Festering Bloody Finger

Attempts invasion of other player’s world
Multiplayer Items

Sell Price: rune v2 elden ring currency100
Maximum Held: 99

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Item for online play. (Can also be used from the Multiplayer menu.) Consumed upon use. Attempts an invasion of another player’s world. If successful, you will arrive as an invader (Bloody Finger) with the objective of defeating the Host of Fingers of that world. This furled finger is blackened with blood congestion. It seems to have been chopped off rather unceremoniously.

Where to Find the Festering Bloody Finger

Purchased from Gatekeeper Gostoc, who can be found in the gatehouse near both the Gateside Chamber and Stormveil Main Gate sites of grace.

location of festering bloody finger elden ring
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If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.

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