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Chapter 2 – Alone in the Dark

Having come back from a mysterious place entered through mysterious methods, Edward or Emily will be sure that those second dimensions must be where Jeremy is hiding. In order to find him, you will need to navigate more puzzles around Derceto, and more strange locations that belong somewhere else… All in the search of a mysterious place, mentioned in Jeremy’s notes: Taroella.
Find the Astronomical Clock
Immediately after you gain control of your character again after talking to Edward/Emily at the start of Chapter 2, you will now be able to enter the Clerk’s Office using the keys you got from Batiste in the French Quarter. You can also pick up the Rubber Stamp Lagniappe from in front of the Clerk’s Office if you didn’t in Chapter 1 (Image 1).
Once inside the Clerk’s Office, look to your right. Here, you’ll find 3 notes (“Repairing the Boiler”, “Broken Plates”, and “Staff & Patient Directory”), as well as Room Key #6 (Image 2). Continue through the Clerk’s Office, and you’ll find the organization, including the Rorschach Lagniappe and the “Patient Records” note (Image 3). You’ll also be able to find a locked safe, but without the combination, you won’t be able to open it yet… Even though it does contain something interesting (and collectible) right now.

Once you are done in the Clerk’s Office, you can go to the library, which is across the Piazza (Image 4). Once at the door (Image 5), you can use Batiste’s Keys to unlock the door (Image 6). If you are playing as Emily, a cutscene will play, introducing you to Ruth (Image 7).

Once you are in the library, you can pick up “The Lost Plantations of Lousiana” note and, if you are playing as Emily, talk to Ruth (which you should do three times if you are trying for the Chatterbox achievement) (Image 8). Go through the next door to the Small Parlor, and take note to your left for the Shotgun. If this is your second playthrough, you can access it now so long as you completed the Lost Children Lagniappes set. Otherwise, just note it for later (Image 9), and then go through the glass door to your right to try to enter the conservatory (Image 10).

Once you try the door, you will end up in an alternate version of the room, filled with black ink below. Once you are, turn around and look towards the windows, where a bolt cutter will be sitting on a table (Image 11). Grab it and take it back to the Conservatory door (Image 12), using it to open the door (Image 13).

From here, continue down the stairs (Image 14) and go through the exterior door (Image 15). Emily will get a special cutscene with the housekeeper (Image 16), and then be given control in the garden. Where she was digging, and right next to the white statue in front of you, there will be the Mummified Cat Lagniappe (Image 17).

Water Bucket Puzzle
Next, you will need to complete the Water Bucket Puzzle in order to retrieve a broken plate, which wile be required for a later puzzle.
After getting the plate, Emily should return back the direction she came from. First through the Conservatory Door (Image 18), then into the Library through the small Parlor (Image 19). Once in the Library, look at the table where Ruth was and grab the A Brightness From Afar Lagniappe (Image 20). Then continue and go to the Piazza. If you are playing as Edward or already have this Lagniappe from a previous playthough, you can simply use the ladder in the Garden to reach the Piazza (Image 21).

From here, you want to make your way upstairs and to the 2nd floor hallway, where the patients stay. You are trying to get to Perosi’s room (#6), though you’ll make some stops along the way.

When you reach the Hallway, Edward will get a cutscene with MacCarfey (Image 22). After it or when playing as Emily, you can then enter Jeremy’s room immediately to the left (Image 23) for the “Emily is Here” note (Image 24). Then, the next room over is Batiste’s room (Image 25). With it, you can find a chest with loot and the Fountain Pen lagniappe (Image 26). Finally, you can go to the last door on the left in the hallway, Perosi’s room, #6 (Image 27).

Perosi’s Portrait Puzzle
Once in this room, pick up “I Must Return” on the bed located in the center (Image 28). Now you will need to solve a puzzle. It will involve Perosi’s Journal (Image 28), the rotten portraits on the wall (Image 29), the collection of Astarte colony portraits (Image 30), and the Astronomical Lock on the dresser (Image 31)

With Broken Plates in hand, it is time to leave (Image 32). However, you won’t be exactly where you were before when you try to. Instead, the hallways will now be green and filled with barnacle-like objects on the ceiling, which will drip dangerous goo onto the ground which you must avoid (Image 33).
Simply running through this area can avoid a lot of damage, as can going around the goo on the floor (Image 34). Once you reach the door at the end of the hallway, you’ll end up back in “normal” Derceto (Image 35).

