
Wizard Subclass

Your magic influences, beguiles, and bends the will and conviction of those around you. Learning Enchantment spells from scrolls only costs you 25g per spell level, not 50.

Primary Ability: Intelligence
Spellcasting Ability: Intelligence
HP: 6 + CON modifier base, 4 + CON modifier per level
Recommended Attributes (before Bonuses)
8 STR, 13 DEX, 14 CON
15 INT, 10 WIS, 12 CHA

bg3 class wizard enchantment simplified

Subclass Details

A Level 2 Enchantment Wizard has access to the following abilities and features (in addition to their Wizard features):

Subclass Features

  • Enchantment Savant
  • Hypnotic Gaze (Action)


  • None

Enchantment Progression

  • Level 2 – Enchantment Savant, Hypnotic Gaze (Action)
  • Level 6 – Instinctive Charm
  • Level 10 – Split Enchantment
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If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.

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