Upcoming Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch Will Include Cross-Play and New Subclasses!

During the latest Community Update for Baldur’s Gate 3, Larian Studios talked about the upcoming Patch 8, which is confirmed to be their last major patch. In the post, they detail some new features coming, including Photo Mode, Cross-play, and a new Subclass for every Class!! Below we’ll go over these new features in more detail.

Ever since Baldur’s Gate 3 was first released, players have been wanting to have Cross-Play in the game, so they can play with their friends regardless of what console they bought it for. Soon, we will finally be getting that feature! This will allow you to find and create lobbies through the Larian Network, letting you play with friends regardless of your system. On top of this, the patch will also add cross-progression, allowing you to continue your multiplayer adventure on any system.

A popular feature in many games is a Photo Mode, and it will soon be added to Baldur’s Gate 3! You can use it just about anywhere, including while you’re exploring, fighting, talking, and even in the middle of cinematic cutscenes. On top of that, there will be several options for getting that perfect shot, including:

  • Camera Settings: moves the camera, adjusts the angle and zoom, makes sure you take the picture at the perfect angle, and more.
  • Lens Settings: adjust lens features such as Field of View, Exposure, Depth of Field, and Focus.
  • Scene Settings: make the picture just the way you want with settings such as who will be in the picture, facial expressions, and poses.
  • Post Processing Effects: adjust things like contrast, saturation, highlights, brightness, and vignette here.
  • Frames and Stickers: Once you’re all done, you can top your picture off with frames and stickers.
baldur's gate 3 photo mode

Finally, players can get a whole new experience with the game with the addition of 12 new subclasses, including one for every class in the game! Every Class will get a brand-new Subclass they can go into, with all new animations, VFX, summons, and cantrips.

This path will help you both heal allies and control your enemies. They can give Temporary Hit Points, while also Charming enemies if they try to attack them. They can then command their Charmed enemies to do various things, such as where to move or to drop their weapon!

College of Glamour gains access to the following features:

  • Mantle of Inspiration
  • Mantle of Majesty

Do you want to be able to toss both friend and foe like ragdolls? This is the Subclass for you! This path will allow you to increase your strength and size, all without the use of a potion. This will allow you to throw objects easier, carry more, and do more damage.

Path of Giants gain access to the following feature:

  • Giant’s Rage

If you want to combine a little dark magic with your healing, you can go down this path. This will allow you to specialize in Necrotic damage and gives you 3 new cantrips to help with this.

Death Doman gains access to the following feature:

  • Toll of the Dead

The Circle of Stars gives your Druid new forms based on constellations, with each one giving a different play style – this includes the Archer, the Chalice, and the Dragon. These celestial forms will help enhance your abilities as a healer, fighter, or strategist.

baldur's gate 3 circle of stars

Circle of Stars gains access to the following feature:

  • Starry Forms

This Oath will allow you to be a great support to your party. It will allow you to absorb damage for your allies while you heal yourself. Additionally, you can taunt enemies with different interrupts.

Oath of the Crown gains access to the following features:

  • Righteous Clarity
  • Divine Allegiance

This path will give the fighter a great ranged option. With this, they can banish enemies to the Feywild for a turn, or deal Psychic damage that will potentially blind the target. If you ever wanted to play a magical, ranged fighter, now’s your chance!

Becoming a Drunken Master will give you a great use for all the bottles and alcohol you find throughout your travels. You can drink these various bottles in your inventory to restore Ki. On top of this, they can use these same bottles to get their enemies drunk — attacking these drunk enemies will give you various advantages against them and buffs.

Drunken Master gains access to the following features:

  • Intoxicating Strike
  • Sobering Realisation

As the name implies, this Ranger Subclass gives you access to three different swarms you can unleash on your enemies! Each one deals a different damage type and gives your foes a different status effect. On top of that, these swarms give you the ability to teleport!

Swarmkeeper gains access to the following features:

  • Cloud of Jellyfish
  • Flurry of Moths
  • Legion of Bees

This Subclass allows you to live the pirate life and play dirty. You can toss sand into the enemies to Blind them, or throw your weapon at them to Disarm. It will also be helpful for melee combat, as you can passively prevent yourself from getting hit with opportunity attacks.

Swashbuckler gains access to the following features:

  • Fancy Footwork

Going down this path will give you a huge advantage while fighting in the darkness. You will be able to easily see in the dark, as well as teleport between areas with dim or no light. On top of this, they can summon their own hound to attack foes and prevent themselves from dying.

baldur's gate 3 shadow magic

Shadow Magic gains access to the following features:

  • Superior Darkvision
  • Shadow Walk
  • Hound of Ill Omen
  • Strength of the Grave

A long-awaited Subclass for the Warlock, Hexblade allows them to create spectral weapons after making a pact with an entity from the Shadowfell. You can raise the spirits of certain enemies for ten turns, making them rip a chunk of an enemy’s soul in order to heal yourself.

This Subclass will allow the Wizard to combine their magic with swordplay. On top of being able to cast spells with your weapon, you can use a new skill that will give yourself numerous buffs. Wizards need stay at the back no longer!

Bladesinging gains access to the following features:

  • Bladesong

While this will be the final major patch for Balder’s Gate 3, it’s going to be a huge one with some long-awaited features! The only thing we know about the release date it that this new Patch will arrive sometime in 2025. That said, we will certainly be on the lookout for more information about Patch 8 as its release gets closer!

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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2 months ago

When will you add the subclasses to the Build Planner?

1 month ago

Will the build planner be updated with the Patch 8 Subasses?