Sage Set

The Sage Set consists of the following pieces:

sb icon 04 168

Stats for Full Set

Weight: 9.8
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 12.4 Strike 11.2 Slash 11.3 Pierce 7.1
Magic 25.9 Fire 24.2 Lightning 24.9 Holy 25.9
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 76 Robustness 46 Focus 141 Vitality 150 Poise 4

Where to Find the Sage Set

You can get this armor piece (along with the rest of the set) in Stillwater Cave in Liurnia of the Lakes. It’s found mid-way through the dungeon, in the room with a harpy and some bats.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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