Save the Goblin Sazza – Baldur’s Gate 3

In this guide, we’ll show you how to rescue the goblin Sazza from the tieflings at the Emerald Grove — and what that might mean.


baldurs gate 3 map freethegoblinsazza

Points of Interest
1 – Makeshift Prison
2 – Toron
3 – Arron
4 – Emerald Grove Entrance
5 – Forest Entrance
6 – Goblin Camp Entrance

A – Underground Passage Entrance
B – Underground Passage Exit
C – Shattered Sanctum

The first time you enter the makeshift prison in the Emerald Grove (#1), you’ll witness the tiefling Arka preparing to exact revenge for her dead brother by executing a goblin prisoner named Sazza. To save Sazza, you’ll have to step between her and Arka and then pass a DC-12 Intelligence check or a DC-10 check for Insight (Monk only), Intimidation, or Persuasion. If you’re successful, then Arka will leave, but Sazza will remain in her cage.

To open Sazza’s cage, you’ll have to pick its lock, which will require you to beat a DC-10 Sleight of Hand check. When you talk to Sazza — either before or after opening the cage door — she’ll inform you that the goblins have a powerful healer named Princess Gut at their camp, and she’ll offer to introduce you, provided you help her escape. If you agree, then you’ll trigger this quest. You might need to talk to Sazza afterwards to get her to follow you.

There are two ways to help Sazza escape from the Emerald Grove:

  • You can just brazenly walk to the front entrance (#4). Along the way, named tieflings will stop you, and you’ll have to beat a DC-15 Intimidation or Persuasion check to talk your way past them. If you fail your check, then the tiefling who stopped you and all nearby tieflings will turn temporarily hostile, and you’ll have to fight them. If you don’t want to kill the tieflings, then remember to go to the Passives tab of your hotbar and toggle Non-Lethal Attacks. The safest path out of the grove is to stay to the east and walk past Toron (#2) and Arron (#3).
  • You can sneak out of the grove using the Underground Passage. To reach the passage, you’ll have to jump down to a ledge on the northern side of the prison, and then beat a DC-5 Perception check to detect its entrance (Exit A). Inside the passage, you’ll encounter goblins and unfriendly statues. The goblins will attack you even with Sazza on your side, so the zone will play out the same whether she’s with you or not. Please refer to our Emerald Grove guide (which includes the Underground Passage) for details about what you’ll encounter there.

Outside the Emerald Grove, when you approach the Forest (#5), Sazza will thank you for your help, and then she’ll head over to the Goblin Camp. Any Criminal in your party will earn the Jailbreaker inspiration.

You’ll next meet Sazza at the main entrance to the Goblin Camp (#6). She’ll get you past the guards, and then she’ll head for the Shattered Sanctum (Exit C). Inside the sanctum, she’ll get you past the guards again, and then she’ll race deeper inside.

baldurs gate 3 screenshot savethegoblinsazza minthara

When you finally reach Sazza, she’ll be with Nightwarden Minthara, a Drow Paladin and a potential companion — if you’re feeling evil. Minthara won’t be happy with Sazza for failing in to recognize you as a True Soul, and she’ll threaten to feed her to her spiders. If you keep quiet or lie about Sazza, then she’ll get taken away, never to be seen again. But if you tell the truth, then Sazza will survive, and you’ll receive the unique dagger Assassin’s Touch for completing her quest.

Regardless of your choice, Minthara will invite you to help the goblins slaughter the inhabitants of the Emerald Grove. You can accept this invitation and still side with the tieflings, so completing Sazza’s quest won’t lock you into anything.

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter

Starting with cassette tape games on the TRS-80, Steven has been playing, creating, and writing about games for a long, long time. This makes him experienced, not old. Lately, Steven has been focusing on walkthroughs, making sure everybody knows how to solve Towers of Hanoi puzzles.

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