Baldur’s Gate 3 Hotfix #28 – Improved Modding All Around

Baldur’s Gate 3 just put out Hotfix #28, a small patch aimed at fixing various issues with modding that were introduced with the game’s mod manager as part of Patch 7 last month. After the introduction of the update (including the mod manager) to console players with the last hotfix, most of the fixes that Hotfix #28 includes deal with mods on console, or the mod manager itself.

In addition, there were several minor gameplay adjustments and crash fixes that have been resolved, including improving the load time for players with mods — a common complaint before.

Beyond that, there isn’t much to say about Hotfix #28 that couldn’t better be said by taking a look at the full patch notes for Baldur’s Gate 3 Hotfix #28:

  • On PS5, the ‘Continue’ button will now work the same as the ‘Load Game’ screen in that it won’t allow you to start a game if there are any mod issues.
  • On console, when loading a savegame that has unresolved mod issues, the Mod Verification Window will no longer keep asking you to re-download or uninstall mods when the action has already been taken.
  • Resolved an issue with mod dependencies not being loaded in the correct order after enabling/disabling some mods.
  • Fixed the animated downloading bar not appearing in the Mod Verification Window after you click ‘Download’.
  • Fixed the horizontal scrollbar on the Mod Details page not being vertically centred between the arrows that flank it.
  • Fixed a bug preventing you from opening the Mod Manager on PC when using a controller.
  • Fixed the button prompts in the Mod Details page not updating correctly when using a controller.
  • Fixed the filter tags in the Mod Manager not appearing in localised languages and made sure that the English string is shown as a backup in case there’s an issue with fetching the translation.
  • The mod browser scrollbar now resets to the top when you navigate to a previous or next page.
  • On PS5, the Mod Manager now correctly reports the amount of remaining memory after uninstalling a mod.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when changing pages in the Mod Manager.
  • Fixed clients on a multiplayer game getting caught in an enable–disable loop in the Mod Verification Window when trying to disable a mod that the host doesn’t have.
  • Updated the ‘Explicit Content’ filter’s name to ‘Mature Content’.
  • Updated the name of the Mod Issues window to ‘Mod Verification Window’ to more accurately reflect what the window is for, and updated its description.
  • Improved loading times for players with many mods installed.
  • You can no longer add items to your wares even if they cannot become wares (e.g. pact weapons) by selecting them along with another item that can become a ware. This prevents a trade exploit where you could sell your wares and the bound items would not leave your inventory. Any more of these up your sleeves?
  • Fixed Honour Mode features, like Legendary Actions, carrying over to non-Honour-Mode games if you’d previously loaded an Honour Mode save.
  • On PS5, fixed the DualSense lightbar updating colours every single frame of the game when a new user logs in with a new controller.
  • Resolved an issue with Wyll opting for negative greeting nodes even when he does like you.
  • Fixed the character models becoming offset in the Trade UI when switching between trade and barter when using a controller.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to load into a playthrough rather than a particular savegame within that playthrough.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading a savegame.
  • On PS5, fixed a potential crash when going full disco on the DualSense lightbar.

It is good to see that console players are being given free reign to explore Baldur’s Gate 3’s already extensive mod scene, and that issues for PlayStation and Xbox players are being resolved in a timely manner. The introduction of mods onto consoles is already rare enough, with solid support for it being even rarer; Larian proves once again how to keep a game fun and fresh.

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he'll try. When he isn't working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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