Death of the Author Lagniappe Set – Alone in the Dark

This guide will direct you to the Lagniappes needed to complete the Death of the Author Lagniappe set in Alone in the Dark. This will impart a shred of Forbidden Knowledge onto you, taking you a few steps closer to truly understanding what’s going on in the game.

You’ll need to gather these Lagniappes to complete the Death of the Author set:

Check out the individual Lagniappe guides for the precise locations, while below you’ll find some general directions to these three Lagniappes.

Playing as both Emily and Edward, you’ll find it to the left of the stairs leading into the sewers when exploring New Orleans in Chapter 3.

alone in the dark typewriter ribbon lagniappe in game v1

Playing as both Emily and Edward, you’ll find it in the bathroom sink that’s by Lottie’s room in Chapter 4.

alone in the dark broken spectacles lagniappe in game v1

Playing as both Emily and Edward, you’ll find it by the typewriter inside Cassandra’s room in Chapter 4.

alone in the dark movie script lagniappe in game v1

Completing the Death of the Author set will impart a rather troubling glimpse of Forbidden Knowledge to you. You can collect the set yourself to discover it, or click the dropdown below.

alone in the dark death of the author bonus text

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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