Lamenter Boss Guide – Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

At the end of the Lamenter’s Gaol is, fittingly, the Lamenter, a pitiful creature which would be unformiddable, aside from its ability to transfer its Lamentation on to you. Thanks to a tricky gimmick, the Lamenter can be a frustrating boss to face, so this walkthrough will help you put it out of its misery quickly.

Rewards: Lamenter’s Mask, 160000

  • The Lamenter has an exceptionally simple moveset, with two damaging moves and a third projectile move that stuns but does low damage. This means that the Lamenter can be easily powered through to maximize damage.
  • Once the Lamenter summons Clones, you should prioritize taking out all 7 of them, ignoring the “true” Lamenter with a healthbar. They will die in one hit, so AoE attacks or sweeping attacks with melee are the fastest way to do this.
  • If any Clones survive, then they will become Lamenter Skulls surrounding you. If you ever get 7 Lamenter Skulls, you will instantly die. These do not disappear only time.
  • Fast-moving summons with multiple allies that can help you quickly clear the Lamenter are the best for this fight. Jolán and Anna are, perhaps, the strongest for this task.

The Lamenter is a boss with few attacks that deal low damage, a modest-but-unremarkable health pool, and low enough poise that you can stagger it out of most attacks (except for summoning Clones). It’s main method of killing you is to keep enough of its clones alive over the course of the fight that 7 Lamenter Skulls appear around you, killing you instantly.

shadow of the erdtree lamenter boss guide skulls
If I take 1 more Lamenter Skull here, I will die

As such, your goal in this boss fight is as simple as it gets: you should attack the Lamenter when it is by itself, doing as much damage as you can before it summons its Clones. Once its clones are on the field, your attention should be to killing all 7 of them before they can despair.

The best methods of doing so will depend on your build. For ranged builds, AoE attacks can clear the Clones in no time. For melee builds, sweep attacks are the best. And for dex builds, weapons that can at least attack very quickly will be the best.

With these methods, you should be able to take out the Clones before they despair, though you will still want to be careful not to get stagger-locked by the many Strikes or by the Dark Bolts the clones summon.

If you are struggling to dispatch them in time (something that can easily happen for characters who rely mostly on single-target attacks), then summoning can help; the best allies for this fight are ones that move quickly and summon multiple allies, like Jolán and Anna, Marionette Soldier Ashes, or the Nightmaiden & Swordstress Puppets. Since they only need to deal a single point of damage and the Lamenter doesn’t deal much direct damage, even un-upgraded ashes will do fine in this role.

Beyond that, there is nothing in the Lamenter fight that is any more difficult than what you’ve faced before, so you are sure to conquer its despair in no time.

  • Clones: The Lamenter will wave its Lamenting Visage in front of it and disappear. A few moments later, it will reappear alongside 7 identical clones, which use the same moveset and can be killed with any damage. After some time, the Lamenter and surviving clones will despair and then vanish.
    • Any surviving clones will stack Lamenter Skulls around you for the remainder of the combat; if you accumulate 7 of these, you will instantly die.
  • Head Bash: The Lamenter will lean back, then thrust forward, expanding it’s head size to headbutt you. Backing up or rolling any direction will avoid this.
  • Strike: The Lamenter will strike downward using its Lamenting Visage. It can also jump attack to do the same. Dodge any direction, block, or parry.
  • Dark Bolts: The Lamenter will summon shadow balls and lob them at you. Only done during Clones. Dodge or block. These can stagger you while you deal with the Lamenter’s clones.

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he'll try. When he isn't working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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