Jagged Peak Walkthrough – Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

Like any self-respecting fantasy game, Elden Ring’s got its fair share of dragons. In the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion, most of them are all hanging out in one place: Jagged Peak. This open world area, which is accessed via dungeon, has multiple bosses, and is also home to the Land of Shadow’s dragon communion altar. Anyone looking to reach Charo’s Hidden Grave will have to venture here as well, as that optional area can only be reached through Jagged Peak. While you can make your way to Jagged Peak fairly early on in the DLC, it’s a higher level area best left until you’ve reached Shadow Keep.

NOTE: Technically, there are two areas on this mountain: Foot of the Jagged Peak, and then Jagged Peak proper. Players will likely do both areas at the same time, however, so we’ve combined them into one guide — the walkthrough below will cover Foot of the Jagged Peak first, then move on to Jagged Peak.

Jagged Peak can be accessed from a dungeon found near the start of the DLC, the Dragon’s Pit, which is in the Gravesite Plain. You can find the Dragon’s Pit on the highground north of the Church of Consolation — reaching it requires that you cross the Ellac Greatbridge and then follow the path that leads south from the Gate Front site of grace. After defeating the Ancient Dragon-Man at the end of the Dragon Pit dungeon, you’ll be able to open the large double doors on the southern side of the boss arena. Through the doors is a tunnel that leads to Dragon’s Pit Terminus site of grace — continuing down the tunnel will take you out of the dungeon, and you’ll be in Jagged Peak (well, at the foot of it, technically)

how to get to dragon's pit dungeon jagged peak walkthrough elden ring shadow of the erdtree map
Path to the Dragon’s Pit dungeon

The map fragment that reveals Jagged Peak is the Map: Southern Shore, which is found near the start of the Cerulean Coast area.

jagged peak area map elden ring shadow of the erdtree walkthrough

Jagged Peak Drake

  • Unique & Important Items
    • Dragon Heart (boss drop)
    • Dragonscale Flesh (boss drop)

From the Dragon’s Pit Terminus site of grace, go east-southeast and exit the tunnel. Continue southeast up the path, and you’ll come to a ledge that overlooks a mostly dry lake bed — sleeping in the middle of it is an optional boss, a Jagged Peak Drake. There are also lots of dead dragons around it, and you can collect one Sharp Gravel Stone from each corpse — you can do so without waking up the boss.

The path up the mountain is on the northeastern side of the lakebed, but before we begin our ascent, there are a few things to do to the south, so whether you’re killing the Jagged Peak Drake or skipping it for now, head through the canyon on the southern side of the lake bed, towards the dragon altar (Image 1).

routing jagged peak drake lake bed jagged peak walkthrough elden ring shadow of the erdtree
Image 1
  • Unique & Important Items
    • Igon’s Cookbook [1]
    • Priestess Drops
      • Dragonbolt of Florissax
      • Ancient Dragon Florissax Ashes
      • or
      • Flowerstone Gavel
      • Priestess Heart

We’re going to head to the dragon altar now; if you get turned around, head to the giant, red, and very dead dragon on your map, south of your current position — you can’t miss it.

From the position of the Jagged Peak Drake, go south through the small canyon. There are a couple of the large lightning sheep in this area, so don’t attack any of the sheep around here unless you’re ready for a fight. On either side of the canyon there is high ground with dragon skeleton warriors. You can simply ignore them and dash through the canyon on Torrent if you want, but there is a corpse with x3 Red Furgulbloom on the left-hand (eastern) high ground, near the end of the canyon: after passing the series of dragon statues, go left where indicated (Image 1), jump up onto the high ground and turn around (face north) — you’ll see the corpse and a handful of enemies just ahead.

Once you exit the canyon, you’ll see the aforementioned big dead dragon, as well as a small ruined structure — inside that structure is Igon’s Cookbook [1]. Grab it then continue to the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion site of grace (Image 2), which is just to the left of the giant stone bowl with the red smoke inside.

