Black Hole

Illithid Power – Action

Create a point of intense gravity that pulls in all nearby enemies and possibly Slows them. Five more black holes can be summoned after this spell’s initial casting. Afterwards, you must Short Rest before casting it again.

Area of Effect: 18m
Resource Cost: Action
Duration: 1 Turn
Recharge: Short Rest (After 6 Uses)
Saving Throw: Intelligence

baldurs gate 3 tadpolesuperpower blackhole
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If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.

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1 year ago

Black Hole is one of the Illithid Powers that you can get and use in the game. It is a powerful offensive ability that can be unlocked by investing points in the Third Rim of the Illithid Powers skill tree.

The power works as follows: you create a point of intense gravity that pulls in all nearby enemies and possibly slows them down. This ability can be used to pile up enemies in the battlefield and cast area-of-effect spells against them. This is incredibly helpful in certain instances where enemies are far apart from each other for you to effectively cast your AoE spells.

To unlock this power, you need to consume an Astral-Touched Tadpole. The node for this particular ability in the Illithid Powers skill tree can only be unlocked if the player chooses to consume the Astral-Touched Tadpole in the game. You will be given an Astral-Touced Tadpole by the Emperor when you align yourself with him during a main story arc.