Beast of Burden Lagniappe Set – Alone in the Dark

This guide will help you complete the Beast of Burden Lagniappe set in Alone in the Dark. After you perform all the tasks needed to put it together, you’ll unlock a bit of Forbidden Knowledge that, to our great surprise, has nothing to do with The Rolling Stones track by the same name. Go figure.

You’ll need to collect these Lagniappes to complete the Beast of Burden set:

Check out the individual Lagniappe guides for the precise locations, while below you’ll find some general directions to these three Lagniappes.

Playing as Emily, you’ll find it after a cutscene with the caretaker in the garden in Chapter 2. Playing as Edward, you won’t get the cutscene and will just be able to pick it up while exploring the garden around the same time in the story.

alone in the dark lagniappe mummified cat in game v1

Playing as both Emily and Edward, you’ll find it while exploring the Hateful Mound in Chapter 2. It’s inside the house that’s blasting loud music.

alone in the dark lagniappe gazing statuette on table v1

Playing as both Emily and Edward, you’ll find it in a small room you reach by squeezing through a crack in the wall on the top level of the Taroella library in Chapter 3.

alone in the dark unmasked evil lagniappe in game v1

Bulls, and the Taurus constellation representing them, play an important part in Alone in the Dark. The bit of Forbidden Knowledge you get by completing the Beast of Burden Lagniappe set highlights that with an implication-rich mythology lesson. If you don’t want to wait until you’ve collected all three pieces, you can click the dropdown below.

alone in the dark beast of burden bonus text

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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