
Katana with a ferociously long blade. Signature weapon of Yura, hunter of Bloody Fingers. Reminiscent of a reinforced spear, its imposing length can be put to good use with powerful thrusting attacks.
Weapon Skill: Unsheathe
Attack Type: – Slash – Pierce
Weight: 7
attack power icon eldenring Attack Power: Physical 115 Critical 100
attributes scaling icon eldenring Attribute Scaling: Strength D Dexterity C
attributes required icon eldenring Attributes Required: Strength 18 Dexterity 22
guarded damage negation icon eldenring Guarded Damage Negation: 49/33/33/33/33/33

weapon 086

Where to Find the Nagakiba

Given to the player by Yura at the Second Church of Marika in Altus Plateau (see part 2 of Altus walkthrough for details). He will only show up at the church the invasion with him in Liurnia (see the start of this guide for details).

second church of marika altus plateau elden ring

Elden Ring Enchantable Weapon104000042EB—Causes blood loss buildup (45)
Elden Ring Enchantable Weapon99000045DD—Causes blood loss buildup (45)
Elden Ring Non-Enchantable Weapon880880045DE—Causes blood loss buildup (45)
-46.631.43834.731.433Flame Art
Elden Ring Non-Enchantable Weapon930930045EE-D-Causes blood loss buildup (45)
Elden Ring Non-Enchantable Weapon880088045ED—Causes blood loss buildup (45)
Elden Ring Non-Enchantable Weapon820008245EE-D-Causes blood loss buildup (45)
Elden Ring Non-Enchantable Weapon828200045EED–Causes blood loss buildup (45)
Elden Ring Non-Enchantable Weapon937400045EDD–Causes frost buildup (66)
Causes blood loss buildup (38)46.63333333333Poison
Elden Ring Non-Enchantable Weapon93000045ED–DCauses poison buildup (66)
Causes blood loss buildup (38)46.63333333333Blood
Elden Ring Non-Enchantable Weapon93000045ED–DCauses blood loss buildup (57)
Elden Ring Non-Enchantable Weapon99000045EE–CCauses blood loss buildup (38)

Attack PowerStat ScalingPassive EffectsDamage Reduction (%)
Elden Ring Enchantable Weapon
104000045CCauses blood loss buildup (45)
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If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.

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