casting Flame Grant Me Strength, followed by Golden Vow.
  2. With the Claw Talisman increasing our jump attack damage, jump above the target before bonking them.
  3. As stated, heal when possible; you do more damage at full HP.
  4. Keep an eye on your buffs — if they run out, make some space and try to recast your incantations.

We hope this guide was helpful! Please feel free to comment or check out our other builds.

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Joseph Ferguson
Joseph Ferguson

Born in 2004, any game with a bonkers story and fun combat is fun to me. Huge fan of the soulsborne games, especially Bloodborne.

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2 years ago

what ash are you using on Giant Crusher?

Reply to  Jake
2 years ago

The answer depends somewhat on playstyle and if you’re primarily worried about PvE or PvP. For PvP, Royal Knight’s Resolve is a strong choice, since it’ll let you 1-shot many builds. Another good option is Thunderbolt, allowing you to pressure ranged characters. For AoE damage you might consider Horah Loux’s Earthshaker.

Dylan Ryan
Dylan Ryan
1 year ago

What armor would you use?

Reply to  Dylan Ryan
1 year ago

You’ll find various armors throughout the game, so generally, the best armor you can wear while remaining below 69.9% equip load. What is “best” will depend on what area you’re in, as different enemy types (or PvP metas) will end up doing more of specific damage types.

1 month ago

can’t use seal, not enough faith

Reply to  eldritch
1 month ago

Looks like we had the wrong seal in there, thank you for the correction

Maximillian Dixon
Maximillian Dixon
18 days ago

I’d recommend replacing any radagon’s talismans with erdtree’s blessing (standard, +1 or +2) once you get high enough stats because the damage penalty is rough