Ju-ju Lagniappe – Alone in the Dark

In general terms, Ju-Ju is essentially an African good-luck charm, and in Alone in the Dark it serves as a Lagniappe – the game’s resident collectible item. When combined into a full set of three, Lagniappes unlock unique rewards. In Ju-Ju’s case, you’ll get a bit of Forbidden Knowledge that will help you understand the game and its events better.

You’ll find the Ju-Ju Lagniappe on the balcony just outside Miss Jackson’s place in the French Quarter when you visit it in Chapter 1. To get there, you’ll first need to get the keys from Batiste inside the Johnny Conqueror store (see image 1 below). After that, proceed through the Quarter, either fighting or avoiding enemies, until you reach a locked gate (see image 2 below). Open it with Batiste’s keys. Enter the courtyard and deal with the enemies infesting it, then proceed upstairs (see image 3 below). The Ju-Ju is waiting for you on the stool there (see image 4 below).

The Ju-Ju is a part of The Crescent City Lagniappe set. The other Lagniappes you’ll need to find to complete this set are:

alone in the dark the crescent city featured image

Completing the set grants you the Forbidden Knowledge reward. If you’d like to know what it is, check out the drop-down below.

alone in the dark the crescent city bonus text

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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