Ralva & Rugalea the Great Red Bear Boss Guide – Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

  • Ralva The Great Red Bear
  • Rugalea The Great Red Bear
    • Rewards: rune v2 elden ring currency 210,000, Roar of Rugalea (incantation)
    • Summons Available: Yes
    • Boss Location: Ravine North, Rauh Base

Hopefully you got used to fighting all the Rune Bears in the base game, because these bosses are very similar to those, but with some powered up extra moves. These two bosses are very nearly the same, with Rugalea having just a little more health than Ralva. While these bosses are optional, they’re not the most challenging (especially if you know their weaknesses), and they give you a sizeable amount of runes for their difficulty.

  • For its basic attacks, you’ll want to roll into them. This stops the bear’s most-used combo and lets you attack.
  • The bear doesn’t have that many moves, and it’s pretty easy to learn its whole moveset so you know which attack is coming.
  • After half of its life is gone, the bear will do a big roar, indicating the fight has entered the second phase. Many of its basic attacks will now have a wind effect to them, and they’ll do more damage.
  • This boss is weak to fire damage, and it is easier to proc sleep (hibernation?) on it.
  • When you’re attacking in between its attacks, might as well do a jumping power attack so that you eventually shatter its poise.
  • While you can fight this boss from horseback, it’s better to fight dismounted, because the bear’s attacks are easier to dodge with rolls.

Before you ride up to the lake, you’ll want to do a couple of things to make this fight easier. Due to the boss having a weakness to fire, it’s worth equipping any fire weapons or spells you have tucked away. We had a lot of success using black flame magic. Also, the bear’s attacks do a solid amount of damage, so you might want to bring a shield, and /or consider these other methods of providing damage protection:

The zone for summoning your spirit ash is very big around the boss, and you should have no issue summoning an ally safely before provoking the bear’s wrath. As for which spirit ash is best, like always, the mimic tear is a good bet (especially if you have a fire-damage build). Other good picks would be ones that use fire damage themselves, like Fire Knight Hilde or Fire Knight Queelign.

When you approach the shallow lake where the great red bear resides, you’ll see it stocking about. You can get pretty close to this beast without spooking it, which is good for ranged attackers because you can easily score a free hit. However, as soon as you attack, it will be all over you.

The attack that we saw most frequently (especially at the start) was its foreleg attack combo, where it alternates swiping at you with its left and right foreleg. When the bear starts doing this, roll into its attacks, and it will stop the combo, then you can do a jumping power attack. You’ll essentially always want to do a jumping power attack so that you whittle down the bear’s poise faster.

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Dodge forward to stop the combo, but be careful of the earthquake

If, on the other hand, you are using ranged attacks, then it will be the same strategy. The reason for this is that you really can’t get away from this boss’s attacks, and if you back roll away from his combo (which you can do), he will finish his combo and have more opportunities to land a hit on you. Since you’re so close, usually, you’ll want to use spells or weapons that can attack quickly.

When you’re dodging into its attacks, causing it to pause, you’ll want to get a hit or two in, then back off. Another new move this bear has is a shockwave quake that causes damage all around it. You’ll know it’s starting when he pushes both forelegs into the ground in front of him. He typically does this when you attack behind him or from his side.

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Dodging lunge, quake wave, then headbutt

When you find yourself a little further away from the boss, you’ll want to be careful because this bear (unlike the other bear bosses) has a ranged attack. It will smash its right paw into the ground and “throw” a ground quake at you. This can be dodged by going any direction, but the timing needs to be right. Wait for the quake to come towards you, and don’t dodge too early.

The second phase will start when Ralva gets on its hind legs and roars for a while. The roars can do damage if you’re in its immediate vicinity, but if you’re a ranged attacker, this is a great time to barrage the boss with three or four attacks (or one big spell).

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The big roar is a good time for ranged attacks

After the roar, its moves will become enhanced with wind magic. You’ll see small gales flurry about its paws when it strikes at you — making them do more damage. Other than that, though, there’s really no big difference. If you keep looking out for the bear’s moves, and scoring hits often, then you’ll come out on top.

  • Headbutt – The bear rears back like it’s going to paw you, but instead lunges forward to quickly headbutt you. This move is easy to misjudge as a paw swipe, as soon as the bear rears back, roll towards it to avoid the attack, then jump and counterattack.
  • Double-Paw Slam – The boss raises up then comes down with both paws (one slightly coming down before the other), slamming down on you. This move has a long wind up, and it’s easy to tell when it’s coming. The boss can be counterattacked after this move.
  • Earthquake – Ralva slams both paws into the ground simultaneously, or just his left paw, and causes an earthquake in its immediate area. This looks different from the Double-Paw Slam because you’ll be able to see its claws leave a trail as they streak down into the ground, and the paws both come down at the same time. Roll away to the bears side to not take damage. The quake comes out farthest in front of the bear.
  • Quake Wave – The boss shoves his right paw into the ground and flings it at you, creating a quake that comes at you like a wave. The bear often does this move when there’s some distance between you. This move is pretty fast, but you don’t want to panic and dodge too early. Wait for the quake to come at you, then dodge any direction.
  • Foreleg Combo – The big bear swings its paws at you one at a time while stepping closer to you with each attack. This combo can go on for four attacks, then end with a big bear hug. This move can have wind damage added in the second phase. Dodge into the combo and under the bear to stop him from continuing. When he pauses, you can land an attack.
  • Maul – The bear hunkers towards you with both forelegs in the air. Dodge under the boss.
  • Lunge – This is different from the maul, and much faster. The bear sets itself with a slightly downward posture, then quickly dives at you. The force and speed of the attack shoots the bear past you. Be ready to roll into the bear when you see it take the posture.
  • Big Roar – The bear lurches back on its hind legs and lets out a big roar. The boss might do it again, if the second phase is dragging on. This attack can do damage to you if you’re close, but for ranged users, it’s a great time to light him up.
  • Windy Bear Hug – In the second phase, the bear swipes left, then right, then comes at you with a bear hug. Each of the attacks have windy effects that cause more damage. Roll into the attack to avoid the rest of it, then counterattack.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

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