Grand Clock Puzzle
You’ll come out of that door conveniently right where you need to be. Approach and open the Grand Clock (Image 36), where you can input the Broken Plates in order to work on the puzzle (Image 37). When you complete that part of the puzzle, you’ll then need to input something into the Talisman in order to activate it (Image 38).

The camera will automatically turn back to the Hallway door. Go through it (Image 40). Proceed down the hallway until the lights turn off and on again, which will open up a door (Image 41) leading to a new area: the Hateful Mound (Image 42).

Look for Jeremy inside the Hateful Mound
Once in this new region, look to your right and hop down (Image 43). While you can go to the illuminated Jetty House now, you’ll be back later, so you should continue to your left to the barn-like bridge house (Image 44 and 45), which you can enter. Look for a door to your left (Image 46).

In front of you (you’ll need a flashlight), there will be 2 lockers. The one to your right contains the Jetty Key (Image 47), while the one to your left (and the other 3 on the side of the room) will contain randomized loot (Image 48). After you’ve stocked up, open the door and head to the house you previously passed (Image 49).

Once inside, check the table for the Oil Rig Report (Image 50), and then scour the room for loot (Image 51). Then, head to the door behind the desk and use the Jetty Key to open it (Image 52).

There is loot right in front of you (Image 53), then you can enter the illuminated room up the stairs (Image 54) in order to acquire the Bridge Lever (Image 55). After that, head out of that room and around the side of the building, where you can acquire a melee weapon before jumping down, ready for combat or running (Image 56).

Once you jump down, you’ll meet a new enemy type: the burrower. You can see it moving underground by the dirt it disturbs (Image 57) before it leaps out to attack you. You can fight it or run from it, but either way you’ll want to make your way to the bridge house again (Image 58). Keep in mind that burrowers can’t follow you onto wooden floors. Once you are in the bridge house, you can put the Bridge Lever in the Operator (Image 59) and then pull the lever to lower the bridge (Image 60).

Go across the bridge and up the stairs. You’ll encounter some loot and a melee weapon in front of you (Image 61). Then, turn around and take note of the window at the end of the house.
DO NOT APPROACH IT RIGHT AWAY! Instead, look to your right as you get near it, so that you can notice a tiny squeezable gap (Image 62) leading to the Discarded Palette lagniappe (Image 65). Grab that, and then approach the window for a short cutscene (Image 64).

Immediately, you’ll be faced with a Burrower in front of you (Image 66). There are also two more in this area: one near a red gate you need to get through, and one that will appear when you damage the red gate.
If you need ammunition, you can go to the cabin on the other side of the clearing (Image 67), which is filled with loot (Image 68) and a melee weapon. Otherwise or after, look for the red gate illuminate by a lamp above (Image 69). You’ll need to hit it with a melee weapon to break it, though you’ll probably need to clear out the burrowers first (Image 70).

Continue forward and then turn to the left once you reach the next clearing (Image 71). You’ll see a house out of the way, which you should approach (Image 72). Squeeze through a gap (Image 73), and be ready to taken on the enemy hiding within once you actually go into the building (Image 74). Once you’ve killed it, you can grab the Gazing Statuette Lagniappe and some loot (Image 75).

Leave the cabin and head back to the clearing. There will be another cabin to your left, containing some loot (Image 76 and 77), as well as another red cabin across the clearing (Image 78), which will contain an enemy (Images 79) and even more loot (Image 80).

Once you’ve cleared the cabins, turn toward the oil rig. In this next section, you will have a choice: you can either choose to crouch down and sneak past the enemy burrowers, or you can just run (Image 81). Keep note that, while crouched, the burrowers can not see you, and so by manuevering to the left, you can simply avoid touching their dirt to avoid notifying them (Image 82). Otherwise, you can just run, looking to the right, until you reach an illuminated wooden walkway (Image 83), which will have loot at the end of it (Image 84).

If you approach the next area after having run, the burrowers in the next section might be notified (Image 85). Regardless, however, you simply need to reach a lever right next to the oil rig (Image 86), and then climb the ladder afterward (Image 87).
You can usually outrun all the enemies to do this, and you’ll be safe if you reach the ladder. Or you could opt to fight or sneak past the enemy. Either way, once you are on top of the small building, you can cross the gap above the flames you caused and go up another ladder (Image 88).

