Omenkiller Boots

Boots worn by Executioners
Slot: Leg
Weight: 4.4
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 5. Strike 4.5 Slash 4. Pierce 4.
Magic 5. Fire 5.4 Lightning 6.5 Holy 5.8
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 41 Robustness 17 Focus 29 Vitality 29 Poise 4

sb icon 06 157

Part of the Omenkiller set.

Where to Find the Omenkiller Boots

Drop from the Omenkiller enemy in the Perfumer’s Ruins in western Altus Peninsula.

location of omenkiller armor set elden ring
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If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.

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