Lost Children Lagniappe Set – Alone in the Dark

This guide will help you complete the Lost Children Lagniappe set while playing Alone in the Dark. Doing so will unlock the Shotgun Cabinet and let you get your hands on a powerful new weapon – the shotgun.

Here are the Lagniappes you’ll need to find to complete the Lost Children set:

Check out the individual Lagniappe guides for the precise locations, while below you’ll find some general directions to these three Lagniappes.

Playing as both Emily and Edward, you’ll find it just outside the Clerk’s Office.

alone in the dark rubber stamp lagniappe in game v1

Playing as both Emily and Edward, you’ll find it while exploring Batiste’s room in Chapter 2.

alone in the dark fountain pen lagniappe in game v1

Playing as both Emily and Edward, you’ll find it while exploring the Drawing Room in Chapter 2.

alone in the dark lagniappe dog collar in game v1

Once you’ve found all three Lagniappes, the shotgun case on the wall of the Small Parlor (see image 1 below) will be open, allowing you to grab it. Luckily, since you find the Dog Collar, that will likely be the last Lagniappe of this set for you, in the Drawing Room right next to the Small Parlor, you won’t have to go far to expand your arsenal (see image 2 below).

Also, important to note that once you’ve unlocked the shotgun case, it will stay open for you even on subsequent playthroughs.

Completing the Lost Children set will also grant you some flavorful Bonus Text you’ll be able to access from the Lagniappe menu. Click the dropdown below if you want to see the text now.

alone in the dark lost children bonus text

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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