Speak with the priestess hanging out by the altar, and choose “Devour draconic essence” when the dialog option appears — she’ll give you the Ancient Dragon’s Blessing consumable. You can receive this consumable repeatedly (after using the one she gives you), so long as you don’t kill Bayle or give the priestess Thiollier’s Concoction.

You can ask her about Bayle if you want, and you can also purchase the Ghostflame Breath incantation from the altar, assuming you’ve got x3 Dragon Hearts. At this point, you have two choices you can make with the Dragon Communion Priestess:

  • If you want the Dragonbolt of Florissax Incantation and the Ancient Dragon Florissax spirit summon:
    • Before killing Bayle, if you talk to the Priestess at night, she’ll be talking to Placidusax, and you can give her Thiollier’s Concotion (assuming you progressed his questline far enough). Wait one day and she’ll wake up, make sure you speak to her again. Then return after defeating Bayle, and she’ll give you the incantation. Next, tell her you put her to sleep, and she’ll give you the spirit ashes.
  • If you want the Flowerstone Gavel and the Priestess Heart:
    • Defeat Bayle, and she will disappear — the gavel and the heart will be where the priestess was. Unlike the other option, you don’t need to speak with her before defeating Bayle for this outcome to occur.

Once you’re done with the altar and the priestess, you can head due west from the altar onto the dragon wing, where you’ll find a few Dragon Communion Harpoons. If you continue west-southwest, you’ll enter Charo’s Hidden Grave — we’re not done with Jagged Peak yet though, so teleport back to the Dragon’s Pit Terminus site of grace.

  • Unique & Important Items
    • Greater Potentate’s Cookbook [6]
    • Dragon Heart (boss drop)
    • Dragonscale Flesh (boss drop)
    • Igon’s Items (drops after you defeat Bayle)
      • Igon’s Armor
        Igon’s Greatbow
      • Igon’s Harpoon

I know, it’s the name of the whole area — but it’s also the name of the site of grace we’re headed to! From the Dragon’s Pit Terminus site of grace, once again leave the dungeon by heading east-southeast out of the tunnel. Continue downhill towards where the Jagged Peak Drake was, and go northeast through the archway that’s across the lake bed (Image 1). Stay on the path as it curves right and heads uphill to the southeast. You’ll pass an area with some Red Fulgurblooms, and then the path will narrow as it hugs the side of the cliff.

Once the path widens, you’ll see a Spiritspring jump straight ahead to the east — before you use it, turn left and head north (image 2), where you can find some skeletons guarding the Greater Potentate’s Cookbook [6], which is on a corpse sitting on the edge of the cliffs. Next, head back to the Spiritspring, and use it to jump up to the east. After landing, head south-southeast across the bridge. On the other side you’ll find the Foot of the Jagged Peak site of grace.

From the Foot of the Jagged Peak site of grace, continue south up the rocky path. The path will curve left and end in a jumble of rocks — jump over the rocks and you’ll see two dragons fighting just ahead. This is another Jagged Peak Drake boss fight, but with an add — if you want to fight this boss, it’s best to wait until it kills the dragon its fighting before jumping in yourself.

If you want to avoid the fight for now, hug the left (or right) side of the boss arena, and make your way around the dragons to the other side of the area. Either way, to continue forward, enter the narrow canyon that leads east (Image 3) — as you head through the canyon, you’ll officially enter the Jagged Peak.

You can find Igon on the eastern side of the boss arena after you kill the drake — he’s sitting right at the mouth of the canyon (Image 4, and if you speak to him he’ll give you Igon’s Furled Finger if you talk to him, which you can use to summon him via his summon sign in the Bayle fight (don’t ask me why you need an item to use a summon sign for this and only this NPC). Return to this spot after defeating Bayle to find his Armor, Greatbow, and Harpoon!