Once on top, you’ll want to follow the railing around until you find a piece of tough cloth (Image 89). Bring this back to a wire leading down out of the oil rig (Image 90) and then you’ll rappel down it (Image 91).

In the next section, you can continue along the straightforward path into the swamp (Image 92). At some point, a huge monster will dive out of the trees to attack an enemy (Image 93), but it will eventually leap away again. When it does, you can continue along the path (Image 94) until you reach the Hateful Mound (Image 95).

You’ll meet Lottie in a cutscene, and then wind back back in Derceto (Image 96 and 97).

Find Derceto’s Boiler
Once you regain control of your character, look at the ground. You’ll see a bag that you acquired in the cutscene. Looting it will get you the Palette Scrapper, the Sitting Room Key, and an important note (Image 98). Immediately, you can use the Palette Scrapper to open the door to the Drawing Room (Image 99), which has the “Barlow Lens Instructions” note, the Cellar Key, and the Dog Collar Lagniappe (Image 100).

When you leave the Drawing Room, you should now have access to the Shotgun if you didn’t before, thanks to completing the Lost Children Lagniappe set (Images 101 and 102), comprising the Rubber Stamp, the Fountain Pen, and the Dog Collar.

Next, get ready for an ambush. Head through the door to the Library, and then attempt to leave the Library through the other door (Image 103). It will be locked, and so you will need to head back to the Small Parlor door (Image 104). Before you reach it, however, you’ll end up in an alternate version of the library (Image 105), where 2 enemies will ambush you (Image 106). While this event can technically be avoided by going through the garden, you will need to take these enemies on eventually, so it is best to do it now.

After you’ve dispatched the enemies, you can go out of the door you originally tried, which will be unlocked now (Image 107). Continue up the stairs and use the Palette Scrapper on the door immediately to the left at the top of the stairs (Image 108 and 109).

Go to the end of the next hallway to unlock the door to the 2nd Floor Hallway, but then you should turn around and go through the door to the side that leads to the Mezzanine (Image 110). Edward will get a cutscene with Ruth (Image 111). After that, go to the left to get the Beignet Lagniappe (Image 112) and to unlock another door to the 2nd Floor Hallway. Then, go to the other side of the Mezzanine and enter the door at the end of it to enter the Stairwell 9Image 113).

Go down one flight of stairs and then enter the door leading back into the Grand Parlor, which you were above (Image 114). Emily will get a unique cutscene where she is eventually stabbed with a syringe by Grace (Image 115). After that, you can pick up the Syringe on the ground near the piano and grab the Medicine Box Key from the Piano itself (Image 116).

Look to the door to the left of the piano to enter the dining room (Image 117). There will be a note (“On the Commonplace of Evil”) in the fireplace (Image 118), and then you can exit the door at the far end of the room to reenter the Servant’s Stairwell (image 119).

Once through this door, you can go down the first path to your left to reach Lottie’s Room (Image 120). Use the key you just got to open up the Medicine Box on the table in order to retrieve Dr. Jenkin’s Lozenges, useful for a puzzle later (Images 121 and 122).
Before you leave Lottie’s Room, go up to the window and interact with it to close it (Image 123). This will reveal the Nurse’s Watch Lagniappe (Image 124).

Next, you’ll want to head to the Sitting Room on the second floor.

If you are playing as Edward, make sure to go back out to the Mezzanine when you pass the door (Image 125) so that you can grab the A Brightness From Afar Lagniappe from where Ruth was sitting earlier (Image 126). Then, as either character, go back to the Mezzanine hallway and head back to the Grand Clock, where the Sitting Room door will be across the room, ready to be unlocked with the key (Image 127). Emily will get a cutscene with MacCafferty here (Image 128).

From here, the first door on the right when you enter the Sitting Room will lead to Grace’s Room. Within, you will find “A Small Request” and the Jack In the Box Lagniappe (Image 129). To get it, simply interact with it and then wait for it to pop out and stop moving (Image 130).

Go to the next door down the hall to enter Cassandra Beauregard’s room (Image 131). Here, Edward will meet Grace in a cutscene before leaving (Image 132). After that, there will be the note “Your Medicine” on the table in front of you, as well as a medicine, Margrave Liniment (Image 133).

Medicine Box Puzzle
Next, you will need to solve a puzzle involving the medicine tray (Images 134 and 135) and another Astronomical Lock (Image 136).