Poison Armament

Enchants right-hand armament with poison
Spell Category:
Slots Used: 1
FP Cost: 15
Stamina Cost: 10
attributes required icon eldenring Attributes Required: Faith 10

sb icon 02 a 009

Incantation of the servants of rot. Enchants armament held in the right hand with poison. This incantation can be cast while in motion. Those who dwell within poison know rot all too well. The death that begets life, that comes to all equally. That is to say: it is the cycle of rebirth put into practice.

Where to Find the Poison Armament Incantation

You get it from an invisible loot beetle in the Swamp of Aeonia, in Caelid.

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If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.

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