From your landing pad at New Atlantis, proceed straight and turn left onto the ramp leading into the city. Cross this plaza to the NAT car and choose the MAST district. Go up the ramp here and head to the front of the MAST building to find Hadrian.
You’ll be assigned this mission by Hadrian after completing Delivering Devils.
Meet Hadrian in New Atlantis (MAST District)
Speak to Hadrian in front of the MAST building. She will explain her past and her relationship with her father. Ask her what to say to unlock more dialogue options during the meeting, as well as any other questions you’d like. Once you’re done choose “Don’t have any questions, no.” to move on with the mission.
Ask for suggestions on what to say to unlock more dialogue options with the Cabinet
Proceed to the Cabinet Chambers
After the conversation, head up the stairs into the building and enter the elevator. Choose Cabinet Chambers / Interstellar Affairs and go right. You should see Hadrian leading the way. Stand in the front-middle of the podium to start a conversation with the Cabinet.
Address the Cabinet
You’ll have a series of choices to make about explaining the situation to the Cabinet. Your choices here won’t impact the outcome of the mission in any way. After the conversation, the facility enters a lockdown.
Listen to the Cabinet
It turns out that Terrormorphs are attacking the New Atlantis Spaceport, and you are the closest thing to an anti-xeno force the UC has nearby. The president orders you to get to the Spaceport, so her decision on unlocking the archives will have to wait.
Take the NAT to the Spaceport
Return to the elevator and select the NAT Station as your destination. When you arrive at the NAT station, you’ll find the guards are being attacked by civilians.
Incapacitate the Attackers
Grab the EM weapon on the ground, equip it, and use it to incapacitate the attackers. EM weapons are non-lethal to humans, so they’re the best choice in this situation. Alternatively you can use normal weapons, but Hadrian, and presumably the citizens, will not appreciate it.
The EM weapon is in front of the elevator
If you don’t want to use lethal force, be careful to not melee anybody since it results in an instakill.
Assess the Situation at the NAT Station
Once the civilians are dealt with, speak to the nearby guard about the situation. If you killed anybody, you’ll get a different response compared to solving it without lethal force. After the conversation, board the NAT to the Spaceport.
Proceed to the Spaceport
The situation in the Spaceport is naturally quite chaotic. Remember to equip an actual weapon instead of the EM weapon used for riot control. Cross the plaza from the NAT car towards the landing pads. When you reach the ramp you’ll find UC Security battling a Terrormorph.
Eliminate the Terrormorph
UC Security should draw most of the Terrormorph’s attention, but it will turn officers to its side during the fight. It’s best to just ignore the turned officers and focus on the alien since they’ll turn back to normal once it’s defeated.
You’ll experience some uncomfortable visions during the fight, but fortunately it won’t turn you against your allies.
Approach the Officer in Charge
After defeating the Terrormorph, speak to Sergeant Yumi on the left side of the ramp. He’ll tell you there are two more Terrormorphs to fight, but he can offer you a fire team to support you.
Eliminate the Terrormorphs
Speak to the Fireteam on the opposite side of the ramp from Yumi and tell them you want them watching your back.
Go up the ramp on the left to the landing pad with the first Terrormorph.
The first one will be conveniently located next to a huge fuel tank, which you should fire at immediately. It’ll be thrown to the ground due to the explosion, letting you get some free damage in before it can attack. Continuously walk backwards while shooting at it to avoid most of the damage.
With the first one defeated, cross the landing pad to fight the next alien. This one isn’t next to a fuel tank, but the steps to defeating it will be similar. After the fight, return to the ramp to the city to talk to Sergeant Yumi.
Inform Sergeant Yumi that the Terrormorphs are dealt with, and Hadrian will suggest reporting to President Abello.
Report to President Abello in the MAST Cabinet Chambers
Cross the plaza to the NAT car and return to the MAST District. Go to the elevator to the left in the corner of the NAT Station and choose Cabinet Chambers as your destination.
Speak to the president off to the side from the podium. She’ll decide to support opening the archives, and offers you UC citizenship if you can successfully convince the Freestar Collective and House Va’ruun to open the archives.
Completing Eyewitness opens up the opportunity to continue the UC Security storyline with Search and Seizure, as well as the continuation of the Vanguard storyline with Friends Like These.
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Lucky Boop
Strategy game enthusiast, especially Paradox titles and the Civilization series. Whenever he's not writing he spends his time watching sports, enjoying coffee, or studying history.