Taylew’s Ruined Forge Dungeon Guide – Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

Most likely the first dungeon you’ll find after entering Rauh Base is this ruined forge. If you’ve done either the Ruined Forge Lava Intake, or the Ruined Forge of Starfall Past, then you know what to expect; Stone Blacksmiths, Lava Slimes, good loot, and no boss.

Unique Rewards:

Taylew’s Ruined Forge dungeon can be found just north from the Ancient Ruins Base site of grace. Head past the spike palisades, soldiers, and misbegotten to the stone structure with torches on either side — this is the entrance.

Heading down into the entrance, you’ll find the obligatory site of grace, which you should rest at to get the save point — chances are you’ll fall into some lava. Go down the stairs and grab the Shadow Rune [3] off the corpse, then go down the stairs to the left. Walk across the little bridge, and a Lava Slime will drop in front of you. These are easy to kill, just hit them a couple of times.

Go forward and jump down the ledge by the ladder. This is where you’ll find the first smithing stone on the ground. They are a little hard to see, so make sure you’re keeping an eye out around this dungeon to grab all the smithing stones.

elden ring taylews ruined forge dungeon guide smithing stone on ground
Be sure to grab all these tasty smithing stones on the ground

In the next room, you’ll see a path heading down, and a gap that you can jump across to get to the door on the left. Jump across the gap, then enter the room, but be careful as a Golem Smith will try to smash you from the right as you enter. These enemies are tough, but the key is to roll around behind them and attack the small jewel on their back. Once you hit it enough, you’ll break their poise, and you can do a critical hit on them.

elden ring taylews ruined forge dungeon guide killing golem smith gif
You can also just run past these golems

After the golem has been dealt with (or you’ve run past him), grab the Smithscript Axe in the room and go back to that path leading down in the previous area. This will take you to the big pipe hanging over the lava chasm, cutting the dungeon in two. Jump onto the pipe, then jump onto the other side of the dungeon; here you’ll find the Smithscript Greathammer in the corner, protected by a Lava slime.

elden ring taylews ruined forge dungeon guide smithscript weapons
Don’t miss these two smithscript weapons

Jump back onto the big pipe and go upwards to the top; jump off it to the left, and you’ll be met by two Golem smiths. The one in the back will be different from previous golems, and he will throw stones at you (which do a ton of damage). It’s very difficult to fight two of these at once, so just run past them through the archway and grab the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone. You can jump back onto the pipe from here to escape the rocky brutes.

elden ring taylews ruined forge dungeon guide grabbing ancient dragon smithing stone
This is an important item to grab, risks be damned

Now, go back up to the top of the pipe and jump onto the other side to the right. You’ll see a couple passages here, but you’ll want to first go down the one to the left. In this next room, you’ll see a Golem Smith petting a Lava Slime (adorable), but don’t let it distract you from the sloped pillar to the right you can scale.

At the top, you’ll find a Golem Smith that will attack you, and an object. When you grab the object, a Lava Slime will drop on you. Run past the object once for the slime to fall, then pick up the Smithscript Shield before booking it out of there. To progress forward, jump over the railing next to the Golem Smith on the bottom level.

elden ring taylews ruined forge dungeon guide smithscript shield
This cool shield should not be left behind

Over the railing, you’ll be in a passage with a corpse; grab the Smithing Stone [8] off the cadaver. The passage in front of you leads to some slimes protecting some smithing stones on the ground. Whether you grab those or not, go up the ladder in the side passage next.

At the top of the ladder, two lava slimes will drop; kill them, then turn around. You’ll see a Golem Smith across the gap and an item next to it. Jump over the gap, then quickly grab the Somber Smithing Stone [3] and jump back over the gap. This golem will throw rocks at you, and if it knocks you down the hole, it will kill you when you try to climb up the ladder again.

Go up the stairs when you’re back across the gap, and you’ll find a lever in the corner. Pull it to invert the big metal pipe hanging in the middle of the dungeon. Then jump off onto the platform below. You’ll be back at the two passages from before, but this time take the one to the right and go down the stairs. You’ll find a Somber Smithing Stone [8] on the corpse.

elden ring taylews ruined forge dungeon guide lever and platform
Be sure to pull the lever, or you’ll have to go around again

From here, just drop off the ledge (you can try to running-jump onto the pipe, but you might fall into the lava). Now you can get onto the pipe, and walk up it; remember that after pulling the lever the pipe’s slope will be going to the opposite side of the dungeon.

At the top, jump off the pipe to the left. Go up the ladder, and interact with the alter to acquire Taylew Golem Smith Ashes and an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone. A little blue wisp will appear next to the altar to teleport you back to the start of the dungeon.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

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