  • Unique & Important Items
    • Scadutree Fragment
    • Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone (boss drop)
    • Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone (boss drop)

Continuing through the canyon, you’ll come to a Spiritspring. Jump up east, and you’ll see another Spritspring just ahead — jump up east yet again. Where you land, you’ll be able to collect some Red Fulgurbloom, including x8 from a corpse (everyone who collects this stuff dies… maybe we shouldn’t?). Next, head through the narrow passage to the southeast. You’ll enter a valley, where you can find another Dragon’s Calorbloom up ahead — but watch out! A rock will roll downhill at you, from the cliff ahead (Image 1). It’s easily avoided by getting behind the rocks on your right — a second will be rolled a few seconds later, but you can avoid it just as easily.

At the base of the wall that the rocks were dropped from, you will find a Scadutree Fragment. Don’t miss it! From the corpse with the fragment, turn left (east-northeast) and follow the path that leads uphill. You’ll come to yet another sleeping dragon that you don’t have to fight yet. While you don’t have to purposefully avoid the boss to reach the next site of grace (as there’s a Stake of Marika for this boss), you can if you want to — Image 2 shows the path past Senessax to the site of grace.

Whatever you choose, once you start heading north up the path out of the boss arena, you’ll pass a few more dragon corpses on the path that you can collect Sharp Gravel Stone from. At the top of the path is the Jagged Peak Mountainside site of grace.

Jagged Peak Summit

  • Unique & Important Items
    • Igon’s Cookbook [2]
    • Rock Heart
    • Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
    • Heart of Bayle (boss drop)

Note: In order to get the Rock Heart in this section, you’ll need to have interacted with the Domain of Dragons painting in Shadow Keep. If you haven’t done so yet, check out the section of the walkthrough on how to reach Recluses River — following the directions to the river will allow you to access the painting.

From the Jagged Peak Mountainside site of grace, go due northeast, and you’ll soon run into some electrified oozes just oozing around. Follow the edge of the cliff as it curves right (east), and at the end of the cliff you’ll find a corpse with Igon’s Cookbook [2]. Grab it, then head back to the site of grace.

Next, go due southwest from the site of grace, taking the path that leads upwards through the rocks (Image 1). Make your way west-southwest through the drake corpses, and you’ll soon see a Spiritspring jump on your left. Use it to jump south, then continue southwest, dropping down off the ledge and continuing on the narrow rock path. You’ll come to a spot with lots of lightning, and the path will narrow and swing south — stay on the path as it hugs the cliffside, and you’ll come to a spot where the path is broken (Image 2). Drop down here, then turn around and go north.

You’ll soon come to a ledge with some grass on it — get close enough to the center of the ledge, and a chair will appear in the spot indicated (Image 3) — you can see another angle in Image 4. Attack the chair with a melee weapon, and after a brief delay, a ghost will appear, then disappear and leave the Rock Heart behind. Grab it, then follow the rocks to the northeast (as indicated in Image 3) to return to the Spiritspring jump.

Retrace your steps and this time jump over the gap in Image 2 to continue southeast on the path. The lightning here can hurt you, so watch out! There’s another gap ahead you’ll also have to leap, and then you can use the Spiritspring you find to jump east. Upon landing, head east up the hill and into the canyon — continue due east and you’ll see an item on the ground. There are oozes around, including a few that will fall from the ceiling, so be careful grabbing the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

routing to stone and spiritspring jagged peak walkthrough elden ring shadow of the erdtree
Image 5

Turn around and take a right to head up the path (Image 5). You’ll find yet another Spiritspring jump — jump east, and just ahead you’ll find the Jagged Peak Summit site of grace. Through the hole in the wall to your southeast is the boss arena for Bayle the Dread, the true boss of Jagged Peak.

Once you’ve dealt with Bayle, don’t forget to return to Igon’s location by the second Jagged Peak drake boss in order to collect his items!

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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