Starfield Powers

Despite being taking place in a relatively grounded sci-fi universe, Starfield features a sort of spellcasting, in the form of Starborn powers. In the fifth mission of Starfield’s main story, you gain access to your first power, and you can do optional missions that allow you to unlock up to 25 total powers. Below, you can see a list of all the powers available in Starfield:

Resurrects a dead alien to fight alongside you for a duration.
Creates an area of anti-gravity that also paralyzes enemies caught in it.
Gut the 02 supply of targets in the area for a duration.
Pacifies all enemies in an area and disarms them for a duration.
Change the gravity around you to Earth gravity levels for a duration.
Blasts inorganic resources in an area around you and pulls them towards you.
Regrows flora that has been harvested in a large area around you.
Manipulate gravity to propel yourself forward, and briefly increase any damage you inflict.
Launches a gravity wave in a cone ahead of you that staggers and knocks down enemies.
Create an area of dense gravity that pulls in and crushes everything and everyone in around it.
Force an enemy to confront their inner demons, creating a mirror image of themselves that attacks them.
Drain the life force out of a living being and transfer it to yourself.
Become as strong as stone, rooting yourself in place and increasing your resistance to all damages greatly.
Summon another version of you from an alternate dimension for a duration.
Shoot a beam of pure particle energy that deals high amounts of damage to enemies in front of you.
Create a small area of unlimited oxygen around you for a duration.
Phase through the normal flow of time and slow down the universe for a duration.
Look into the multiverse and visualize the future actions of actors, conversational and otherwise.
Envelop yourself in a metastable shell of antimatter that reflects projectiles and increases your resistance to attacks.
Channel the power to detect all life around you for a duration.
Emit an intense burst of solar energy that damages enemies and can set them ablaze.
Shoot a ball of ice as cold as space into an area, freezing any living being caught in the blast for a duration.
Explode with the power of a supernova in an area around you, dealing massive damage.
Warp the light around you, becoming nearly invisible for a duration.

By following the main storyline, you’ll eventually begin the mission Into the Unknown. At the end of this mission, you visit a temple that grants you your first power, Anti-Gravity Field.

Subsequent powers will also be gained in temples. To unlock these missions, you’ll need to visit Vladimir on The Eye, which is the Constellation space station that orbits Jemison in the Alpha Centauri system. Ask him about the location of Artifact Temples, and he should give you a new Power From Beyond quest.

If he doesn’t have any new temple locations for you, this means you need to first collect more artifacts. Continue the main quest — which focuses on collecting said artifacts — and after you get another one, check back in with Vladimir.

Powers can be accessed by pressing computer key k t, or by going into the data menu ( computer key tab t /button xbox pause) and then selecting the Powers sections in the center-top of the menu with icon mouse left click v2/ button xbox a v2/playstation x button.

powers menu location starfield starborn
Your currently equipped power is displayed on the data menu

You’ll be taken to the Powers menu. From here, you can equip a power by selecting it and pressing icon mouse left click v2/ button xbox a v2/playstation x button. You may also want to add some of your powers to your quickbar, which you can do by pressing computer key b t / button xbox y v2/ playstation triangle button while you have a power selected.

powers menu starfield selection
Pressing the “toggle power names” button can make it easier to find what you’re looking for

Once you have a power equipped, you can use it by pressing computer key z t / button xbox leftbumper+ button xbox rightbumper. Hitting both bumpers at the same time can be tricky, so you may want to remap this in the Settings –> Bindings menu if you plan on using powers a lot in combat.

You need a certain amount of energy to use powers — you can see the cost of each power by selecting it in the powers menu, along with your total available energy. Your energy is represented by a blue bar below your health.

starfield power energy bar location

Speaking of power energy, Quantum Essence is a consumable that can be accessed from the Powers menu. Once you’ve collected some, you’ll see a button in the bottom left marked “Use Quantum Essence (X)”, where X is the total number of Quantum Essence you have available. Pressing the indicated button ( computer key r t /button xbox x v2/playstation square button by default) will consume one Quantum Essence.

quantum essence powers menu starfield selection

Using a Quantum Essence will cause your power regeneration speed to increase for 60 seconds — you can track the presence of this buff by going into 3rd person and seeing if you have the golden swirls around your character — these indicate the Quantum Essence is active.

quantum essence effect third person starfield

So far, the only source for quantum essence we’ve found is the Starborn enemies. These enemies attack you at the end of the Further Into the Unknown, when you reach the artifact. They’ll continue to confront you at subsequent artifact locations.

After completing the game’s final mission, One Giant Leap, and entering New Game+, you’ll be able to do the Power from Beyond missions once again; any time you do the “puzzle” at a temple that gives a power you already have, you’ll instead receive an upgrade version of that power.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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